The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 906 The Divine Weapon Becomes 3

Du Long's upgrade took Du Yu more than two months. If it weren't for Du Yu's deep strength, he might not have been able to support the transformation of Du Long's body.

Even so, Du Yu was still exhausted to death. At least his efforts were not in vain.

Fortunately, Du Long is just an innate soul, and was previously condensed from countless resentful spirits. His ability to withstand pain is very abnormal. If it were another person, even Du Yu himself would not know if he could bear such torture.

After all, it is almost equivalent to experiencing the damage caused by all the rules to the physical body at the same time. Just thinking about it can make people feel numb.

Fortunately, the results were gratifying. Du Long's physical defense even surpassed that of Du Yu. He was even more perverted than after he activated the Chaos Combat Body, and his combat effectiveness was also increased to the level of the peak of the primary Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. Even when Du Yu fought against the Demon God King, he didn't have top-notch magic weapons.

But with Du Long, he still won't suffer any loss.

Du Yu removed the barrier with a tired look and was waiting outside. Nangong Qin, who had been worried, rushed over and looked at Du Yu with concern.

When she saw Du Yu's pale face, she couldn't help but feel a little distressed in her eyes, and she asked with concern: "How is it?"

Du Yu glanced at Nangong Qin's cute little face and knew that she was caring about his body. He couldn't help but feel warm in his heart. He hugged Nangong Qin into his arms, smelled the fragrance of her hair and said, "Of course this is the case." It won’t have any impact on me, and when Du Long gets used to his strength, he will definitely give us a big surprise.”

After that, he turned his gaze to Du Long, who was asleep, and could feel the terrifying majesty exuding from Du Long's body at this moment. The originally golden scales had turned pitch black, adding a bit of ferocity. Du Yu is very satisfied with this color. He already likes the mysterious color black, and Du Long's changes at this moment are quite to his liking.

Nangong Qin couldn't help but look at Du Long with a bit more curiosity. Although her strength was already the middle level Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, she couldn't tell what changes Du Long had. The only thing that was certain was that Du Long gave her a kind of Indestructible heaviness.

"You go and take a rest first. I'll just watch over here for you!" After Nangong Qin glanced at Du Long for a few times, he once again focused his attention on Du Yu. After all, she was concerned with Du Yu's body, even if I was curious and just wanted Du Yu to have a good rest.

Du Yu didn't refuse. He was indeed tired. This was an extremely strenuous job. To transform Du Long's body, it was not only necessary to focus on tempering, but also to ensure that it was repaired. In the end, Du Yu felt a little numb.

However, he didn't go far, and he didn't mind that the ground was dirty. He sat down cross-legged and resumed his original position.

While Nangong Qin was paying attention to her surroundings, she couldn't help but stare at Du Yu foolishly. If someone had told her before that one day she would be like a foolish man and feel happy just by looking at someone. At that time, she would slap the man against the wall, unable to unbutton the button, but now she is doing the thing that she disdained the most at the beginning, and she still enjoys it.

It didn't take long for Du Yu's cultivation to recover. With the chaotic world in his body that was almost complete, Du Yu recovered very quickly. If it hadn't been completely perfected, Du Yu would not have suffered a huge consumption. The cycle is endless, Du Yu is completely self-sufficient, almost equivalent to having a world's power reserve.

He stood up directly, looked at Nangong Qin with a smile and said, "Thank you for your hard work, Qin'er."

After that, he pulled Nangong Qin, who was staring at him in a daze, into his arms and pressed a kiss on her forehead.

Nangong Qin's face turned red after realizing it. Although she had been with Du Yu for a while, she was still very shy about such intimate matters. If not for this, Du Yu would have Nangong Qin ate it and disembowelled it.

Every time he looks at Nangong Qin's underage appearance, although he knows clearly that the other person is millions of years old, looking at that clear gaze, Du Yu can't help but feel a sense of guilt. It's his face, after all. There are times when I am shy.

"How long will it stay like this?" Nangong Qin, who stayed obediently in Du Yu's arms, asked curiously after the heat on his face dissipated.

Nangong Qin had long wanted to ask about this creature that suddenly turned pitch black.

"It is currently upgrading its internal organs. The transformation of its physical body has been completed. It will probably wake up soon. You can practice with it by then. Your strength should be about the same. This way, you can hone your strength faster." Du Yu said after thinking for a while.

Not long after he finished speaking, the aura on Du Long's body changed. The sky above his head became turbulent for a short time because of Du Long. A terrifying aura rose up, gathering the people in the Huangyun Mountains. Everyone's attention was attracted.

Although these people were all members of the Fengxing Chamber of Commerce and Lan Feng's faction, after seeing Du Yu standing there, they all stopped and vacated the area. They knew Du Yu's identity clearly. Chu, as businessmen, they know better than anyone else what excitement can be seen and what cannot be seen.

But Du Yu didn't care about them. Even if they were really watching here, Du Yu had nothing to hide. After all, it wasn't a secret. However, Du Yu still liked the fact that the other party was so sensible.

At this moment, Du Long had completed the absorption of the innate soul. The moment he came out of the practice, he felt the terrifying power in his body, which made him roar excitedly.

After he had vented enough, Du Long returned to Du Yu and said excitedly: "Thank you, Master!"

Du Yu didn't say anything, he just smiled and freed up his hand, rubbed Nan Dulong's head and said, "It's okay. Next, you can compete with Qin'er and adapt to the current strength as soon as possible."

Du Long nodded and turned to look at Nangong Qin. Looking at Du Yu and Nangong Qin, he understood Nangong Qin's identity, so he said excitedly: "Then I'll trouble the mistress!"

This voice of the mistress obviously pleased Nangong Qin. Her cheeks were red and her favorable impression of Du Long improved a lot. She waved her hand and said: "It's okay, let's start now. I just need to hone my fighting skills." Skill."

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