The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 941 Yellow Level Mission

The secret techniques of each level of the Chaos Undead Body are extremely terrifying. Whether it is the Chaos Combat Body or Chaos Counterattack and other abilities, they are all abnormal.

The secret method obtained by the Sixth Heaven continues the usual abnormal style, chaotic movement, ignoring any restrictions, directly moving the user and the targets around him to any corner randomly. With this ability, when encountering too many powerful people During a siege, or when you are in danger, it is definitely the best way to escape.

And this is not only a means of escape, but also a unique movement technique. When the long-distance escape ability is not applicable, this move will allow Du Yu to ignore the enemy's lock and appear at the place where his spiritual consciousness is perceived. Anywhere.

This allowed Du Yu, who almost only focused on attacking, to improve his extremely high mobility and flexibility, making up for Du Yu's lack of physical skills.

If someone else fights Du Yu who possesses Chaos Teleportation, he will definitely feel a headache. To put it simply, Du Yu at this moment is a siege weapon with the assassin version of the elusive ability.

This is an extremely terrifying thing. With such strength, Du Yu is qualified to form an army composed of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

And it made Du Yu feel his heart trembling. But it is not the movement of chaos, but the secret method comprehended by the Seventh Heaven. This secret method is the real terror. This also makes Du Yu understand why the chaotic undead body is really powerful. No wonder in the previous introduction of the chaotic undead body, it is said that it is This technique has the ability to advance by swallowing energy.

His ability to express feelings has always been insufficient before. Only after the seventh heaven can he truly show it. The secret method of the seventh heaven is to give him the ability to swallow and refine. He only needs to throw the things that need to be swallowed into the chaotic space. , the chaotic space will swallow the object on its own. Whether it is a treasure, a weapon, or a living creature, the chaotic space can refine it and transform it into energy that enhances the chaotic space.

This secret method has a great effect on Du Yu. Although Du Yu's practice was very fast before, it was also due to various adventures, but now it is completely different. The chaotic undead body can definitely make Du Yu extremely fast. At a speed of cultivation, even without those adventures, as long as Du Yu continues to look for energy-rich treasures of heaven and earth, or is more ruthless and directly refines those powerful powers, Du Yu's realm will definitely grow rapidly.

Such a devouring method is really frightening. The most powerful supreme level technique created by the Great God Pangu is far from that simple.

Du Yu let out a deep breath. He thought that being able to obtain the Great Prophecy Technique would be the biggest surprise. Who knew that the biggest surprise would come from the Chaos Undead. It has to be said that his knowledge of the Chaos Undead was still a little insufficient.

He glanced at the three women who were chatting happily at the moment, and knew that it was impossible for him to get in, so he gave up the idea and opened the Chaos Mission List.

He has completed such high-level tasks before, so he should put some tasks on the task list that are in line with his current strength. Otherwise, his path to earning Tiandao Points will be absolutely bleak.

He didn't even look at those S and SS level tasks, which were just things that could be completed by the Tiandao Saint level. Du Yu had no interest in it. With his current strength, he couldn't earn much Tiandao points at all. He directly put the task list on the Pulling it to the top position, a golden task at the bottom made Du Yu's eyes light up.

Different from the SSS-level tasks, this task was specially circled with a golden box. It was the first time for Du Yu to see such a task, and he immediately became interested.

"Yellow-level mission - Conquer the Chaos World and become one of the owners of the Chaos World Fragments. After completing the mission, you will be rewarded with 500 billion heavenly values, 1 mysterious reward, and 1 mysterious skill."

I have to say that this mysterious reward and secret method are very attractive to Du Yu. After all, the reward given by Tiandao Zhinao in the previous mission was the Great Prophecy Technique, which can definitely make those beings who are stronger than Du Yu, Something to be crazy about.

No matter what, Du Yu has accepted this task.

Du Yu clicked the accept option without hesitation, and with a crisp beep, the task was successfully accepted. Du Yu waved to Zhuge Liang, who was standing not far away.

Zhuge Liang hurried over and asked respectfully: "Your Majesty, what do you want me to do?"

Du Yu nodded slightly and said to him: "Assemble all the Qilin Army. There will be a big operation soon. I want to make a leap in strength for you."

Zhuge Liang was slightly stunned. The Qilin Army had 50 million people, but Du Yu said that he wanted to improve their strength. Although this was a bit unbelievable, Zhuge Liang did not question Du Yu. He did not think that his majesty was a lover. Those who lie, since they have arranged it this way, they are at least 90% sure.

He bowed his hands respectfully and stepped back. The ten star warships stopped at the same time. The entire Qilin Army walked down the cabin and came to the ground below to wait quietly for Du Yu's order.

Even Nangong Qin and the others stopped talking and walked to Du Yu, wanting to see what Du Yu wanted to do.

Looking at the neat troops below that were almost identical from every angle, Nangong Qin finally understood why Du Yu was always dissatisfied with the people of Tiansheng. Although they were almost perfect after training, even Nangong Qin Qindu couldn't find anything wrong with it, but after seeing the large army in front of him, he realized that it wasn't that Du Yu was too demanding, but that those who were punished by God simply didn't meet the standards.

Even she didn't dare to guess what kind of power such a group of tacitly coordinated troops would exert if they became stronger. With the same strength, she dared to assert that Divine Punishment would never be able to withstand the charge of this army in front of her. ,

After everyone arrived, Du Yu directly took out the treasure that Xiaoling had found earlier and absorbed all the Qilin Army. At this moment, Xiaoling was also trying his best to integrate the Zhuxian Sword Formation into his body. Otherwise, this attack would be impossible for the opponent. So smoothly, if it weren't for Xiao Ling's absence and Du Yu's presence, those people might not be able to survive.

However, Du Yu didn't mean to blame Xiao Ling. After all, this was Xiao Ling's opportunity. Like his reincarnation, it was irresistible.

After putting away all the Qilin Army, Du Yu's eyes became solemn. He wanted to give the Qilin Army enough time. If it were done before, he might not be able to do it. Even if he has the realm of the Seventh Heaven, it is absolutely impossible. , but now with the great prophecy, all this can be realized.

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