The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 980 Ostrich Psychology

This almost cost them their lives, although they did have access to this batch of equipment.

But this will also make them impoverished. Although the casting industry is extremely profitable, the consumption is also terrifyingly high.

If they were to cast divine weapons, none of the materials they would consume would be cheap. Otherwise, why would high-grade divine weapons be so rare?

And there is a more important point. If they give in this time and really hand over this batch of things, then who will be afraid of their strength in the future and will do business with them?

In the future, there will definitely be more people who will not take them seriously and exploit them.

They couldn't afford to give this group of magic soldiers, and they couldn't give them to them.

It's just that they are helpless about their current predicament. After all, the group of bandits outside are too strong. Even the forces with Hunyuan Saints are not willing to provoke them. There is no one to help them in the flames of war.

After several old men argued for a while, no good results came out of the discussion. The old man who was the leader in the end shook his head and sighed: "Forget it, let's just drag it out like this for now. If the other party doesn't move, then we don't want it either." Respond and do what you should do when you go back!"

His proposal was unanimously approved by several people, and they all lowered their faces and waved their hands.

"It's really boring. I still have a magic weapon in my furnace that I haven't finished yet!"

"Me too, I just missed the last step, and ended up being called over. Now I'm rushing back and I don't know if it's too late to save me!"

"When you say that, I feel like my half-tempered magic weapon can still be saved. I'm going back first. If they don't come in, don't call me!"

They disappeared into the hall one by one. It has to be said that the ostrich personalities of these casters in the world of Craftsman's Furnace are indeed the same. If they can't solve the problem, they simply put it aside and don't solve it. First, they have to finish what they are doing. things.

But if it weren't for their persistence in the magic weapons, I'm afraid the magic weapons in the Craftsman World wouldn't be so famous.

It was already a month later when Du Yu arrived outside the Craftsman's Furnace World. He rushed to the Craftsman's Furnace World without any pause along the way, shortening the original time by one-third.

He was really worried that these forging masters would be difficult to deal with. After all, none of the forging masters he had seen in the reincarnation world were easy to deal with. Du Yu even considered whether to use violent means to ask them to cooperate.

But this is the last resort. If there is really no way out, Du Yu would not choose this path. After all, he cannot guarantee that under such circumstances, these casters will add some tricks during the casting process, resulting in His mission failed.

When he flew the Star Battleship outside the Craftsman World, he was startled by the battleships surrounding the entrance. Most of these battleships were covered with a thick smell of blood. They were obviously not easy to get along with. I just don’t know what the other person’s purpose is for coming here.

However, the other party did not take the initiative to attack. Although the aura was a bit unkind, Du Yu had no intention of caring about it. After all, he was in a hurry now and did not want to cause too much trouble to himself.

He flew into the world of Craftsman directly under the gaze of the surrounding battleships. After he entered, the group of battleships that originally gave way to the entrance sealed the entrance again, acting as a solid line of defense.

But Du Yu, who didn't take them seriously, didn't notice anything strange here. He flew directly towards the Holy Land of the Craftsman World, the City of God's Craftsman.

According to the records on the map, this is the place where only the top casters in the Craftsman World can stay. If there is anyone in the War Domain who is most qualified to complete this task, I am afraid that this is the only place where the person can be found.

The City of God's Craftsman is the most prosperous place in the world of Craftsman's Furnace. There are countless shops here, all of which are either material shops or magic weapon shops.

The owners of each of these shops are all middle-level forgers or above. If you want to live permanently in the City of Divine Craftsmen, the first prerequisite is to be an excellent forger.

The top casters that Du Yu needs to find also live in this place. Their store address is not difficult to find. The higher the level of the caster, the further the shop will be, and the one in the center is naturally the top one. The foundry masters' quarters.

There are only eight shops in the inner street of the city called the God Craftsman. They represent the eight people with the highest status in the world of Craftsman, the people closest to the God Craftsman.

Just wanting to enter the inner street is not a simple matter. It can be said that the conditions are very harsh. The first requirement for entering the inner street is that the strength must be higher than that of the Tiandao Saint, and the second requirement is that it must be demonstrated. It is not difficult to understand that there are enough materials, and it is enough to prove it by showing a precious treasure of heaven and earth at will.

The rare thing is the first one, which blocks countless people from the inner street.

According to the people in the Craftsman World, the magic weapons that go out in the inner streets must not be covered with dust. The minimum requirement for the owner who follows them must be a saint of heaven, otherwise they will not be willing to sell them at all.

This rule did make them offend a lot of people, but because of their excellent casting technology, people just ignored this requirement.

Moreover, the casters of the Craftsman World really don't care whether the people under the Heavenly Saints hold grudges, which instead shows the extraordinary status of those who can enter.

However, it is said that the bandit organization that intercepted them outside this time was largely motivated by the fact that the leader of one of their organizations was intercepted by the inner street, and now someone else came to take revenge.

Of course, the conditions in this inner street were not a problem for Du Yu. In order to meet the top of the other party, he even showed the aura of the peak Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian level. Those who verified it did not even look at whether Du Yu had With financial resources, Du Yu was directly put in.

They are not fools. Of course they will not think that such a strong person will not have enough financial resources to rob. A strong person of this level can directly rob a middle world.

Du Yu is now in a hurry to complete the task and has no time to delay it slowly with them. The task time limit is only three months. He is not a forger and does not know how long it takes to refine a big seal, so he simply tries his best. Save time and give them enough time.

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