The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 953 Recovering the Zodiac

Although Du Yu gave three choices, everyone knew that there was actually only one way to go;

After all, with the Zodiac in such a depleted state, even if you choose the second path, you will not be able to escape. Choosing the second path will definitely lead to a dead end.

How could he choose this path. If he was so determined to die, he wouldn't be trying so hard to live.

Huang Dao, who had vowed to sell his soul before, naturally chose the second path without any hesitation. He didn't say much, just lay down respectfully in front of Du Yu, letting go of all his defenses. He said in a serious tone: "As long as the master can let me take revenge, I, Huang Dao, am willing to sacrifice everything for you!"

Du Yu curled his lips. Now that his true body is here, he can bring people into the Qilin Empire. In this way, people who are subdued through the supreme artifact, the Kingdom-Suppressing Imperial Seal, are much more reliable than leaving soul marks.

He directly raised his hand to cover Huang Dao's head, and a coercive voice sounded: "Zhuang Dao, are you willing to become a member of my Qilin Empire?"

Although Huang Dao doesn't know what the Qilin Empire is, now he won't hesitate even if Du Yu asks him to call him dad, so he naturally answers: "I do!"

The Zhenguo Imperial Seal in Du Yu's sea of ​​consciousness suddenly burst out. Du Yu sensed its existence for the first time. A stream of light suddenly rushed out of Huang Dao's sea of ​​consciousness and flew into it. At the same time, a stream of light also flew out of the Zhenguo Imperial Seal. Improving the body and qualifications of the zodiac.

He, who was originally only a first-level Heavenly Saint, suddenly rushed into the middle-level Heavenly Saints, leaving several deacons of the Huang family dumbfounded.

Huang Dao naturally felt his own changes. He could feel that his potential had returned to his youth again, and even exceeded it by a lot. At the same time, he also knew what the Qilin Empire was about, and what kind of existence Du Yu was. .

He hurriedly kowtowed several times in excitement and shouted loudly: "Thank you, Your Majesty, for the gift!"

Du Yu waved his sleeves and directly lifted him up. He chuckled and said, "The Qilin Empire does not like the ceremony of kneeling and worshiping. I don't like to kneel down all the time."

Huang Dao was stunned for a moment, then quickly bowed to thank him.

Several deacons of the Huang family on the side became anxious. They had heard Du Yu's previous conditions. Now that Huang Dao has joined the other party's organization, wouldn't they be at the mercy of Huang Dao?

Moreover, seeing Du Yu's ability, they were also very itchy. How could it be so easy to break through the realm of the Heavenly Saint? They had not broken through for a long time, and the temptation of increasing strength also stimulated their nerves. For Huang The loyalty of family simply disappeared without a trace.

They kowtowed crazily and begged for mercy: "Sir, we can also join the Qilin Empire, and our strength is much stronger than that of Huang Dao, and our technological understanding is better than that of Huang Dao! Let us join you!"

"Yes! We can definitely do better than Huang Dao!"

"Sir, as long as you leave Zodiac to us, we will join the Qilin Empire. Our brothers will definitely be more useful than Zodiac!"

Each of them spoke more and more rudely. Instead, they discussed terms with Du Yu, completely forgetting about their own situation at the moment, as if Du Yu really valued their usefulness.

At this time, they still clung to their pride as members of the Huang family and miscalculated their value in Du Yu's eyes.

In fact, in Du Yu's eyes, there is no difference between Huang Dao and them. All he needs is a technician to inherit this technological heritage.

It's just that their luck was a little bit worse. They saw Du Yu one step later than Huang Dao, so they missed the opportunity.

Apart from their status as technicians, they are just a group of heavenly saints who can be killed with one slap.

"Okay, please deal with these people. After the matter is resolved, come see me again." Du Yu waved his hand, stopped Xiao Ling and Nangong Qin beside him, and brought the four women into the cabin. What happened next If you think about the scene with your toes, you can tell that it must be extremely bloody.

Although Du Yu wouldn't feel uncomfortable, he wouldn't be so perverted that he would just like to watch it.

After they left, Huang Dao's expression suddenly turned ferocious. The previous improvement in strength not only fully restored his strength, but also some old injuries in his body had been fully recovered. His current state was unprecedentedly powerful.

He moved his wrist towards several Huang family deacons opposite. The expressions of several Huang family deacons suddenly changed, but after thinking about their number, they felt a little more at ease. Even if the strength of Huang Dao increased to that of an intermediate Tiandao saint, Why, there are not only seven people on their side, but there is also an intermediate Tiandao saint among them, and Huang Dao may not be able to do anything to them.

They were just about to lift up their power when an inexplicable restraint instantly locked the power in their bodies. They could not lift even half of their power. At this moment, their expressions suddenly changed. The 3S-level strong man actually took action!

Facing such a legendary powerhouse, they have absolutely no chance of resisting!

"Huang Dao, we are all members of the Huang family, do we have to be so perfect!" The deacon at the intermediate level of the Heavenly Saint said in a sharp voice.

Even though they were complaining in their hearts, they didn't dare to say anything wrong with the 3S-level powerhouse. In this case, they could only play the emotional card against Huang Dao.

"Be a human being, so we can meet each other easily in the future. Huang Dao, if you let us go today, we will never appear in front of you in the future!"

"Yes, Huang Dao, we will definitely do what we say! Maybe you will still need our help in the future!"

Several deacons spoke one after another, as if they had forgotten what they had done when chasing the Zodiac.

It's just that they forgot, but Huang Dao didn't forget. He remembered clearly everything he did during the half-month period when he was chasing him. He could say almost any ugly words and threats. At that time, there was no No scruples at all!

Looking at the faces of several people, Huang Dao knew that Du Yu had helped him. He was secretly grateful in his heart, but there was a sneer on his face: "Really, but why didn't you give me a chance?"

After finishing speaking, he roared and rushed towards several people. With his current strength, dealing with a group of Tiandao saints whose strength was sealed was just like facing a group of running sandbags. Du Yu only sealed a few The strength of the Huang family's deacons did not restrict their actions. In this cat-and-mouse chase, Huang Dao vented his anger very happily!

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