Du Yu was too lazy to waste time with such a small person, and the aura belonging to the peak Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian burst out instantly.

It directly knocked away several people surrounding him. At such a close distance, even the Tiandao Saint could not withstand Du Yu's pressure. These people were directly thrown into the distance, obviously they would not survive.

The movement here immediately alerted the powerful men in the battleship. Countless Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian-level auras steamed up, causing the void to tremble crazily.

Du Yu's expression did not change at all. His purpose was to lure them out. Now that the mission only lasted less than two months, Du Yu did not want to delay the progress of his mission because of these people.

If the mission was completed in just such a short time, Du Yu would definitely chase these people to the ends of the earth and never stop.

These strong men are clearly distinguished. They are divided into five forces in total. It is not difficult to identify. Each side has more than twenty Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. Three of them even have peak Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian level powerhouses. , Du Yu had already had a rough understanding of these strengths when he came in before.

Although there were a lot of people on the other side, he was really not particularly worried. After all, this group of bandits lacked cohesion in the first place, judging from the intelligence he had heard before.

What happened this time was organized by the leader who had been bullied. There were five bandit organizations in total. They would bear such a big taboo and invade a world that occupies a huge market for magical weapons in the War Domain. Most likely The reason is also because of interests.

And since they were attracted by interests, it would be easy to deal with. He only needed to let them know that if they continued, their losses would definitely be greater than their interests, and their alliance would naturally fall apart.

As for these people's proposal to bring these weapon refiners under their command, they are just wishful thinking. This is simply impossible.

Other forces would never allow such a thing to happen. Du Yu didn't know who came up with this idea, but this idea was definitely a suicide attempt.

Regardless of the fact that those forces are not taking action now, they are just waiting, waiting for the arrogant weapon refiners in the Craftsman World to come to their aid after they have learned enough lessons, so that they will naturally take advantage of them when dealing with them in the future. Huge advantage.

It's just that they didn't know that their thoughts were cut off by Du Yu.

The group of weapon refiners who only know how to refine weapons couldn't understand these things, but Du Yu knew everything clearly. However, he would not tell the group of weapon refiners these things. Du Yu would never give up such a chance to win favor. Will let it go.

Five people came out of the five camps, three peak Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and two low-level Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. This combination is definitely enough to walk sideways in the War Domain, as long as they don't provoke existences of the level of Hunyuan Sage. , absolutely no one can touch them.

Among the five people, the initiator of this operation, a young man with a sinister face, said with a cold face: "Sorry, this place has been blocked by us. If you want to go out, brother, you should wait until we solve the matter. Only then can you leave."

Du Yu glanced at him with a sharp look. This person's strength was not solid, that is, he had just made a breakthrough. His strength was not even as good as the ordinary peak Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian. I am afraid that he had used some special means to encourage him. It's not worth taking him to heart. On the contrary, the other two peak Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian gave him a sense of danger. Their strength was definitely very solid and they were not easy opponents to deal with.

As for the two lower-level Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, Du Yu simply ignored them. His own defense was to stand and let them fight. They couldn't fight, so they were not worthy of attention at all.

"I will protect the world of Craftsman Furnace today, please retreat." Du Yu said calmly with his hands behind his back, as if the person in front of him was not an opponent of the same level, but an ant that could be killed easily.

"Why? Your Excellency's tone is a bit loud. You just asked us to retreat?" A lower-level Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian sneered.

He is the second boss of his bandit organization. Because the boss is unable to come over because of something, he is temporarily responsible for the affairs here. Being able to talk to a peak Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian like this makes him feel extremely happy. After all, it would be normal if it were not , How dare he do this? His confidence lies entirely in the three people beside him. He doesn't believe that Du Yu dares to attack him at this time.

"Dry tongue." Du Yu snorted coldly. The next moment, his figure disappeared instantly. When he reappeared, he was already in front of the man. Before he could react, he pinched his neck and pulled him away. Lifted it up.

The three peak Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian beside him did not react at all. When they reacted, Du Yu had already strangled the man's neck. They were all a little dumbfounded. What an abnormal speed this was.

Without any time to think, the three of them shot at Du Yu at the same time. The last person to react was the lower level Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, who also tried his best to attack Du Yu.

The four of them besieged him at the same time, and Du Yu was like a sheep entering a tiger's mouth.

Just when everyone thought that Du Yu was going to be killed by the four men, Du Yu disappeared in an instant, and the only person left behind was the lower-level Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

The four of them were slightly startled, but looking at the lower-level Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian in the middle, who had little ability to resist, there was a hint of strange color in their eyes.

Not only did the energy in his hands not shrink, but it became a bit heavier. Although they had a brief alliance, they were still not in the same group. On the contrary, they were still enemies in the past. Naturally, they didn't mind losing one opponent to themselves at this moment. .

The lower level Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian was plotted by Du Yu. At this moment, his power was sealed a lot and he couldn't move at all.

In his horrified eyes, the four people's attacks fell hard on him, and the violent power exploded instantly. He didn't even have time to scream, so he was smashed to pieces.

Seeing this scene, Du Yu had a cold smile on his face. As expected, the alliance between this group of people was not reliable at all.

With such an example in front of them, how could the four of them dare to fight side by side, let alone behind their backs? They probably wouldn't even dare to give way to each other.

With such a loose and ridiculous alliance, I'm afraid these people will start killing each other without even needing to worry about it!

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