When he was teleported before, Zodiac's heart dropped when he saw the young men with several women on the high-end battleship.

After all, looking like this, it is almost impossible for him to be anything other than a playboy from a big family.

Who knew that the young man at the bow of the ship just raised his hand and made his spacecraft stop immediately, unable to move at all, and even he himself was forcibly grabbed out of the spacecraft by the other party, Huang Dao knew My thinking is wrong.

What kind of playboy is this? He is obviously a strong man with boundless strength!

He even guessed that Du Yu might be the kind of super strong person who could compete with the entire world without relying on his own strength, the legendary SSS level power. After all, this was the first time he had seen someone who could ignore the spaceship and catch him out. of.

At that moment he understood that at least the Huang family was doomed.

The previous experience has made Huang Dao completely bear a grudge against the Huang family. He is confident that this strong man will be impressed by the chips he gives. After all, this is the Huang family's most high-tech inheritance. If he fully understands this inheritance, he will win the entire war. Yu Du was not a problem, he didn't believe that Du Yu wouldn't be moved.

So there was a scene seen by several Huang family deacons. After Huang Dao briefly explained, he contributed to the inheritance of science and technology.

Du Yu narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the triangular chip in Huang Dao's hand who was kneeling in front of him. He didn't pay any attention to the attack that was approaching him. Just when the deacons thought that Du Yu was going to be wiped out under their attack.

Du Yu, who had his hands behind his back, moved. His eyes moved slightly and he looked at several deacons of the Huang family. At that moment, time seemed to have stopped. Whether it was their attacks or their movements, everything was abruptly stopped. No matter where they are, their consciousness still exists, so they know that this is not the power of time.

The eyes of the several deacons were suddenly filled with fear, and the next moment they were kneeling on the deck in front of Du Yu, and their attacks were wiped away silently.

"Okay, tell me what the use of this thing is." Du Yu looked down at the ecliptic and asked.

Although this person dedicated this technological heritage to himself, Du Yu really didn't know what the use of this thing was, but he was very interested in the other party's spaceship. It was obviously a high-tech product. For an earthling, , no one will not be curious about this high-tech product.

But what Du Yu is a little curious about is that at this level, technology can still keep up with the progress.

Even the peak Tiandao Saint would have been able to catch the opponent's previous shot with ease.

And that was just an attack jointly launched by several junior Tiandao saints.

The restrictions on several people were also lifted, but several deacons of the Huang family did not dare to stand up from the ground and were still kneeling on the ground. A timid deacon looked at Du Yu in horror and stammered. Said: "33S level strong man!"

Du Yu raised his eyebrows. This title was quite new, but Du Yu estimated that this was the way the other party called the Golden Immortal of Hunyuan Building, otherwise the other party wouldn't be so frightened.

Huang Dao was not affected by a few people. He did not even look at the deacons of the Huang family, but said respectfully: "Sir, this is the technological inheritance of the Huang family in the technological world. The Huang family once relied on this thing to conquer the War Domain! "

When several Huang family deacons saw Huang Dao telling this secret, their faces were ashen, but they did not dare to say a word. After all, they cherished their lives more than family justice.

Du Yu was somewhat interested in this technological inheritance, but he still snorted with a cold face: "It's ridiculous. If you want to become the domain master of the War Fire Domain, you need at least the strength of the Hunyuan Saint. How can you do it with mere technology? Recognized?"

This is true. There are many forces. Although the top experts are not very powerful, they have ways to deal with the Hunyuan Saint. If they only rely on other abilities, they will not be recognized by other forces in the War Fire Domain. You cannot become the Domain Lord of the Fire Domain and will not receive the blessings belonging to the Domain Lord.

Huang Dao's face suddenly became proud, and he held his head high and said firmly: "This rule was originally made because of the Huang family. At that time, even the 4S-level powerful people could only run away when faced with the battleships of my Huang family. !”

Although Huang Dao resented the head of the Huang family, he did not abandon the honor of being a member of the Huang family. Being able to change the rules of a domain is the best medal!

Du Yu's eyes narrowed slightly and he took the inheritance from Huang Dao's hand. Tiandao Zhinao instantly conveyed the news of the inheritance to his mind.

"Technology inheritance crystal: It contains a variety of advanced technological knowledge and many technological drawings. After a technician accepts the inheritance, he is qualified to become a senior technician: Note: A senior technician can make weapons that can harm the Hunyuan Saint."

Seeing the message prompted by the system, Du Yu's eyes flashed with a subtle glint. This would definitely be of great benefit to the development of the Qilin Empire. He had experienced the power of technology. The previous method of locking the star battleship, As well as the ability to span long distances, no matter which one is amazing, this is just the tip of the iceberg.

With such a powerful effect, it would be strange if Du Yu was not moved.

As for the problem of technicians, it is easier to solve. Isn't there such a person in front of him?

Seeing Tiandao Zhinao give out the information about the Zodiac, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but raise. This kid's current condition is very suitable for recruiting into the Qilin Empire!

He calmly suppressed the smile on his lips, put the inheritance crystal back into Huang Dao's hand, and said, "Now I want to give you two choices."

Huang Dao was chilled by Du Yu's actions, thinking that Du Yu had rejected him. He suddenly felt despair. To be honest, if he wanted to go against the Huang family, his chance of survival would be zero. After all, the Huang family is such a big family, and the technology they control is far beyond what he can compete with now. Du Yu is his only chance!

However, what Du Yu said later rekindled hope in his heart. He looked at Du Yu expectantly and said, "Sir, what are the conditions?!"

Du Yu leaned down, looked at Huang Dao who was kneeling in front of him, and said slowly: "The first choice is to take your inheritance and get out. I will pretend that what happened today never happened. What should you two groups do?"

He had just finished speaking, and several Huang family deacons suddenly became excited. If they were not afraid of Du Yu, they might have started to threaten Huang Dao to choose the first one. However, Du Yu's next words made them swallow their saliva at the same time. .

"The second option is to be loyal to me forever. These people will be at your disposal, and I will give you the power of revenge." Du Yu looked at the several deacons of the Huang family and smiled cruelly.

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