The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 984 The power of a rebuke

"Oh, how could you have escaped!"

"Damn it, you can actually avoid being locked by divine consciousness!"

"Brother Yan, I will avenge you. I will send this kid down to accompany you right now!"

"You actually want to frame us, you are so despicable!"

The four people yelled loudly, and without exception they refused to admit that they had done it themselves. Instead, they put all the blame on Du Yu.

To be honest, with their strength, they were able to withstand the attack in the end, but they did not. They were completely deliberately killing that person, even if they missed the attack of one or two people, the lower-level Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian He may not die.

It's just a pity that compared to this alliance, they care more about getting rid of one opponent.

Without a lower-level Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, it is not just as simple as killing a strong opponent, but it also cuts off the possibility that the other party may have a peak Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian again. This is not good for their competitive relationship. It is said that self-power has many benefits.

"It's ridiculous." Du Yu shook his head and looked at the group of organization members who had their second leader killed. There were many angry people among them, but none of them really felt sad. They were angry because they had lost face. , one can imagine how poor the cohesion of this group of bandits is.

For such a ridiculous organization, apart from using all kinds of clumsy tricks to make people feel sick, I'm afraid its real combat effectiveness is not that terrible.

It can be seen that the other forces do not want to cut off the connection with the craftsman world because of fear, but more probably because they want to find opportunities to raise prices.

Of course, what Du Yu couldn't guess was that those forces had not intervened for the time being. In fact, there was a big reason for him.

The Thunder Emperor's Tomb he created in the Black Cloud World really attracted too much attention and plundered all the elites of all forces. Even if they wanted to support them, they were powerless. Instead, they wanted to prevent the elites from leaving. Home, will your home be attacked in retaliation by this group of bandits?

By then, without the elite and a large number of strong men, they may not even be able to protect themselves.

Du Yu didn't want to care what they thought, and still said calmly: "Step back, otherwise don't blame me for being rude."

After he finished speaking, he narrowed his eyes slightly. The lower-level Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian shrank subconsciously. He was a little frightened by Du Yu's terrifying speed. He was afraid that he would become the next target. He had no confidence. He can withstand the attacks of three Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian.

And even if the other three people don't attack, he can't guarantee that Du Yu's attack will be weak. After all, Du Yu is at least a peak Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, a being who has surpassed him by a small realm.

His move made the other three people sigh in disdain, but they were also alert. The previous speed scared even them. The terrifying speed was simply beyond their reaction speed.

But it is impossible to give in. How great are the benefits this time? If successful, there will be 50 million sets of magic weapons alone. Each of them can divide up 10 million sets of magic weapons. If they are all fully equipped, they will definitely It is much stronger than the current motley army.

This is a great temptation for them, and it is absolutely impossible to force them back.

"Since you are sincerely looking for trouble, we won't be polite. Let you see the fighting style of our bandit organization. Come on!" The Yin Vulture young man smiled sadly and waved his hand.

After the words fell, the other three people also made the same move. The remaining group of bandits who had lost their leader naturally did not dare to disobey. The four parties had killed their leader, and now they caught It was entirely possible for them all to stay for one reason, and they didn't dare to take the risk.

They could only rush towards Du Yu in the same way. In one moment, five forces, thousands of warships, and nearly ten million bandits pressed towards Du Yu in a mighty manner. The long-range attacks had begun to accumulate power, preparing to kill Du Yu.

The human sea tactic has always been the tactic they are good at, and it is also the most effective tactic. With such a huge number, even if they are piled up, they can easily kill a strong person.

Although this seems a bit shameless, after all, Du Yu is only one person, but these people are shameless desperadoes, so naturally they don't care about these reputations, but are proud of them.

Du Yu sneered. The next step was to let them know the price they were going to pay. There was no need to eliminate them all. As long as they knew how big the price was, they would naturally make their own choices.

The God-killing Spear appeared in Du Yu's hand, and Xiaoling had merged into Du Yu's body at some point, covering Du Yu's whole body with a layer of white armor.

The majestic power has been enhanced by the armor on his body and the God-killing Spear in his hand.

The abyss-like fighting spirit also began to emanate from Du Yu's body, distorting the surrounding void. Although there was only one person, it seemed like there were thousands of troops behind him. Subconsciously, the momentum of the robbers on the opposite side became weaker. point.

"Back off!" Du Yu shouted violently, his fighting spirit contracted for a moment, and then surged crazily in front of him.

Chi Gui Shen appeared again, but this time using Chi Gui Shen, Du Yu's strength was no longer what it was before, only at the peak of the fifth level of chaos.

At this moment, not only the Chaos Undead Body has reached the seventh heaven, but also the Battle Sky Jade Emperor Art has reached the peak of the sixth heaven. Du Yu's strength has undergone earth-shaking changes.

The terrifying sound waves mixed with fighting intent swept forward, completely destroying everything in front of them.

Whether it was the flying attack, the Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian rushing at the forefront, or those huge battleships, all in front of the sound waves were like small boats in the huge waves, being easily pushed away. .

Standing behind with his arms folded, he looked at the four leaders here with a sneer. The boss's mouth suddenly grew longer. They were all stunned. Is this the power that Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian can have? This is like an ordinary When a human sneeze, a gigantic dragon will be blown away, which is shocking.

They themselves couldn't guarantee that they would be able to gain benefits if they stood in front of the sound waves.

"How is that possible?" The young Yin Vulture looked at the army that had been blocked from charging, his fingertips trembling slightly.

With just such a blow, all the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian who rushed forward suffered varying degrees of injuries.

At least nearly a hundred battleships were destroyed, and the number of casualties among his men exceeded one million.

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