The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 942 Du Yu’s strength

The power of the chaotic world began to permeate Du Yu's body, covering his entire body, making him look extremely mysterious.

Countless gray forces slowly rotated with Du Yu as the center, and the color of the world changed.

All the creatures in the chaotic world felt a huge sense of depression suddenly enveloped their hearts at the same moment. Even the peak Heavenly Saints were panicking. They didn't know what was going on, but they felt as if they were in a state of chaos. Like a canoe in the stormy waves, I felt extremely fearful and uneasy.

Nangong Qin and Du Long, who are closest to Du Yu, feel the most intuitive. Since the two of them are in a realm that cannot be broken through in ordinary retreat, Du Yu did not include them together, but Yang Sifan and Xiaodie did. I don't know when I entered the treasure.

At this moment, they only felt that Du Yu was the god who controlled everything, as if the world was running under his control.

But what the two of them didn't know was that after performing the Great Prophecy, to a certain extent, Du Yu was like the author of this world. As long as he was capable enough, he could even create anything he wanted to create out of thin air. thing.

The Great Prophecy Technique is not simply about predicting the future, but creating the future. The Great Prophecy Technique can be said to be one of the most perverted secret techniques. Apart from its first master over the years, Du Yu was the first to let it People who reappear.

"I said, time flows here for thousands of years!" Du Yu's voice came out from the gray mist that rotated in a certain pattern, and then a group of invisible energy surrounded the treasure, and time in that area began to speed up. The passage of time began.

Although this is very difficult to do, anyone who is proficient in the rules of time can do it. However, although the rules of time can speed up the time in a certain place, there is no way to preserve it after it is over. Everything will be lost. It will return to what it was before acceleration.

However, the Great Prophecy Technique can accelerate time and preserve it. This is the truly terrifying part of the Great Prophecy Technique. As long as Du Yu says that time here is accelerating, it means that thousands of years have really passed.

Nangong Qin could feel the changes. Even with her current strength, she still felt palpitations. If she were also in that space and time, she would never be able to resist that force. She didn't know what it was, but she could It feels like this is definitely a very powerful secret technique.

After about a few minutes passed, the invisible force gradually dissipated, and the power of the chaotic world that enveloped Du Yu gradually disappeared. However, Du Yu's expression did not relax at all, because this could only be regarded as a success.

In the inheritance of the great prophecy technique, it is clearly recorded that as long as you use this secret technique, you will definitely receive punishment from heaven. After all, this is an act against heaven, and the intensity of the punishment will be determined according to what you have done. Accelerating a certain area for a thousand years like Du Yu is not too serious, but it is definitely not that easy.

After all, in that area, there is an army of more than 50 million people with astonishing talents.

At this moment, Du Yu has even taken out the Demon Slayer. Although it is not as good as the God-killing Spear, it can be seen that Du Yu attaches great importance to it. With his current strength, even without the Demon Slayer, he is enough to compete with the peak Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian, using In the end, he is almost invincible in this realm.

To be honest, Du Yu wasn't sure how powerful this punishment was, but seeing that he still had more than half of his strength left in his body, he guessed it wouldn't be too great.

The top of the head has become pitch black. As soon as Nangong Qin wanted to get closer to Du Yu, Du Yu stopped him: "Don't come closer, you can't bear this heavenly punishment!"

Seeing Du Yu's solemn tone, Nangong Qin did not insist. She knew Du Yu's strength and believed in it, but she still couldn't help but sweat for Du Yu in her heart.

As the natural punishment continued to take shape, Du Yu also felt bursts of pressure. This natural punishment was definitely not as simple as he thought.

The streaks of thunder flashed across the sky, and even he felt horrified. They were not ordinary thunder, not even the rules of thunder, but thunder condensed by the power of Hunyuan. It could kill the great Hunyuan. Luo Jinxian's fatal thing.

"No, it's so scary." Du Yu's face changed a little. He didn't expect the punishment of the great prophecy to be so shocking, but then he remembered a sentence in the inheritance. The size of the punishment is changed according to the great prophecy. depends on the impact something has on the world.

Now that Heavenly Punishment has reached this point, it means that the Qilin Army has definitely grown by leaps and bounds, and the depression in Du Yu's eyes suddenly disappeared.

He set the time limit for a thousand years, and there was another thousand-year gap between that treasure and the outside world. Combining the two items, the Qilin Army had been in it for a million years. Even a pig could probably cultivate in such a long time. It has reached an extremely high level. With the talent of the Qilin Army, I am afraid that it can at least be promoted to a great sage!

Du Yu suddenly became excited, and his whole person's momentum exploded. He couldn't wait to see the brand new Qilin Army. This was different from God's Punishment. The Qilin Army was definitely his best confidant and his real elite soldier.

He stepped heavily on his feet and rose directly into the sky. He rushed towards the thundering clouds of calamity, activated Chaos Shift, and the next moment he appeared in the center of Heavenly Punishment.

The Heavenly Punishment at this moment has not started to accumulate power, it has just been condensed. Even if Du Yu attacks, it will not lead to a stronger Heavenly Punishment.

"God-killing spear technique - scold ghosts and gods!"

Du Yu let out a loud roar, and the powerful force in the chaotic space was amplified by Demon Killer and flowed back into his body. With his loud shout, he instantly attacked the surroundings.

A circle of invisible ripples centered on him, surging towards the surroundings. The huge thunder flying around was shattered as soon as it came into contact with this layer of invisible ripples.

Du Yu released a move without any pause, and the mold in his hand danced wildly. Countless gun shadows followed closely behind the sound waves and rushed towards the surroundings.

After doing this, Du Yu didn't stop for a moment, moved directly to Nangong Qin's side, rolled up the ten star battleships beside him, and directly activated the long-distance movement function.

The moment he left, his attack had hit the center of the Heavenly Punishment head-on, and the terrifying energy was instantly detonated as if it had fallen into the powder keg of Mars 3.

The huge impact was still very clear even across half the chaotic world. Nangong Qin felt the raging energy there. The boss with a small mouth, the violent power of that place, even she did not dare to touch, I'm afraid The lower level Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian would shed a layer of skin if he was among them.

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