"The result of everything, the process of everything?"

Under these circumstances, how could Chu Yun have such a leisurely sentiment? "What's the point of selling things up until now? All of this is meaningless. You should know it. Alas, it seems that I still have nothing worth talking about."

In Chu Yun's words, there was a kind of regret and a loss of value to himself, and there was a sense of self-deprecating.

What Fu Zongshan values ​​most now is the power of Chu Yun's return to one realm. Of course, he doesn't care about what he wants to know now. Even if he knows all this, it won't pose any threat to him.

"Since you are so anxious to know what this thing is like and what method I used, then I will let you see all this now!"

With that said, Fu Zongshan took out something that was completely dark, not transparent, and it didn't look like jade. It should look like something like ordinary rock.

Chu Yun speculated that this thing must be in this cave, and that Fu Zongshan couldn't dig it out, and it was impossible to extract it. It could only be stored in this huge mountain intact and contained some of its power.

The things in his hand were produced on this mountain, which was proof that, next, he was about to use this black rock to drive the magic circle that had trapped Chu Yun.

It seemed that Chu Yun wanted to think of a way to escape from here, but it was too late. "You want to open this formation and strip away the power of my unified realm?"

"Yes, do you regret it, Chu Yun? Do you regret believing in someone you just met? Without the threat of Leng Jiali, would you still listen to a stranger?"

Chu Yun smiled bitterly and replied: "How could this happen? I'm not that kind of stupid person, but Leng Jiali...For her, no matter what method is used, I have to try."

"So, people who are bound are stupid." As he said, his eyes became sharper, making people feel his killing intent.

Unexpectedly, this Young Master Pian Pian would be so cruel, he said he would do it. The despicable behavior is very inconsistent with his generous and generous face. It seems that the four words Xiangyouxinsheng really need to be further verified.

Just when Chu Yun was suffering, the black rock in Fu Zongshan's hand glowed the same color as the streamer on the barrier. The golden color seemed to be the same, and it could be connected without bridge grafting. The intensity of the induction rose suddenly, the streamer of the enchantment and its streamer tumbling simultaneously, and then, a powerful force pressed Chu Yun.

Chu Yun felt a tearing sensation in his body, as if two things that were glued to perfection were torn apart in a split second. Even if there is still a part of the connection between the two, it can also be emitted. The message of separation is painful and unbearable, and the headache is splitting.

Chu Yun, who was carrying Leng Jiali, couldn't help but knelt on the ground with one knee. He was more worried about Leng Jiali's current situation than he was in his current situation. It doesn’t matter if her own power is stripped away. I don’t know if within the same barrier, Leng Jiali will be the same as Chu Yun because of this barrier, being separated by her own cultivation. go.

He didn't want Leng Jiali to taste this unbearable pain.

As the magic circle was driven longer and longer, the golden streamer covering the front of the barrier and the black rock gradually became clear, and even without the surrounding torches, it was able to illuminate this huge co-path thoroughly.

"How do you feel now?" Fu Zongshan said suddenly.

"Ha, how? I have only one thought right now, that is, after I break free from the shackles and escape this enchantment, I must also let you try, the pain of being stripped of your own strength forcibly."

"Really? However, after the fate left this barrier, you have no way to retaliate against me. After all, by that time, you are already a useless person, and your power will be in my hands. At that time, no matter how you hate or want to kill me, there will be no way to do it."

What Fu Zongshan said was nothing lie. The circumstances he said were exactly what Chu Yun would have been after again. And these conditions that are about to be realized in the future, together with the tearing of the power of the unified realm in the body, stimulated Chu Yun.

These circumstances made Chu Yun very unwilling. It was the second time that he had encountered this kind of pain that was enough to pierce the lungs a thousand times and ten thousand times. In these short two days, he had experienced enough.

Why did God fix him like this? Although he has answered the Guiyi Realm now, he is only a mortal after all. The pain he suffered yesterday only allowed him to break through the small Guiyi Realm. The catastrophe he crossed yesterday was not a soaring rise. The catastrophe of the immortal time, he is now becoming a **** without me, he is becoming an immortal.

How long can he hold on to a mortal body?

Besides, there is also Leng Jiali in this enchantment.

"Leng... Leng Jiali... she, she'll be fine, right."

"Don't worry, there will be nothing wrong with Leng Jiali. You are the only one who has trouble. My goal is to restore the power of the realm, and this enchantment will only strip away your power. Leng Jiali is also It's just a deep sleep, but whether you can wake up or not, it still depends on whether you will find a way to wake her up next."

"Heh... you are so cruel, will you let me find a way to rescue Leng Jiali?"

"Of course not. After all, she cares about you so much, so she wakes up and sees that your cultivation is taken away, and then knows from your mouth that everything is my calculation, she will definitely not let me go."

"So, you will kill me after it succeeds, right?"


"Not only that, you will let us two be buried in this cave, let Leng Jiali sleep forever, and stay in this cave with my bones."

"Yes, after all, outsiders, I don't know your whereabouts, and the rest of your brothers don't know what happened to you. Then, how about revenge?"

"How do you know that my brotherhood doesn't know? You are still too confident."

"You don't need to use this method to intimidate me anymore. I won't be afraid. You have to think about the text displayed on the spiritual power on the dart. It only says that the person is in Fu's Mansion, and it doesn't say that you are not allowed to bring people over. For the sake of safety, You should bring someone here when Fu Mansion goes for the appointment, but you are the only one who comes."

"Calculate everywhere, observe everywhere, you are really not easy."

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