The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 907 The Divine Weapon Becomes 4

Afterwards, those in the Huangyun Mountains could often see scenes of a Lolita with an exquisite face fighting a black dragon.

Although it was the Lolita who was attacking the black dragon's defense all the time, those people watched it with gusto. Not to mention seeing this level of battle with their own eyes, very few of them had even heard of it in rumors.

The reason why Du Long was blindly defensive was not because he was afraid of hurting Nangong Qin. After all, Nangong Qin was a middle-level Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian, so he had to give in wherever he was needed.

It just recognized its position, and it understood that what Du Yu needed was just its defense, so it naturally honed its defense methods, and its attack power was only at the level of the primary Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. It is very difficult to encounter the very flexible Nangong Qin, so it is better to defend it well.

This will be beneficial to both of them, and will allow both of them to grow their strengths as quickly as possible. In this case, why not do it.

Du Yu did not interfere in their battle. The talents of the man and the dragon were at the monster level and did not need his guidance at all. At this moment, Du Yu had already entered the refining room where Lan Feng and the others were.

Two months after Du Long regained consciousness, the door to the weapon refining room that had been closed suddenly opened. A master of casting the magic weapon came out and invited Du Yu in. He said that the creation of the magic weapon had reached the final moment. What Du Yu has to do now is to refine the magic weapon with blood, so that the compatibility between the magic weapon and him will be very high.

Du Yu naturally followed the opponent directly. Du Yu was also looking forward to this magical weapon, which was said to be the best in the world of reincarnation. From the mouth of the master of casting the magical weapon, Du Yu heard very gratifying news. The magical weapon The casting is perfect, and now there is only this last step left before the magic weapon can be born.

At this moment, in the passage, in the huge refining furnace placed above the Earth Vein Divine Fire, endless hot orange flames are rising, and an astonishing sharp energy can be vaguely felt in it.

Lan Feng and several masters of the magic weapon forging were staring at the situation in the refining furnace with solemn faces. They all looked cautious. At this moment, it had reached the last moment, and everyone seemed to be very careful.

Du Yu couldn't understand what they were doing, but he could feel that the other party was using their mental power to control the earth vein divine fire in the refining furnace to carve something.

The power of the earth vein divine fire is extremely terrifying. Even the ordinary Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian dare not touch it. But now in their hands, it seems to be their other hand, very flexible.

If it weren't for the Magic Weapon Caster's unique skill of controlling fire with his hands, which could only be used in the refining furnace, they would definitely be the most feared existence. As long as they have good flames, fighting across levels is as easy as eating and drinking.

Seeing Du Yu's arrival, they were unmoved at all, as if they didn't notice at all. The magic weapon casting master who brought Du Yu over also directly found a place to sit down and began to carefully continue his work. , only Lan Feng said to Du Yu without looking back: "Sit next to me, and when I tell you to bleed, just give it to me directly, the kind that needs to contain all your strength. "

Lan Feng also specifically warned him about the last sentence, which was obviously very important.

The tense atmosphere made Du Yu lower his voice subconsciously, nodded and said, "No problem."

After saying that, he found a place to sit down next to Lan Feng and stared at the refining furnace seriously. Although he couldn't understand what Lan Feng and the others were doing, it did make people feel very powerful. Even a layman like him, You can feel the master level of Lan Feng and the others.

This inevitably makes Du Yu look forward to his magic weapon even more. He doesn't know how much this magic weapon can improve his strength. This is also an issue that Du Yu is very concerned about.

About half an hour later, Lan Feng suddenly shouted: "Blood!"

Du Yu had been prepared for a long time. With a flick of his finger, a drop of blood containing the power of all his rules flew towards Lan Feng. This was not his blood essence, but it was better than the essence blood of many Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian. Blood is more precious and powerful.

It's just a magic weapon. Du Yu has no intention of wasting a drop of his blood. He has the most precious weapon of the gun type, the God-killing Spear. He doesn't need other magic weapons at all. This magic weapon is just for his temporary use. It's just a substitute. Although it is very valuable, it was only made to deal with the ancient demon clan.

Moreover, Du Yu is not sure whether the things from the world of reincarnation can be brought back to the world of chaos. After all, he has never heard of anyone being able to bring things back to the world of chaos when going through the tribulation of reincarnation. Of course, it may also be because of those who have gone through the tribulation. People regard this place as an environment, and they only dare to practice hard. After improving their strength to meet the requirements, they rush back immediately.

After all, in the rumors in the chaotic world for so many years, I have only heard that the leader of Tongtian killed him alone and successfully survived the tribulation of reincarnation. With his status back then, who dared to ask him what happened during the tribulation of reincarnation? What happened.

Lan Feng took the blood that Du Yu brought. After seeing that it was not his natal essence and blood, he didn't say anything. Anyway, the essence and blood given by Du Yu contained almost all the power of the rules. It is very terrifying, completely enough to meet the requirements of blood refining, and even more useful than the blood essence and blood of ordinary Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. Naturally, he will not mind the difference.

He carefully divided Du Yu's blood drops evenly and distributed them to the magic weapon forging master on the side. Although he shouted in a low voice and gave the order: "Get ready to start the branding blood refining, one part per person, don't make any mistakes! "

His tone was very stern. He was the one taking the lead in the refining process this time. His scolding of the others did not feel inappropriate, and they all knew the importance of this step.

Therefore, everyone concentrated on carefully wrapping the blood drops allocated to themselves with mental power, sending them into the refining furnace, and slowly and steadily carved them with the lines that served as the core.

They had obviously made tailor-made magic weapons for others thousands of times, and they already knew the core lines well, but they still inevitably became nervous.

But they are casting masters after all. Although they are extremely nervous, it does not affect the movements of their hands at all. Everything is still flowing smoothly and very calmly. Du Yu is also watching from the side, and although he does not understand, it does not prevent him from understanding. The skills involved.

About three hours later, as the patterns carved by several people merged together, the entire divine weapon suddenly glowed with red light. The sky outside the Huangyun Mountains instantly darkened, and terrifying pressure began to gather quickly.

This is the most powerful magic weapon in the world of reincarnation!

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