The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 933 A hard slap in the face 1

In the chaotic world, there is a dangerous place called the Valley of Lost Souls.

According to rumors, it contains great dangers and is shrouded in a layer of fog all year round. Even if a saint of heaven enters it, he will lose his way and be trapped and die.

The Valley of Lost Souls seems to have existed for an extremely long time. No one knows how long it has existed before it came into view. It was a huge adventure group at that time, claiming to conquer the so-called Valley of Lost Souls. As a result, after the entire adventure group entered it, they never came out again. The entire adventure group consisted of ten primary-level Heavenly Saints and three intermediate-level saints. None of the Tiandao Saints and a lower-level Tiandao Saint were spared.

This incident caused a great sensation at the time, making the Valley of Lost Souls famous throughout the Chaos World. Precisely because of this illustrious reputation, few people dared to approach it, making it almost a forbidden place.

This is where the original people of the Chaos World gather, and where Yang Sifan's home is located.

Deep in the Valley of Lost Souls, among the layers of clouds and mist, tall buildings rise one after another, like a fairyland. Young disciples are sparring diligently, and many powerful warriors are guiding them to practice. , looking quiet and peaceful.

Suddenly, several heavy bells rang, and everyone's expressions changed dramatically. This was an alarm that would only be sounded when someone invaded. After so many years, this was the first time they had encountered such a thing.

The faces of those young people turned pale with fright. Even the middle-aged warriors were definitely not good-looking. They knew the meaning of the bell. The last time this happened was when an adventure group invaded. At that time, they But a huge price was paid to keep all those people behind. Could this alarm mean another heavy price to pay?

Although they were panicking, their actions were not slow. The days of hiding had long tempered their determination.

Some middle-aged warriors are already arranging to take the young people in the valley to a safe place, while others are gathering directly towards the entrance of the valley. Countless lights are flashing in the sky, and the powerful auras of the gods are all breaking through the barrier and heading outside. Go.

Outside the valley, ten star battleships were neatly arranged in the sky. On the ground below, the Qilin Army had already set up a formation to surround the opponent.

Du Yu clasped his hands behind his back, leaning on a huge throne with his eyes closed, paying no attention to the warriors pouring out from the opposite side.

The senior officials on the opposite side gradually arrived, and Du Yu opened his eyes slightly. Yang Sifan's father was opposite. Just three days ago, for Du Yu, he was a lower-level heavenly saint who was still out of reach, but he had experienced the world of reincarnation. Finally, he could easily kill such a being with just a breath. Because of Yang Sifan's matter, Du Yu didn't look at him kindly at this moment.

As a patriarch, if this person says that the people below him don’t know what to do, he will be the leader of the clan. No matter what the reason is, the other party has also put his daughter in a dangerous situation, allowing him to continue to give the other party Respect, Du Yu can't do it yet.

After Yang Sifan's father saw Du Yu, his frown suddenly relaxed. He had seen ten star warships before, and he thought it was people from the Star Palace who found this place. If so, they would It's dangerous. It's not that they can't do anything to keep the people from the Star Palace, but they just destroy their ten star battleships. How could the other party give up? The exposure is almost 100%. Although they are not worried about the Star Palace, they don't have the confidence and safety. The world is calling for trouble.

"Du Yu, what do you mean? Ask your people to withdraw." Yang Sifan's father said with an unhappy face. In his heart, he blamed Du Yu for his ignorance. Originally, he thought Du Yu was a good person. Young man, but now it seems that we need to reconsider.

"That's it, what kind of place do you think the Valley of Lost Souls is? How dare you be so presumptuous? Don't think that relying on Yang Sifan's admiration for you can be lawless. This is not a place where you, a junior, can challenge," said a man behind Yang Sifan's father. The elder interrupted and said that his position was very interesting compared to that of Yang Sifan's father, the clan leader. He was only half a step behind. If you didn't look carefully, you wouldn't even be able to tell.

It can be seen that this person is capable of confronting Yang Sifan's father, the patriarch of the clan. After the elder finished speaking, there were two elders who helped to answer the words. The tone was that Du Yu relied on his own talent and was blind. The words "respected elders" are not unpleasant to say, as if they are caring about the elders, but these are all pouring dirty water on Du Yu. If nothing else, those who meet Du Yu for the first time have a certain attitude towards Du Yu. had some dissatisfaction.

Du Yu ignored them, as if they were just a bunch of clowns talking to themselves. He turned his head and asked Zhuge Liang behind him: "Kong Ming, who is the elder you mentioned who took the initiative to contact you? Point it out to me." Let me see."

His voice was not loud, but it reached everyone's ears clearly. It was obvious that he was talking to them.

After hearing these words, everyone's expressions became different. Yang Sifan's father moved his brows and glanced at the great elder next to him, and he understood what Du Yu was saying. The reason is that he did not expect that the elder's hand would be stretched out so long. This subordinate who directly skipped other people's orders to contact him was like blatant poaching. Even he would be very angry.

The two elders of his faction had similar ideas to him, so it was indeed a bit despicable for them to do such a thing.

As for the great elder, the old god is still there. In fact, this matter has no impact on him at all. He only needs to insist on refusing to admit it. With his identity, nothing will happen at all. If it is done properly If so, maybe Du Yu could be charged with frame-up charges and his Qilin Army with unlimited potential could be dug out.

Zhuge Liang, who had long guessed Du Yu's arrangement, stood up with a calm face. He didn't care about the threatening gaze of the elder opposite him. He bowed and saluted Du Yu, pointed at the man and said, "Your Majesty, that's the man. He plans to Let me take my subordinates, abandon Your Majesty, join them, and make a promise to fully support the growth of the Qilin Army."

Although these are not the person's original words, they were embellished by him, but the other person's original words have almost the same meaning. At best, what Zhuge Liang did was to remove the euphemism from the person's words and make it more straightforward. Just say it out loud.

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