The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 981 Negotiating Conditions 1)

With Du Yu's strength, even if the Craftsman World was in crisis at the moment, they would not dare to leave Du Yu alone.

After all, their current situation is bad enough. If Du Yu is added to the mix, they themselves can't even imagine the consequences.

After Du Yu stated his purpose, he was taken directly to the inner street by the guide. Since he had been notified before, all the eight old men who had appeared in the conference room stood up to greet Du Yu.

Although they were very unfamiliar with Du Yu's name, just because he was willing to come to their door at this time, it was worth coming out together. After all, anyone who dared to come to them at this time must not be afraid of the gangsters outside. People, maybe they can find a solution from Du Yu.

The eight of them also knew that this was a bit unrealistic, but there was nothing they could do about it. After all, their requests had been rejected by countless former partners.

Now Du Yu's appearance is nothing more than a life-saving piece of driftwood for them.

Just looking at the strange face that appeared in front of them, the eight of them were disappointed. They had never seen Du Yu before, which meant that the other party was not from a powerful force in the War Fire Territory. There is no one in Yuanda Luo Jinxian that they don't know, especially those with great influence. Almost all of those people have ordered magic weapons from them.

And Du Yu is most likely to be a person from other domains, or a reclusive cultivator. Although such a being is powerful enough, he cannot save them.

The eight people shook their heads in their hearts at the same time, with a sad look in their eyes.

Du Yu was stunned when he saw this. He didn't expect that these old men were still in high spirits, but their expressions suddenly changed. Although he could feel that this was not directed at him, it still made him feel a little unhappy.

"Do you have any objections to me?" Du Yu asked with a frown, his heart sinking to the bottom.

"That's not the case, it's just that, forget it, what are you doing here?" The strong old man at the head asked with a forced smile.

Although they all acted carelessly before, in fact everyone was panicking. After returning, the failure rate of the weapon refining was as high as 90%, which they had never dared to do before. Things to think about.

After all, they are not refining any powerful magic weapons, and they can usually maintain a 100% success rate.

Seeing that they didn't want to talk, Du Yu didn't want to ask any more questions, so he said directly: "Du Yu, I would like to ask you to refine a big seal for me. I hope you can help me!"

The eight people looked at each other, and they all knew their current state. With their current success rate, wouldn't it be enmity to refine weapons for Du Yu?

With Du Yu's strength, what he wants to be entrusted with refining will definitely not be a mortal thing. The materials are not yet known how precious. If the refining fails, it will definitely arouse Du Yu's resentment, and then it will add an enemy, making them even more angry. Adding insult to injury.

The old man who spoke before stood up with a wry smile and said: "Sorry, it's not that I can't help, but there is really nothing I can do now. I have something on my mind, and the success rate of weapon refining is no longer as good as before!"

Speaking of this, he was already itching with hatred, and the same was true for several other people. In the past month, the group of bandits outside had gone too far. Not only did they want equipment, they also wanted their own people to work for him, specifically for They refine magic weapons.

During the month of siege, no force spoke for them. It can be said that their hearts felt cold because of the indifference of those people and because of their own powerlessness.

However, he really had no intention of counting on Du Yu. He was just too frustrated and simply wanted to vent his emotions. After all, they didn't think Du Yu could do anything.

"Oh?" Du Yu raised his eyebrows. From the expressions of several people, he also felt that something was wrong. When he thought of the group of people he saw when he entered the world of the craftsman's furnace, he quickly guessed what was going on. Seven or eight, I'm afraid they have provoked some forces.

It's just that I don't know what kind of hatred caused others to dispatch so many people. Du Yu sensed the aura of no less than the three peak Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian in it. Such strength is not something that the Craftsman World can compete with.

"Tell me about it, and I'll see if I can help you solve it." Du Yu pondered for a while and said. If he wants to refine the big seal, the eight people in front of him probably have the best chance. If they can't refine it, If so, I really may not be able to find one that can be refined.

No matter what, he didn't want to give up the hope in front of him so easily.

The eight people exchanged glances with each other, but still felt a glimmer of hope. The old man who spoke first stood up and said: "I believe you also know those people outside the world. Those bandits want to retaliate against us. I want our entire Craftsman world to fall apart!"

At this moment, he had already used honorifics towards Du Yu, and his attitude was completely different from before. He was not lying at all. That group of people did indeed intend to do so.

After all, not only do they want to empty out their wealth, but they also want them to refine weapons. When it is over, will the bandits give them courtesy?

I'm afraid that in the future, they will have to refine magic weapons non-stop. Even they who are obsessed with refining weapons will never tolerate those kind of nightmare days.

Next, he roughly told Du Yu what happened. After listening to the other party's story, Du Yu couldn't help but be a little dumbfounded.

Things are just like the rumors, a counterattack by a loser. One of the current leaders of the bandit organization was wronged here when he was weak, so now that he is strong, he wants to take revenge and bring back this group of people he thinks he is very proud of. The weapon refiner is good looking.

If ordinary people heard it, they would definitely feel very inspirational and agree with what this person did.

But Du Yu didn't think so. He was just surprised how such a narrow-minded person could cultivate to such a state.

There is no reason for him to stand up in terms of emotion or reason. Since others have set a rule that non-celestial saints are not allowed to enter, then if they are not strong enough but they must force their way in and be taught a lesson, who can blame them? ?

What's more, someone else is a top caster. It would be a bit out of place to meet someone who is not a saint of heaven and earth just casually. This is not arrogance, but the status of the two parties is not equal at all.

After hearing this, Du Yu pondered for a moment and said, "I can help you solve the problem, but the condition I give is that you must join my Qilin Empire!"

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