Yaoguang Star is one of the main stars in the technological world and the most prosperous place in the technological world.

This is not the territory of the Huang family, but the territory of the Bai family, which is as famous as the Huang family.

But this time the Bai family made a big move. They organized the largest auction in the technology world. It is said that the auction items even included the highest level weapons of the Bai family. No one knew what the Bai family wanted to do.

But this really attracted the attention of everyone in the technological world, and countless forces gathered on this prosperous planet.

At this moment, at the landing port of Yaoguang Star, a simple-looking high-end warship was slowly hugging the tarmac.

This is Du Yu's car. After they entered the world of science and technology, they were also attracted by this huge auction. However, Du Yu was not here to auction things. He didn't have many things that the world of science and technology needed. Du Yu will not put it up for auction.

This time, he came here to rob with the intention of being a free hand. Since the auction was so big this time and all the people who came were rich, he would definitely make a lot of money.

The hatch of the Star Battleship slowly opened, and Du Yu took the four girls out of the spacecraft. Huang Dao walked beside Du Yu to lead the way.

The surroundings did not attract much attention because of the Star Battleship. There were many high-end battleships parked around them. The Star Battleship was not particularly eye-catching among them. On the contrary, the appearance of Du Yu and a few girls attracted a lot of attention from the surroundings. .

It's just that Huang Dao, as a middle-level heavenly saint, still looked respectful, but he blocked many of their talkers.

SS-level powerhouses are already considered the strongest in the world of science and technology. Among the top forces, they will be treated with extremely high courtesy. As long as they are not fooled by lard, they will not provoke SS-level powerhouses. A person who is treated with such respect.

"Is this the Yaoguang Star? It's really spectacular." Du Yu looked at the countless spaceships around him and couldn't help but sigh. The feeling of coming to the future world made him feel indescribable excitement. To be honest, for For an earthling, such a world is more in line with his aesthetics.

"Yes, Your Majesty, we will definitely get a lot of what we need in this auction!" Huang Dao also looked a little excited. This was also his first time to participate in such a large-scale auction.

In the past, he could only be a spectator, watching the things he liked being photographed by others.

But this time is different, he will definitely become the protagonist this time.

It was just a fun thing to mention to Du Yu about what happened here. Unexpectedly, Du Yu immediately decided to loot this place. At that time, the only thought in his mind was how to do it.

But after Du Yu informed him of the current strength of the people on board, he didn't think so.

It turned out that he was the weakest one on the ship. The girls who I thought were just Du Yu's favorite concubines turned out to be more powerful than the other. The weakest ones were all lower-level Tiandao saints, and they were only 3S-level powerhouses, namely Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. There are three strong men at this level, including Du Yu, and there are two peak 3S players and one late-stage 3S player.

With such combat power, let alone just looting a mere Shining Star, there is no problem in looting the entire technological world!

Just thinking about Zodiac makes me feel a little excited. How many resources are needed!

Thinking of what was going to happen in the near future, Huang Dao suddenly had a silly smile on his face, like a fool. Du Yu wanted to kick him, and he felt very embarrassed.

Fortunately, this smile did not last long, and was put away by Huang Dao, who led Du Yu to the auction house.

He was no stranger to the Bai family's auction house. He had been there a few times himself. Although he was unable to take pictures because of his shyness, at least he still remembered the way.

The group of people arrived at their destination quickly, but the appearance and dress of Du Yu and the four girls attracted many people's attention.

After all, people in the technology world dress very differently from Du Yu and others. They are more like the earth in the past, while Du Yu and the four girls are like ordinary people seeing Cosplayers wearing COS suits on the road, and they are still The kind that looks extremely outstanding, this feeling is naturally different.

It's just that neither Du Yu nor the four girls have any intention of changing their clothes. They simply ignore the looks around them. The current look is the one they are most familiar with. There is no need to change their look because of other people's looks.

The auction house was not far away. After Huang Dao showed his strength and proved his identity as a mid-level technician, they easily got a seat in the luxury box.

Although Huang Dao is currently being hunted by the Huang family, the Huang family does not dare to make the matter too big. After all, Huang Dao escaped with the technology inheritance crystal. If this news is spread, I am afraid the entire technology world will be shocked. .

After all, what does the Huang family's technology heritage crystal represent? In the world of technology, even an ordinary child knows that it is something that can allow people to step into the lower-level technology masters.

It was because the Huang family had a lower-level technician that they became the domain lords of the War Fire Domain, and they even abruptly changed the domain lord succession rules.

Therefore, their assassination operation was only carried out behind the scenes. Huang Dao's identity as the head of the Huang family branch still existed, otherwise it would not be as easy for him to get a good position.

The world of science and technology was very exclusive because of what happened back then, so this time, except for Du Yu and the four girls, there was no one from other worlds participating in the auction on Yaoguang Star.

Du Yu was in the box, casually flipping through the auction list, and discussing interesting things in it with a few girls. Anyway, these things will be snatched away by one brain after a while. There is no meaning at all in studying whether it is good or not. After all, Regardless of whether it's good or not, Du Yu will pack it up and take it away together.

Huang Dao was sitting in the corner, flipping through the auction list with excitement. From it, he found many precious production materials and a large number of accessories, which allowed him to create many inherited things.

If this time goes well, with this harvest, he is more than 50% sure to hit the level of high-level technology masters. After all, technology inheritance is different from other inheritances and does not require practice.

As long as you can understand the knowledge inside, everything else will fall into place.

As for Zodiac, whose qualifications have been upgraded to SSS level by Zhenguo Emperor Seal, the worst thing is his understanding. As long as he has the materials to make the things he wants to understand a few times, he will be able to fully understand the knowledge. This is why he has 100% confidence. Fifty grasp the capital of attacking the lower-level technicians.

The auction ended shortly after entering. Du Yu and the others came late and almost entered at the right time.

In just the past three hours, the door to the auction has been completely closed, and the auction has officially begun.

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