"Haha, thank you for the compliment. Since you and me, you have been complimenting me. Are you doing any wishful thinking? I tell you, even if you deliberately disrupt my thoughts and want to shoot at me, your situation is now , It is impossible for you to realize these plans."

"Really? Oh, yes, there really is no chance. Then, let's continue to talk about Leng Jiali."

"Leng Jiali? I have no interest in him, so I just did a simple thing on her."

"Since it is a simple matter, then...it should be very simple."

Fu Zongshan, who has carefully studied the effects of the formation and how much damage it does to the people in it, is of course aware of everything in it, but... Judging from the fact that Chu Yun can still talk and laugh with him now, this formation is The intensity of the situation seems to be much worse than the expected situation.

The power of the Guiyi Realm has been bound to one's own cultivation base since the completion of cultivation. Of course it is not easy to separate one's cultivation base, let alone such a huge power in the Guiyi Realm?

If you want to completely extract the power from Chu Yun's body, you can only let time slowly pass away. It is impossible to do it overnight. Helpless, can only wait. Judging from the current situation, in addition to not meeting the expectations, there is a strange feeling that has been lingering in Fu Zongshan's thoughts.

What was it that made Fu Zongshan feel a weird feeling against everything in the formation... He didn't know.

His ignorance of this one made him feel uneasy in his heart. Although it was strongly suppressed, after all, he was in a state of distraction. He had to control the formation with one hand, and on the other hand, he had to observe when Chu Yun's power within the enchantment left his body. He who had insufficient concentration, some began to be distracted.

Fu Zongshan felt that it was not good, and immediately increased the power of the magic circle, allowing the power of Chu Yun's body to return to the realm to fly out of his body quickly. Driving such a magic circle, he bet all his cultivation base on this black rock.

The floating black rock suddenly trembled, and the light flow that was originally fairly steady, immediately began to have a sudden movement. The change is getting faster and faster, and a dark light is emitted directly in the direction of the magic circle.

When the light of this Junior Brother touched the edge of the barrier, Chu Yun immediately felt a nausea, and then the pain became more intense.

Although this burst of pain did not return to the same realm when the power was out of control, the pain it brought was more complete and without leeway, the kind of near-destructive pain was no more difficult than this kind of long and seemingly endless pain. Bear.

Chu Yun lost all his strength because of the pain, and Leng Jiali on his back also fell to the ground because of this. Chu Yun stretched out his hand, trying to touch Leng Jiali, a new and powerful force immediately pressed it down, and Chu Yun supported her on the ground with one hand, barely supporting her current self.

"Fu Zongshan, it seems that you only have so much ability. It has been so long. My power still exists in my body."

"Yes, as you said, my ability can only go to here. After all, it is the method I just got, and I am not familiar with its control. Therefore, it can only let you continue to experience this kind of pain. NS."

"So, you didn't think of one thing, right? At the beginning, did you plan to trap Leng Jiali in this formation together?"

"Honestly, no, Leng Jiali was just an accident. A rare beauty like Leng Jiali, I originally wanted her to live. My purpose is only your power. I am not the kind of person who likes to kill. It’s just that the plan has already begun, so I can only do so."

"Oh, it sounds nice, what about Leng Jiali, you don't care at all? Even, you don't hesitate to let her really die in your hands, right?"

Hearing that his words were broken through by others, Fu Zongshan's complexion did not change a bit, even, still with that kind of sneer, looked at the person in the enchantment who had been tortured to death.

This world violates the unscrupulous people who achieve their goals, and such people, Fu Zongshan can definitely be divided into this, so he wants to sacrifice others to promote himself to the next level, since he can Seeing this kind of despicable method, he is already a man without a bottom line. Such people are dangerous and even hopeless.

It is useless to say more. Besides, Chu Yun wants to collect enough information. He has no interest in Fu Zongshan. Even saying a word is meaningless.

He despised such a person who had no bottom line.

Yu Shanping on the side saw Chu Yun steadily supporting him, and said to Fu Zongshan: "Brother! This person is about to be unable to support it. Why don't you increase your strength and immediately take out his cultivation base and let me take this kid out with a single blow. Solve it."

Chu Yun reluctantly raised his head and looked at Fu Zongshan, who was manipulating everything in front of him: "Why didn't you give me a stab to fight me? How come your younger brother will make up for it?"

Fu Zongshan disagrees with this, with a cold smile, looking down at Chu Yun who is struggling on the ground. "I have already said that as long as your power is stripped, I will immediately start to promote my own cultivation base. At that time, I am already in a state of promotion. If I want to start, of course, there is no way to start. Let my younger brother do it for you."

"It turns out that there is such cooperation, I really admire it."

"So, you have no way to escape from here. Why don't you let go of your resistance and hand over the power of the return to one realm, so that you can die faster."

"I, Chu Yun, is not the kind of person who is at the mercy of others. Want to get my power? Will I just give in?"

"Look at the situation around here, this is no longer for you to choose."

"Can't choose? Why do you say I can't choose?"

"Just by my side, there is my companion, and in this barrier, there is another person besides me, Chu Yun!"

Chu Yun supported his body strongly and slowly straightened up.

The situation in front of him was caught off guard and dealt a huge blow to Fu Zongshan.

Obviously, he has exhausted all the power he can use. Why, Chu Yun still has the power to resist? Why? Is your own strength not enough?

impossible! This is the power of the Guiyi Realm, how could it not be enough! This is absolutely impossible!

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