The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 934 A hard slap in the face 2

The elder was pointed out directly by Zhuge Liang, and he felt that he had lost all face.

He glanced at the great elder standing in front, walked out and said coldly: "Is that what you said? You, a nobody, actually framed me. It seems that if I don't teach you a lesson, you won't do it." Now you know how to respect the strong!"

As soon as he finished speaking, his coercion, which could only be possessed by a lower-level Heavenly Dao Saint, was immediately crushed against Zhuge Liang. Zhuge Liang was only a half-step Heavenly Dao Saint. If he was hit by him, he would definitely suffer heavy losses.

It can be seen that this person is very ruthless. I am afraid that he not only wants to teach Zhuge Liang a lesson, but also wants to give him a blow to convince Zhuge Liang.

Du Yu glanced at Yang Sifan's father. He and the two elders under his command did not make any move, indicating that they acquiesced in the elder's actions. Du Yu couldn't help but shook his head. Compared with him, the other party seemed to be. The faction that chose the great elder who could not offend had completely lost the goodwill they had towards Yang Sifan's father.

If the other party showed any signs at this time, Du Yu wouldn't mind helping him in the future, but the other party gave up the opportunity to repair the relationship with Du Yu.

Naturally, he couldn't let that elder hurt Zhuge Liang. Although this man's strength was good, it was just like that. In the divine punishment, such strength could not even match that of a middle-level cadre, that is, he was only at the level of a small captain. Du Yulian Too lazy to take action.

This was naturally solved by Du Long who was entrenched behind him. Du Long was not seen making any moves. The elder who exuded aura and looked majestic was held in the palm of his hand. In front of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, The lower-level Tiandao saints are really nothing. They are just like babies, they are looked down upon, they are just a group of ants.

"As long as the target is confirmed, that's it. I don't like to talk nonsense. Now is the time to rob. As long as you are a cadre, hand over your Tiandao value. My patience is limited, don't waste my time." Du Yu clasped his fingers and said quite casually, as if he was asking someone if they had eaten.

This robbery routine is extremely skillful. Those who don't know better may think that Du Yu often makes a living by robbing.

At this moment, both the great elder and Yang Sifan's father were all dumbfounded. Looking at the elder who was trampled on the ground by Du Long like a dead dog, they felt like they were watching a science fiction movie.

How could the dignified Tiandao saint in the back rank be captured so easily? Such terrifying fighting power made them feel creepy. Looking at Du Long, his eyes were a little more frightened. They only had one thought in their minds at the moment, where did Du Yu create such a terrifying beast?

"Do you want me to say it again?" Du Yu looked at the sluggish expressions of several people and couldn't help but frowned and tapped the armrest to remind them.

He really has no intention of wasting time with these people. Yang Sifan's condition is still deteriorating. If it weren't for the fact that the Heavenly Law Points must be obtained with the other party's consent, he would never be so gentle. I'm afraid these people would all be lying on the ground now.

Without respect, these people are just a group of strangers to him.

"Du Yu, if you have something to say, please speak up and put the Fourth Elder down!" Yang Sifan's father relied on the relationship between Du Yu and Yang Sifan to comfort him. With Du Long's strength unknown, they really didn't dare to take action. As for Du Yu, they really didn't take it seriously. In their opinion, even if Du Yu survived the tribulation of reincarnation, he would never be able to compete with the powerful man who was already a lower-level Heavenly Saint.

The first elder was also a little panicked at this moment. If something happened to the fourth elder, his side would have to be reduced from three to two. Then what else would he have to fight with Yang Sifan's father? There would be no problem at all. With his chances of winning, he will definitely be controlled by the clan leader in future matters in the valley. This is not what he wants to see, and Du Yu's request is too much. Hand over all their heavenly values? This is too much for your appetite!

He shouted sternly at Du Yu: "You arrogant boy, you dare to attack even the elders? Let your beast take off its claws, otherwise you will not blame me for being rude. As long as the formation in the valley is activated, even if your beast is Even the peak Heavenly Saint cannot escape death!"

His words directly put Du Yu on his opposite side, and at the same time they were also on the opposite side of their camp. He forced the entire camp to be enemies of Du Yu and dragged them into the water together. Even if Yang Sifan's father didn't want to, he had to be in this camp. It was time to support him, and Yang Sifan's father, as the clan leader, naturally did not want a lower-level Tiandao saint to disappear like this, not to mention that he was also very dissatisfied with Du Yu's request.

Du Yu smiled coldly and took in everyone's expressions. His cold gaze made everyone feel their scalps numb, as if they were wearing single clothes and fell into the cold winter: "You still don't understand what I mean, I said If you go out, that’s what you must do.”

At this time, Du Long also placed the fourth elder at his feet. Du Yu lifted the fourth elder's chin with his toes, lowered his head and sneered: "Okay, you take the lead first and hand over the heavenly value."

The fourth elder's power had long been sealed by Du Long. At this moment, he could not move at all. Being humiliated in such a humiliating posture, his old face turned red: "Arrogant! Arrogant! Don't even think about it! The great elder directly Activate the formation to kill this traitor!"

He was almost going crazy. He had lost such a big face in front of so many people. For a person who usually valued his face more than his life, it would be better to just kill him.

Du Yu sneered with a sneer at the corner of his mouth: "You are really arrogant. I admire your arrogance."

He put his hand on the top of the fourth elder's head, and when the fighting spirit in his body was released and withdrawn, the soul of the fourth elder was directly shaken out. This was just a simplified version of scolding ghosts and gods. It is enough to deal with a mere Heavenly Saint.

"How dare you! Patriarch, I request the activation of the valley protection formation!" The elder looked at the soul of the fourth elder held in Du Yu's palm. His eyes almost popped out of his head. Even Yang Sifan's father did not expect that. Du Yu actually dared to take action. Now even he couldn't say anything. He had to take down Du Yu, otherwise no one would believe him as the leader of the clan in the future.

"Agree, activate the Valley Protection Formation!" Feng Qingyang's father took out a jade token and punched it directly into the void. The great elder did the same.

Following the actions of the two people, a huge formation suddenly appeared, not only covering the entire valley, but also the mountains surrounding the smaller half of the Lost Soul Valley. This was how they were able to turn the Lost Soul Valley into a forbidden land. The ultimate trump card!

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