The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 918 Improving the Strength of Subordinates

Nangong Qin's strength was displayed in front of so many people at once, and his terrifying combat power was simply outrageous.

Under the overwhelming strength, Huang Feng and the Supreme Dean had no chance and were smashed into a puddle of mud. When it came to violence, Nangong Qin was definitely the best in the world of reincarnation.

Those forces seeking protection from the Taoist Academy were all trembling and kneeling on the ground at this moment, looking stupidly at Nangong Qin, who still had blood on his face. His eyes were no different from looking at an evil ghost.

After all, he was a peak powerhouse, and being beaten to death like that was even more shocking than Du Yu's previous instant kill.

Du Yu was too lazy to care about these people. He called Feng Qingyang over and said to him: "Feng Qingyang, go and call over all the saints who are currently at the peak of the Heavenly Punishment but have not absorbed the Destruction Rune." , by the way, go and find me a way to release the ancient demon clan, now it’s time to deal with them.”

"Yes, Master!" Feng Qingyang saluted with his hands raised, and then immediately turned around to prepare for this matter.

In fact, after Du Yu confirmed the final target, Feng Qingyang has been preparing for these things. At this moment, he only needs to extract this information. He mainly leaves just to notify those who meet the required strength to come.

Feng Qingyang couldn't help but feel excited when he thought about his comprehensive improvement in the near future. He would probably never forget such a shocking scene in his life.

In the world of reincarnation, there are not just a hundred people who have reached the peak of the Heavenly Dao Saint's strength. According to his statistics, there are nearly 400 such beings. Most of them are old immortals who have closed the door to death. They hope to be able to survive in the world. Break through to a new level and add some longevity to yourself.

Many of these people came to seek refuge with their own forces after knowing the conditions offered by Heavenly Punishment. The fact that Heavenly Punishment was able to take over the reincarnation world so easily within a month has something to do with these people. .

As soon as they heard Du Yu's order, they immediately dropped everything they were doing and rushed here like flying, as if they were afraid that they would be late and the Destruction Rune would not be part of them.

In less than half an hour, before I even finished reading the information, these people had already rushed over from all over the world.

There was no need for him to emphasize it. These leaders were all standing in a square formation like soldiers, waiting for Du Yu to speak.

Du Yu just glanced at them with raised eyebrows after everyone arrived, and then continued to study the information presented by Feng Qingyang with Nangong Qin, without any intention of proposing the destruction rune.

After all, it was the first time they met, so it was easy for them to get it too easily, and it was easy for some overt and treacherous things to happen. The critical moment was coming soon, and Du Yu didn't want them to let him off the hook at this time, so he still needed to show off his power when necessary.

By the time Du Yu finished reading the information about the place where the ancient demon clan was sealed and banished, more than three hours had passed unknowingly. It was not that Du Yu deliberately delayed the time, but that there were indeed so many intelligence records. Where was the original information? It uses the power of the entire reincarnation world, and even many of the past treasures of the reincarnation world.

Even Du Yu didn't dare to underestimate it. Since he could drive them out with the strength of the weak queen and the ancient demon clan, the things left behind must be very terrifying. Du Yu didn't want to fall short because of his carelessness.

During these three hours, the people on the opposite side were very honest and showed no dissatisfaction at all. Everyone's eyes were full of fire. Let alone standing, even if they were asked to kneel for three hours, these leaders would definitely do it. Without hesitation, I couldn't help but how could Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian break through so easily, otherwise how could Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian be so small in the world of reincarnation.

Du Yu can allow them to break through this realm 100%, and they are absolutely willing to work for Du Yu. After all, they all have an understanding of themselves. If they don't have a great opportunity, there will be no hope of breakthrough in this life.

Otherwise, Huang Feng wouldn't have had to find a cauldron to help him break through the realm. If this matter was leaked, even the Wendao Academy would not be able to protect him. After all, the forces that claim to be the enlightenment are obviously prohibited. Such inhumane things as furnace cauldrons exist.

"Ahem, okay, don't keep us waiting any longer, let's get started now." Du Yu coughed twice, drew everyone's attention, and said slowly.

To be honest, he was very satisfied with the performance of these people. Whether they were well-educated or not arrogant, at least he was very satisfied with the performance of these people.

After he finished speaking, the spirits of these former overlords were shaken. Although they did not make a sound, Du Yu could feel the excitement.

Du Yu flicked his finger, and more than 300 black lights disappeared directly into the minds of these people. They all knew what it was, and they all suppressed their restless hearts, let go of their defenses, and allowed the destruction runes to fly into their minds. In the sea of ​​consciousness.

"Okay, now you can refine freely. When the matter is over, take your men and gather outside the Demon Suppressing Abyss in a month." Du Yu said with his hands behind his back, looking calmly at the people below.

The Demon-Suppressing Abyss is where the Overlord led the unified army of the reincarnation world to seal the ancient demon clan. It is also the place where the connection between the two is reopened.

This information was in the hands of those super sand forces, and Feng Qingyang only sorted it out after Heavenly Scourge recovered them.

None of those people questioned Du Yu's decision. They raised their hands and shouted: "I will obey the master's orders!"

After he finished speaking, he didn't leave. He sat cross-legged on the ground and began to refine the Destruction Rune in the Sea of ​​Consciousness. He didn't care at all about the fragile period of his cultivation.

In fact, there is indeed no place in the entire reincarnation world that is safer than here. There is no problem with their choice. After all, the biggest threat around Du Yu is Du Yu himself.

It is absolutely impossible for the world of reincarnation to exist, and there is no one who can hide it from Du Yu.

These old and immortal people will never let go of such a person who has a good impression in front of Du Yu.

They had understood before that the Rune of Destruction, as a prop condensed by Du Yu, would become more and more effective as Du Yu's strength increased. As long as they stayed with Du Yu, how could they worry that their strength would not be able to be achieved in the future? Get promoted?

Feng Qingyang is the best example at the beginning. He was one of the first people to enjoy the Rune of Destruction. He directly hit the strength of the Heavenly Saint from the peak of half-step to the Heavenly Saint. Now he is only one step away from stepping into the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal. To this point, such growth is simply outrageous. After all, he came up like a rocket in less than twenty years.

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