The two bandit leaders were indeed discerning people. Knowing that Du Yu was extraordinary, they immediately changed their tune.

In fact, they are helpless. No one knows what Du Yu's true combat power is. If he is too strong, if they want to fight to the end, there is a high chance that they will be turned into a pile of void like the Yin Vulture youth and his subordinates before. Rubbish.

They couldn't afford to gamble, but they also saw Du Yu's potential. They would never suffer a loss by following Du Yu.

It's just that they want to join Du Yu, but Du Yu may not want to accept them. Although a group of people are good in strength, in Du Yu's eyes, they are just that. The Qilin Army is growing very fast now.

Millions of years of seclusion have laid a solid foundation for them. Now in several months of actual combat, their realm has continued to soar. Now many generals have reached the early and middle levels of Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian.

The soldiers of the Qilin Army have generally reached the level of Heavenly Saints. Compared with the group of bandits in front of them, they are many times stronger. How could Du Yu see them?

When he was in the reincarnation world, if it weren't for the fact that he didn't really have any helpers around him, he might not have created the Heavenly Punishment. After all, they didn't have the talent and strength of the Qilin Army, and they didn't have any characteristics other than their numerical advantage.

Du Yu directly rejected the surrender of the two men, put away the evil soldier's ghost eyes and the god-killing gun and said coldly: "Go away now, I don't want to see you in front of me in three minutes."

The two of them were slightly stunned. They didn't expect that Du Yu would reject them. While they were a little angry in their hearts, they were also a little surprised. After all, they were both used to being the boss, and now they suddenly became someone else's subordinates. Such a gap between them How could it be accepted?

Surrendering was originally their helpless move, and it would be better to leave now. However, Du Yu looked down on them, which made them feel a little uncomfortable.

It's just that Du Yu is too strong. Although they are a little aggrieved, they dare not speak out.

After taking a deep look at Du Yu, he raised his hand and loudly ordered: "Everyone should retreat!"

Then Xu Guge left in a hurry with his men, as if he was afraid that Du Yu would regret it, so he didn't dare to stay at all. As for the remaining two forces, they didn't even have the leader, and even the deputy leader of one of them died. Here, they naturally didn't dare to stay anymore. They followed directly behind those people and fled in despair.

Five of the top ten bandit organizations in the War Fire Territory, all of which were notorious alliances in the War Fire Territory, were easily resolved by Du Yu.

The spies who were sent to watch in the Craftsman World were all dumbfounded.

At this moment, Du Yu is as tall as a god in their eyes. He has not even reached the strength of Hunyuan Saint, but already has the strength of Ruichang. So what will it be like if he steps into Hunyuan Saint in the future.

They quickly turned around and returned excitedly to the world of Craftsman's Furnace. The good news here must be told to the elders who were still waiting for the news. This is a huge happy event!

The knife hanging above their heads was gone, and everyone could breathe a sigh of relief.

Du Yu looked at the backs of those people leaving and breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. Although he was powerful, if he really wanted to keep all those people, he would definitely pay a huge price.

It's just a pity that the other party's people are not united.

Although there are three peak Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortals, and even nearly a hundred Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortals, even the top figures will do evil things when they have the opportunity, so who else dares to unite with the people around them.

It would be good if they could exert 80% of their strength if they were wary of each other. In addition, Du Yu's previous violent attack shocked them and left a deep impression on them, and they easily killed the Yin Vulture. After becoming a young man, no one dared to take action.

In fact, even Du Yu didn't expect that he could succeed so easily. Although he calculated that others would not help him, he did not expect that the Yin Vulture young man would directly give up the resistance. With such a superficial combat experience, Du Yu was a little curious about how he cultivated to such a level and became the leader of one of the top ten bandit organizations.

After all these calculations, Du Yu just used a few moves to scare away five powerful armies. It must be said that his mind has risen to a new level.

"I wonder if they can help me cast the big seal. There are 56 days left in the mission, less than a month." Du Yu groaned, and then flew directly towards the world of the craftsman's furnace.

When he entered the inner street, the casters along the way looked at Du Yu with admiration.

Although they are obsessed with forging a group and are not particularly interested in fighting, this does not hinder their admiration for Du Yu. He can single-handedly force five powerful organizations to retreat in the war domain. , few people can do it,

And those people are all famous Hunyuan saints.

The eight old men in the inner street were already standing neatly waiting for Du Yu. Different from their previous casualness, after knowing what Du Yu wanted them to cast and his previous performance, they no longer dared to underestimate Du Yu.

Because they know that the person who is asking them to do things now is very likely to be the real future domain lord of the Warfire Domain. Even if they don't know much about the world, they definitely know what the consequences will be if they offend the domain lord.

Territory Lords who possess the Territory Lord Seal definitely possess unimaginable power in their own domain. This power frightens them even more than the Hunyuan Saint.

"How is it? Can it be refined?" Du Yu looked at the eight people and asked in a deep voice.

The eight people did not speak, but just stared at him deeply. Just when Du Yu frowned, thinking that the other party could not do it, the old man at the head said: "100% sure, Your Majesty the Emperor!"

This sentence made Du Yu's eyes suddenly light up, and a hint of excitement arose in his heart. In this way, the task of the third ring was passed.

But soon he realized what the old man was calling him. It was a title used by the people of other worlds for the emperor of their own country. His words seemed to mean that he wanted to surrender to himself.

It seems that his Qilin Empire will have a powerful weapon refining department.

"Refining it as soon as possible, I need it very urgently!" Du Yu nodded.

He was very satisfied with the knowledge and interests of the forge masters in the Tinker World.

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