The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 988 Territory Lord Seal

Under Du Yu's urging, the eight Warfire Domain weapon refiners Mingsu, who had already relaxed, hurriedly took action.

Du Yu handed over the crystal core of the Star War Beast and the Nine Heavens Mysterious Thunder to the three of them. These two things were of extremely high value. Even masters of weapon refining like them had rarely come into contact with them. After all, these things could They all come from beings whose strength defies the heavens.

With the current strength of the War Fire Domain, no one except those few Hunyuan Saints can kill them, let alone bring them out to refine things.

It can be said that this is the most advanced material that the three of them have come into contact with so far.

Especially when they saw that the crystal core was at the peak Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian level, the expressions of the eight people became fanatical.

An old man said excitedly: "Oh my God, after having this crystal core, the starting point of this region's main seal will be much higher than ordinary ones!"

"Yes, I'm afraid it can already catch up with the ordinary second-level domain master's seal. It has just been cast and has such power. It's hard to imagine how much potential it will have in the future!" Another person said in surprise.

Several people talked about it, and they were full of great interest in the refined things. Refining the Territory Lord Seal was also a great growth for them. It can be said that they had not refined the Territory Lord Seal, and they were not qualified to be... He is known as the strongest weapon refiner in this field, and the cumbersome techniques involved are the best test papers to prove the strength of the weapon refiner.

Du Yu was not interested in the academic issues they discussed, but he was very interested in the Territory Lord Seal.

After all, you can tell what the Territory Lord Seal is just by hearing the name. If you want to become a real Territory Lord, the first condition is that you need a Territory Lord Seal. Otherwise, you can only be a fake Territory Lord and may be taken away by others, or even None of them can rely on the power of this domain.

Apart from the recognition in name, he is not a real Territory Lord at all. The current Territory Lord of War Fire Territory is such a pseudo Territory Lord. Although he took over the position of Territory Lord from the Huang family in the technological world, because he did not The method of refining the Territory Lord Seal, so he can only be regarded as a pseudo Territory Lord. ,

It would be much easier for Du Yu to defeat him than to deal with a real domain master.

He probably had some idea of ​​what this Xuan-level pre-mission would ultimately require him to do. I am afraid that the final Xuan-level mission would require him to become the Domain Lord of the War Fire Domain. Otherwise, he would not have come up with something like the Territory Lord Seal. , and only tasks of that difficulty are qualified to be called Xuan-level tasks.

After the eight people roughly discussed the distribution, they went directly to their refining room. Different from the earth vein divine fire in the reincarnation world, their refining method was even more unique.

This place called the Craftsman's Furnace World is actually a huge furnace. Those refiners are able to attract countless powerful furnace fires from the surrounding heaven and earth. The heat is far more intense than Du Yu's before. The earthly divine fire I have seen.

Why those five powers didn’t dare to enter the world of the craftsman’s furnace? It wasn’t because they were kind-hearted, but because they didn’t dare. Except for the Hunyuan Saint, no one could guarantee that when this group of weapon refiners were frantically mobilizing the furnace fire, they could Safe and sound.

Du Yu did not watch the refining process. He just waited quietly outside and gave guidance to the girls on their cultivation. There was still a lot of time. Even if Du Yu was in a hurry, he could not complete the task instantly.

About 49 days later, a shocking ray of light rose into the sky from where the eight people were. Du Yu, who had been waiting around, suddenly lit up in his eyes and disappeared from the spot in an instant. In the next moment, he had arrived outside the weapon refining room. .

The roof of the refining room has been poked with a large hole by the energy that escaped. A jade seal with a golden edge is suspended in the light beam. The appearance and aura of this jade seal are exactly the same as those shown in the mission. .

Although he didn't know what effect it had, he could still feel its extraordinary power. Du Yu had a vague feeling that this piece of data would be a valuable treasure.

He raised his hand and waved, and the Territory Lord Seal, which was only half the size of a fist, fell directly into his palm. A cool power instantly flowed into his body from his palm, making him quite comfortable.

Du Yu looked at the Territory Lord Seal in his palm with some silence. He hadn't refined it yet, but he had already shown his power automatically?

The eight disgraced weapon masters also flew out of the opened roof. They looked at the Territory Lord Seal in Du Yu's palm and said excitedly: "Emperor, we are lucky enough to live up to our orders!"

Du Yu nodded with a smile, he directly put the Territory Lord Seal into his body, then raised his hands to the eight people and said: "Thank you for your hard work, let's officially join the Qilin Empire, the benefits will definitely not disappoint you. "

Joining the Qilin Empire does have huge benefits. Take Huang Dao as an example. Before, he could only be considered a good genius at best. He was still far away from being a peerless genius. However, after joining the Qilin Empire and passing through the Zhenguo Emperor, After the marrow cleansing, his qualifications are comparable to those of monster-level geniuses.

This kind of improvement is not only the talent in cultivation, but also the talent in one's own profession. The bonus is the most terrifying.

Although the eight people were puzzled, they didn't bring it up. They just felt that Du Yu was making it a bit too formal. After all, they had never seen a force that had to go through a certain ceremony to join.

However, because the world is different, they dare not draw any conclusions, and just think that this is a special habit of the Qilin Empire where Du Yu lives.

Du Yu activated the power of the Zhen Guo Imperial Seal and asked the eight people with a serious face: "We are willing to lead the Craftsman World, join my Qilin Empire, be protected by my Qilin Empire, and work for me!"

The eight people looked at each other, bowed down, and said respectfully: "We are willing to join the Emperor!"


Countless golden lights shot out from Du Yu's body. When the last words of the eight of them fell, the golden light accurately landed on the foreheads of every forger in the Craftsman's Furnace World, even the eight of them were exceptions.

The speed of the golden light was too fast for them to escape. Before they could get angry, they were stunned by the countless images and the power surging within their bodies.

The physical potential seems to be back to its peak, and they have the possibility to go further.

Many issues that were very confusing before were now clear, and they became smarter, and all of this was brought about by the emperor in front of them.

At the same time, people in the Craftsman World are constantly breaking through the realm. The breakthroughs one after another make the entire Craftsman World filled with excitement. Although the Forges don’t like fighting, the breakthroughs in the realm mean that they have the ability to refine stronger magic weapons. How could they not be excited about the possibility.

For a time, cheers for the Emperor's long liveness rang out in every corner of the Craftsman's Furnace World!

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