The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 986 The Terrible Du Yu

After Du Yu's blood-red eyes appeared, everyone across from him felt a chill in their backs, as if they were being targeted by some terrifying beast.

Then they clearly felt that the power of rules in their bodies was suppressed, and all people under Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian were almost equivalent to useless people. Even Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian's strength was greatly restricted.

After Du Yu revealed his trump card, this group of gangsters immediately fell into a disadvantage.

Their eyes looking at Du Yu at this moment were full of fear. The one whose face changed the most was the Yin Vulture young man. He was so frightened by Du Yu that his face turned pale. He had never heard of such terrible methods. He really regretted his actions. The iron plate mentioned this time was more serious than he imagined.

It was simply not an existence that he could touch.

The other two experienced peak Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian all had pale faces and lost their previous calmness.

Du Yu at this moment is no longer the same as before. He has obtained many trump cards in the reincarnation world. Whether it is the God-killing Spear Technique or his Killing Eye, they are extremely terrifying things. If they were not used before, it does not mean that they are useless. , on the contrary, their effects are terrible.

The group of people who are currently on the opposite side of Du Yu feel the deepest. Unlike the technological world, they can still rely on the technological weapons in their hands to exert huge combat effectiveness even if they cannot exert their own strength. Without the power of rules, they They were just a bunch of losers, and Du Yu's move was extremely terrifying for their restraint.

That group of people are now a group of lambs waiting to be slaughtered. In front of Du Yu, they are not even qualified to defend.


A cold voice came from Du Yu's mouth. This time the sound wave was more terrifying than the last time, and it was more concentrated. It was almost in a small fan-shaped area, which just happened to cover the Yin Vulture youth. The other men were shrouded in it.

It was obvious that Du Yu was preparing to teach this person who kept causing trouble for him an unforgettable lesson.

Du Yu's attack made the group of bandits on the opposite side feel heartbroken, just when they all thought they were going to suffer heavy losses.

The attack passed them by, but their "friendly forces" suffered heavy losses, and their hearts relaxed subconsciously.

However, they quickly raised their minds again, because the power of this blow was really terrifying. Just one blow actually wiped out one-fifth of their powerful fleet. How could this not make them feel scared?

The only ones left were a few powerful Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortals. They were least affected by the Eye of Killing, so they were not seriously affected. At most, they were a little embarrassed.

But all their men were dead, and only the bare commanders were left in this group of people.

One of the ten major bandit groups in the War Fire Domain was destroyed right in front of their eyes. Even the weakest one among them was still enough to make people feel scared.

After all, it was a powerful force of more than two million people. There were thousands of Tiandao saints alone, but they were still completely destroyed in an instant, leaving only endless corpses and battleship wreckage. This scene looked like Their scalps were numb.

Even if human life is of no importance to them, there will be times when they are afraid. People like Du Yu who can easily take their lives are the existence they fear.

"Devil, devil!" The Yin Vulture young man was so frightened by Du Yu's appearance at this moment that he fell down on the deck of the battleship.

Although this blow is powerful, it is still unable to hurt him with the protection of Dai Feng Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. However, the one under his butt is also the only intact battleship in his hand. All his men have already Ruined.

His bandit organization suffered such a disaster and was basically destroyed.

"Haha." Du Yu sneered and appeared in front of him in a flash, looking down at him condescendingly.

The Yin Vulture young man's pupils shrank immediately, and he turned over and prepared to escape. However, a blood-colored spear was one step faster than him and penetrated directly through his chest, nailing him to the ground.

"Why, you want to run away after provoking me? Sorry, I'm a very vindictive person." Du Yu's face was extremely cold. Even he had consumed 70% of his strength by scolding ghosts and gods on such a large scale.

However, even if there is less than 30% left, it is still easy to deal with a young Yin Vulture whose strength is beyond that of the lower-level Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, not to mention that the opponent has already been frightened and lost his fighting spirit, and cannot use his abilities at all. Cost thing.

"No, no, I was wrong. I know I was wrong. Please let me go, sir. I will never offend you again!" The young Yin Vulture said in a rapid voice, ignoring the pain in his chest. said.

His embarrassed appearance showed no trace of the magnanimity of the leader of the top ten bandit organizations. He looked at the other two leaders and felt ashamed that they would be on an equal footing with such a person.

If they were in such a situation, although they wouldn't necessarily seek death, they wouldn't be so shameless.

After all, he is the overlord of one party, and in the War Domain, he can make one party tremble by stomping his feet. No matter how embarrassing he is, he will not be so ungrateful.

It was obvious that he had no intention of forgiving such a villain. This Yin Vulture young man was indeed a real villain. He had lost his face because of his own reasons, but he actually wanted to come back and cause trouble for others.

For such a narrow-minded person, if you let him go, you will only make yourself uncomfortable. The world of Craftsman's Furnace is the best example.

Although Du Yu is not worried that someone will surpass him again after being caught up by him, Du Yu will never want to leave a trouble for himself. If it turns out to be trouble, it is better to kill him as soon as possible.

The God-killing Spear in his hand shook, and the young Yin Vulture who was still begging for mercy was directly shattered into pieces. Only a soul was left and he wanted to escape, but Du Yu pinched him and he could not escape at all.

Du Yu didn't hide it, he directly took out the evil soldier's ghost eye and let it swallow the soul of the Yin Vulture youth into the bead.

Everyone on the side was dumbfounded. Even the two peak Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian's scalps were numb. The peak Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian didn't even have a chance to struggle. He was executed in front of their eyes. Even his soul They didn't let go, it was so frightening to see them.

Looking at Du Yu's eyes, the two of them knelt down on the ground without even thinking, and said loudly: "I, Wang Qiang\\Tiegang, want to follow you! I will work for you!"

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