The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 919 Suppressing the Demonic Abyss

A month passed in a blink of an eye, and Du Yu and Nangong Qin appeared outside the Demon-Suppressing Abyss.

After such a long period of breath adjustment, Du Yu has restored himself to his peak state. This is definitely the moment when Du Yu has the strongest combat effectiveness at this stage.

Looking at the huge abyss filled with billowing gray smoke in front of him, Feng Qingyang, who was standing behind Du Yu, sighed and asked: "Master, do you think this abyss is man-made?"

With a smile on his lips, Du Yu shook his head and said: "I'm not sure, but if this is man-made, that person must not be the Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian. I am afraid that only the strength of the Hunyuan Saint can be reincarnated in the world. The space was torn apart."

Although tearing apart space can be easily done by ordinary heavenly saints, the meaning contained in it is completely different.

Even Du Yu couldn't do it if he wanted to tear it apart to such an extent. After all, it would tear through the entire world directly. Compared with the tearing within the world, it was not a heavyweight at all.

Even with Du Yu's strength, he would not be able to tear the world of reincarnation apart completely. He could only break within the framework of the world of reincarnation and destroy the things inside.

"Hey, I really don't know how this place was created in the first place." Feng Qingyang rubbed his head and found a head of smooth long hair, which made him a little uncomfortable. After all, he had been bald for so many years and suddenly had hair. , he always feels weird.

Nangong Qin was very well-behaved. He followed Du Yu and looked at the scenery honestly. The power of rules in Zhenmoyuan was extremely weak, and it seemed that because of the sealing of the ancient demon clan, the aura of death leaked out of it. It's so rich that not to mention plants, even saints don't dare to stay here for a long time. This is definitely a truly barren land.

In the world of reincarnation, apart from the ancient demon clan, Du Yu is the only one left who has mastered the rules of death.

For ordinary people, let alone being familiar with such overbearing rules, it would be awesome to be able to remain unaffected by the Death Rules. If he didn't possess the Chaos Undead Body, Du Yu would not dare to touch the Death Rules at all.

There is a faint layer of light yellow halo around the Zhenmo Abyss, which seems to block the leakage of the breath in the Zhenmo Abyss, and even shields the internal situation, making people have no idea what the other side looks like.

After describing the data, if there are no accidents, this is the formation that consumed 80% of the power of the entire reincarnation world and sacrificed countless strong men to create it. The reason why the original reincarnation world was in a state of collapse was largely due to They are all related to this formation.

Even with Du Yu's current strength, he dare not say whether he would have a chance to escape if he was sealed by this formation, but he must not be able to escape, otherwise it would be impossible to trap the ancient demon clan for so long. After all, the opponent's Demon King is the strength of the lower-level Hunyuan Great Luo Jinxian.

The three of them did not stand for long before large armies were falling one after another in the distance. Each batch was an elite force from all sides. The strong murderous aura was already their best medal. Obviously, each of these people dared to fool anyone. , brought his elite troops over without any hidden secrets.

After the troops arrived, these powerful men who had entered Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian bowed to Du Yu and the others honestly, and then stood quietly behind Du Yu, not daring to go any further. This move, Du Yu's power and magic, impressed them from the bottom of their hearts. At this moment, they were all ready to go to the dark side with Du Yu. After all, who doesn't like painless upgrades.

The exhilarating feeling of using the Destruction Rune to absorb demonic power crystals to increase will become addictive as long as you enjoy it once. The sudden increase in strength without side effects is definitely what everyone dreams of.

Gradually, all the high-level cadres of Tiansheng arrived. More than 500 junior Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian and more than 50 intermediate Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian were neatly arranged behind Du Yu. The elites they arrived include countless strong men of all levels, but they all have one characteristic, that is, they have all seen blood and are warriors who have experienced fighting.

The personnel this time are more terrifying than at any time in the reincarnation world. Even the ancient demon clan back then were not as exaggerated as they are now.

As the last batch of troops arrived, Du Yu waved his hand to Feng Qingyang behind him and said, "Go ahead and destroy this formation for me."

Feng Qingyang nodded cautiously, then turned around and waved his hand behind him. A group of people immediately separated from the elite army. Most of these people were old men with white beards and hair. After walking out, they ran directly towards the formation. The direction of Fa rushed over.

Du Yu didn't know these people, but Nangong Qin was a little surprised in her eyes. Looking at Du Yu's puzzled look, she explained: "These people are famous formation masters in the reincarnation world, and there is no news about many of them. I didn't expect to be alive. Did you see the person at the front? It is said that he participated in the arrangement of this formation and was one of the main core figures at that time."

Du Yu looked in the direction of Nangong Qin's finger. It was an old man he had never seen before. His strength was at the level of an ordinary lower-level Tiandao saint, but his aura was very old.

That man seemed to be the leader of this group of people, and he was directing everything. He seemed to be very happy at the moment. Du Yu asked with some confusion: "We are going to destroy this thing that they spent so much effort to make." Formation, how can he still be so happy?"

When Du Yu thinks about it, if he wants to destroy the formation, this person should definitely be the one who opposes it the most. After all, for this formation, a full 90% of the powerful people were sacrificed in this formation. , maybe there are relatives and friends of the old man among them.

Behind Du Yu, Feng Qingyang looked at the man's busy back with some admiration in his eyes, and said solemnly: "Master, compared with a mere formation, it is obviously more important to be able to remove the hidden danger of the ancient demon clan. , The reason why he works so hard is that he knows our purpose. When I was looking for talents to break the formation, he directly volunteered."

Du Yu couldn't help but sigh with emotion when he looked at the old man's back. He subconsciously asked, "Does he really believe that we can win?"

But then a fighting will to win surged out of Du Yu's body, attracting everyone's attention. Du Yu said confidently: "How could I lose!"

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