The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 912 A blessing in disguise

Du Yu was a little confused by Nangong Qin's words and couldn't react for a while, even though his relationship with Nangong Qin was already very close.

But because of Nangong Qin's appearance, Du Yu has never been embarrassed to do it. If it were any mature woman, Du Yu would not be like this. The main reason is that Nangong Qin's loli appearance makes him always feel a strange sense of guilt. .

Moreover, Nangong Qin has never expressed his feelings in this regard, so Du Yu is too embarrassed to take action. He just acts as a couple and waits for the other party to reveal his feelings. However, he did not expect that this opportunity would come at such an embarrassing moment. When Nangong Qin arrived, Du Yu was a little worried that Nangong Qin might have misunderstood something, thinking that he was attracted by her special physique, so he got together with her.

Du Yu thought of this, looked at Nangong Qin seriously and said: "Qin'er, I am definitely not with you because of your special physique."

Du Yu had learned about Nangong Qin's past from Nangong Qin. Nangong Qin had a special physique. This physique could be said to be the dark past that Nangong Qin didn't want to recall. At this moment, Nangong Qin took the initiative, which showed that Nangong Qin was also very determined. Du Yu was afraid that he would touch the soft scar in Nangong Qin's heart.

Nangong Qin covered Du Yu's mouth to stop him from continuing to speak. Even if Du Yu had a thousand words to say, they were all blocked by her eyes full of trust.

Only then did Du Yu realize that he was in a daze. Nangong Qin said more about her use. From the beginning, she could fight against the three people from Taoist Academy for herself. Even though she knew she was losing, she still wanted to protect her. With this kind of dedication, there has long been no separation between them.

He couldn't help but rubbed Nangong Qin's head, pressed her into his arms and said, "I was a little stupid."

Nangong Qin did not speak, but looked at Du Yu with a gentle smile. From the beginning, she was willing to sacrifice everything for Du Yu, including her own life. How could it be difficult to dedicate herself? On the contrary, The happiest thing about her.

Du Yu picked up Nangong Qin and disappeared into the air, leaving behind Lan Feng and others who looked at them in confusion. They didn't know what Du Yu and Nangong Qin said. After all, Du Yu's feelings were still violent. In this state, the crack that was stabbed before was still clearly visible. How could they dare to use their spiritual sense to detect it? If Du Yu's attention was attracted, they would really die without knowing how.

After all, their relationship with Du Yu is not as close as Nangong Qin's, and they don't have Du Long's physical strength. Du Yu may not be merciful to them.

It took a long time after Du Yu left for them to have a feeling of surviving a disaster. In front of the first person in the reincarnation world who fell into a violent situation, everyone in the reincarnation world would not be afraid. They were just a group of masters of casting magic weapons. They are not a combat profession. Once they start taking action, they are definitely just a bunch of cannon fodder.

It wasn't until this moment that they noticed Du Long, who was lying on the side groaning. The huge wound on his body that was cut by Du Yu seemed to be even bigger when viewed from a close distance. You could even see the scar wrapped under the bright red flesh. That dense layer of white bones made them feel pain just looking at it.

Moreover, there was a layer of gray-red mist around the wound, which was constantly eroding Du Long's body and aggravating his injuries.

Lan Feng and others did not dare to hesitate at all. They knew the importance of Du Long to Du Yu. They could see it from the name alone. If Du Long died in their hands, I am afraid that they would have a high status and a very useful role. I'm afraid I won't be able to escape the fate of being buried with Du Long.

They don’t dare to gamble at all! He quickly used all his strength to heal Dulong's injuries, for fear that he would just die here.

At this moment, the person responsible for Du Long's injury had already forgotten Du Long. To be honest, if he hadn't sensed that Nangong Qin was in danger, Du Yu might not have been able to wake up. If Du Long knew about this, I'm afraid It cannot help but feel sad.

Du Yu didn't go too far, he hugged Nangong Qin directly and went to his room in the Weapon Refining Sect.

He is not a hypocritical person, and the power of the seal in his eyes is indeed unstoppable. The feeling of not being able to control himself before was really bad. Du Yu now just wants to solve the hidden danger as soon as possible.

He placed Nangong Qin on the bed, and with a wave of his hand, he set up a layer of barrier, blocking out all perceptions of the outside world and blocking out the spring scenery.

A month later, the barrier that enveloped Du Yu and Nangong Qin gradually dissipated. Du Yu was sitting cross-legged and meditating, and the same was true for Nangong Qin. If it hadn't been for the somewhat messy bed, no one would have thought that these two people who seemed to have just come out of seclusion. People have experienced something.

As the barrier was removed, Du Yu slowly opened his eyes. At this moment, his left eye was no longer as red as Shura, but it was not as black as ink before.

The pupils, which were originally bottomless black, now turned into a vermilion filled with bloody aura. At first glance, people might be shocked.

However, this added a bit of domineering air to Du Yu. Instead of destroying his aura, it actually made Du Yu a bit more evil and handsome.

Du Yu didn't care about his appearance, but Nangong Qin, who also opened his eyes, was fascinated by it.

Although Nangong Qin is very aloof, she is actually an out-and-out beauty control. Of course, her beauty control is only for her lover. Her sweetheart becomes more handsome, which makes Nangong Qin's heartbeat subconsciously speed up a few minutes. .

Du Yu was amused by her silly look. He couldn't help but rub Nangong Qin's head and said affectionately: "My wife will look at my husband like this, and he will be embarrassed!"

The relationship between the two of them, because of this sudden in-depth communication, has become a bit more intimate. It should be said that it has become a bit more relaxed, just like a newlywed couple, with an extra sense of freedom.

Nangong Qin's face didn't have the coldness when facing outsiders at this moment. She looked exactly like a young daughter-in-law. She blushed and said obediently: "Husband, how do you feel now? Has that power been suppressed?"

Du Yu chuckled and nodded. After practicing double cultivation with Nangong Qin, Du Yu got a special power from her. This power has many functions. It can be used not only to improve the physical body, but also to improve the understanding of rules. Things like degree and mental power, and more importantly, Du Yu's seal and the will in his left eye, when facing this power, it was as if he had encountered a nemesis and was easily suppressed.

"My wife is really my husband's lucky star. Not only has the hidden danger been solved, but she has also been a blessing in disguise." Du Yu said, kissing Nangong Qin's forehead.

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