With Du Yu's current strength, if he was really hit, let alone Du Long protecting him, even if the energy shield was twice as strong, it would definitely be destroyed directly.

At that time, with the sharpness of the magic weapon, Nangong Qin's physical body would not be enough to see.

The ferocity of this blow was different from that of Du Long. Although Nangong Qin had no intention of attacking Du Yu, he still inevitably brought a bit of aggression. At this moment, Du Yu had been affected by the violent force and simply couldn't. Nangong Qin could not recognize him. When he felt the dangerous aura on Nangong Qin's body, his instinctive attack became stronger.

If this was the blow that fell on Du Long just now, it would definitely be cut into two pieces on the spot. Even if Nangong Qin had Du Long's shield, there would be absolutely no chance of surviving this blow. .

But Nangong Qin had no intention of backing down. This opportunity to get close to Du Yu was earned by Du Long at the cost of serious injury.

If she misses this opportunity, she will have no chance to get close to Du Yu again. If Du Yu completely falls into a rage, then there will really be no chance. She does not dare to retreat, nor is she willing to retreat.

She rushed towards Du Yu's spear tip without caring. Even if Du Yu's spear really penetrated her, she would not have any regrets, because that was Du Yu, the only one she loved in her life. people.

Nangong Qin's eyes were full of determination, and Lan Feng and others felt her tragic meaning. They were already shocked by the touching scene in the sky. Such pure love, for strong men like them, was simply impossible. It's rare. After all, after gaining strength, people will be afraid of death.

Nangong Qin's strength, which is almost at the pinnacle of the entire reincarnation world, and his ability to risk death for his lover made them sincerely amazed.

They couldn't bear to see Nangong Qin's blood splattered three feet, and they all lowered their heads.

However, the sound of the imaginary magic weapon breaking through the flesh did not come. They just heard Du Yu's muffled groan, which made them look to the sky curiously. He turned his attention to Du Yu.

What they saw was the scene of Du Yu holding Nangong Qin with one hand. The almost fatal shot moved away at the critical moment, stabbing out a long black streak not far from Nangong Qin's waist. crack.

Under Du Yu's shot, the space seemed to be made of tofu. The space that ordinary saints of heaven could not shake was smashed to pieces. Even with the self-healing ability of the reincarnation world space, no one could repair this crack for a while. To make up for it, it can be seen how terrifying this blow is.

They stared blankly at Du Yu, who was like a god. The other party still lowered his head and looked at Nangong Qin. Because he was blocked by Nangong Qin, they could not see whether Du Yu was awake or not, which made them feel uncomfortable. Dare you take a breath, let alone change your position and take a look.

After a long time, they heard Du Yu's slightly hoarse voice: "Qin'er, okay, you hugged her so tightly that my husband's waist was almost broken by you."

Although this sentence was meant as a joke, Lan Feng and the others all burst into tears. It was great that their master was not violent. After all, they really couldn't defeat Du Yu, even if all the strong men in the reincarnation world gathered together. At this point, they may not be Du Yu's opponents. They were almost scared to death by Du Yu.

Nangong Qin didn't dare to raise his hand to look at Du Yu before, for fear that if he raised his hand, he would see a pair of cold and stern eyes that no longer remembered him. Now when he heard Du Yu's still gentle voice, he couldn't help but burst into tears.

Although he still didn't let go of the thin arms tightly hugging Du Yu, he gave some strength, at least not to make Du Yu feel uncomfortable.

She looked up at Du Yu with a pair of crystal tears. Just when she was about to cry to him, she was shocked by Du Yu's appearance at this moment.

One of Du Yu's eyes was as usual as before, but the other eye became as red as a demon. It looked very ferocious and terrifying, and it was still filled with a strong sense of destruction and killing.

Nangong Qin suddenly exclaimed: "Yu, what's wrong with your eyes! What happened to you now?"

Because of her anxiety, she even became a little incoherent.

Du Yu looked at the fierce weapon in his hand that was red and filled with endless killing energy. A complicated look flashed in his eyes. This magic weapon was much stronger than before, but now he didn't have the energy to look anywhere. It’s different.

He directly put the magic weapon into his body, then rubbed Nangong Qin's head and said: "The violent thoughts were temporarily sealed in my left eye, but there is no good way to solve it for the time being. If it doesn't work, , just take off the eyes."

Du Yu said half-jokingly, if he hadn't noticed that Nangong Qin was in danger just now and happened to use the power of the Zhantian Jade Emperor Art to peel off this will in a panic, he might not be able to control his body now.

In fact, Du Yu had no choice but to seal this will in his left eye. After all, the eyes are the closest to the sea of ​​consciousness, and the power of the Zhantian Jade Emperor Art here is also the strongest, otherwise Du Yu would not sacrifice his own one eye.

If there is really no other way, Du Yu will really use the decision he just made as a joke to expel this will.

After all, that will specifically infects the power of rules, and Du Yu's chaotic undead body, which is the main combat force, happens to be affected by this will. This completely limits the use of his chaotic undead body. Du Yu's combat effectiveness drops directly. Speaking of dealing with the ancient demon clan, even dealing with the ordinary Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is very difficult.

When Nangong Qin heard Du Yu's method, she immediately became anxious. She hurriedly covered Du Yu's mouth and said, "Take your words back quickly, we will definitely find something!"

She knew how much the price would be for strong men like them if they lost an important part. Even if their recovery power was amazing and their plucked eyes could be recovered quickly, there was nothing they could do in a short time. Compared to other places.

This is almost equivalent to giving oneself a weakness, a very fatal weakness. If it was fine in normal times, it would just take some time to repair the eyes, but it is different now. They are about to fight the ancient demon clan. How can they do that? Let Du Yu fight the legendary Demon King with such an obvious weakness!

Nangong Qin bit her lower lip tightly, and it took her a long time to muster up the courage. With a pretty red face, she said in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "Yu, you want me, I think I should be able to help." you."

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