The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 955 Treatment of the Strong

"The modification of technology is really terrifying." Du Yu said with emotion as he sat in the brand-new cockpit of the Star Battleship.

The surroundings are completely different from before, with many technological elements added, and now it looks like an antique interstellar battleship.

After the modification of Zodiac, the performance of the Star Battleship has been improved compared to the previous one, and it no longer requires the driver to inject energy to run. Even if no one injects energy, the Star Battleship can operate solely on its own energy. The battleships will speed up to the speed of ordinary Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian flying at full speed.

"Hey, Your Majesty, the foundation of this battleship is already very strong. I estimate that the force that created this battleship is at least similar to the original Huang family. If the Huang family's technological components are added, this battleship will definitely have a lot of potential. There is a lot of room for improvement. Once the materials are enough, its all-round performance will at least be improved by a big level!" Huang Dao said here, feeling quite proud.

However, in just one month, he has been promoted to the level of an intermediate technician through the inheritance crystal of technology. Otherwise, he would not be able to start transforming this high-level battleship, which makes him feel very accomplished.

It's a pity that when he came out, he didn't have many resources with him. Many of the things were even directly dismantled from Deacon Huang's spaceship and his own, which resulted in his abilities not being fully utilized.

With his level of mid-level technician, there are only a few in the world of science and technology, and a technician of this level can create weapons of destruction comparable to those of a 3S-level powerhouse, that is, Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

Du Yu nodded with satisfaction. He absolutely loved the star battleship that had become a sci-fi style.

"How long will it take for us to reach your world?" Du Yu turned his head and looked at Huang Dao. The fragment of the chaotic world he was in was just a very inconspicuous small place in the War Domain. In fact, only a few people around him were invaded. It's just a small world. Otherwise, with the name of one of the fragments of the chaotic world, how could it have such a small amount of miscellaneous fish power?

And the technological world where Zodiac is located. It was located near the center of the War Domain. If Huang Dao hadn't wanted to hide in a remote place when he was being hunted, he might not have been able to meet Du Yu.

Huang Dao called out the flight path and looked at it before replying: "Your Majesty, we have half an hour to approach the transit world. After we get there, there will be a large teleportation array heading directly to the technology world. That teleportation array is suitable for 3S level Da Neng is a free trial, you only need to release a little breath of yourself when the time comes!"

Du Yu nodded slightly and pulled out a list from his side to read. It was a list of weapons that Huang Dao listed now and that he could make in the future. There were all kinds of weapons in it, from melee energy to Weapons range from long-range energy weapons to even weapons of mass destruction.

He is considering equipping those weapons on the Qilin Army in the future. To be honest, although these weapons are not as good as magic weapons in terms of fit, they have great advantages in lethality. A group of Qilin Army soldiers, carrying these Among the most powerful individual weapons listed above, even Du Yu has to avoid them temporarily.

The role it can play is definitely much higher than that of magic weapons, and more importantly, there is no way to obtain those innate magic weapons in large quantities. The Qilin Army has a total of more than 50 million people, even if Du Yu is as wealthy as he is. , even if you dig out your details, you can't arm them all.

But these energy weapons are different. As long as they have energy, they can be mass-produced. Even Du Yu has to admit that this is the most suitable weapon for the army.

Huang Dao did not bother Du Yu anymore. After he adjusted the Star Battleship to the autopilot state, he plunged into the technology inheritance crystal again. As a technician, especially a very motivated technician, this was impossible. Those who guard the treasure mountain without entering it will find ways to squeeze out time and immerse themselves in learning even if they have no free time.

It was precisely because of his diligent attitude that the Huang family's technology inheritance crystal chose him.

Time passed bit by bit, and half an hour passed quickly. The star battleship quickly flew into a huge world. The aura of the high-end battleship caused the surrounding spacecraft and passers-by to move aside.

In such a remote place, the strongest ones are only mid- to late-stage Tiandao saints. With such strength, one really doesn’t dare to provoke someone who can pilot a high-level battleship.

After all, even the worst high-end battleships are comparable to the peak Tiandao saints. The battleship itself makes them afraid to act rashly, not to mention who knows who is sitting inside, whether it is a powerful person or a disciple of a great family. It's not something they can afford to offend.

At the entrance port of the transit world, a high-end warship was sensed approaching. All the personnel in charge became nervous. In this small place, even top-level mid-level battleships rarely passed by. This was the first time they encountered high-level battleships in so many years. They had no choice but to be cautious. After all, they accidentally made the other party dissatisfied. I'm afraid Together they are not enough for others to kill.

The port was immediately opened to Du Yu's Star Battleship, and the entry of all battleships was postponed. High-level battleships were given priority. A group of senior officials also came out and waited respectfully, ready to receive the high-level battleships.

However, Du Yu showed no interest in what they did and continued to study the list of weapons in front of him.

Huang Dao felt a little agitated in his heart. This was the first time he had encountered such treatment. After all, no matter how proud the Huang family is, it will decline if it declines. What's more, he is just the head of a separate family. In the world of science and technology, it is okay, but in other places , who will give him face?

However, he recovered quickly. After all, he was now a mid-level technician who could kill at least 3S level experts with weapons. It was just normal for him to be treated like this.

He had no intention of stopping the star battleship and flew directly towards the teleportation array. Upon seeing this, a group of senior officials from the transit world rushed to invite the teleportation array out in advance. This trip only supplied Du Yu, the battleship.

Soon, with a flash of blue light, the star battleship disappeared instantly.

The people who were staying in this transit world at this moment relaxed a little when they saw the high-end warships disappearing. They were replaced by endless excitement. Seeing a high-end warship with their own eyes was definitely a talking point worth showing off to them.

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