The Strongest Gods and Demons Summoning System

Chapter 548: The conference begins

I alone screamed.

In the blink of an eye, the expression on his face was so dark that it was so dark and sombre.

His eyes flashed, his eyes looked at Chu Yun again, "How is it possible? How can you have power that is not weaker than mine?"

Having said this, I have not been able to slow down my journey alone.

But his body took a few steps back subconsciously, and came to everyone, it seemed that only this made him feel safe.

This is because Chu Yun's fist was about to fall apart with one punch.

If it wasn't for the strength of Alone, he could swear that he would definitely die in Chu Yun's hands.

"What's the matter?"

The other people looked at Chu Yun, and when they saw Alone walk back a few steps, they couldn't help rolling their eyes.

How did Chu Yun do it to make the loneliness suffer?

Everyone does not understand it, but it is also clear that the solitary act has failed.

For a while, the audience was silent.

All eyes were on Chu Yun, with an incredible color on their faces.

Chu Yun stood quietly on the spot, extremely calm in his heart.

Defeat Alone!

This was in Chu Yun's expectation. After all, Chu Yun's strength was strong enough, and Chu Yun could defeat Beihantian half a month ago, and Chu Yun broke through the realm of the Immortal King, which was equivalent to a higher level of strength.

Even though he was a strong mid-level fairy king, Chu Yun was confident that he could defeat the opponent.

Lone Woxing looked at Chu Yun for a long time without speaking, but he didn't expect Chu Yun to be so powerful. If it were not, he would not be afraid of Chu Yun now. Even Bei Hantian stared at Chu Yun, and his eyes were complicated. Lulu, "How can this guy's strength be so terrifying?"

"Why can he beat the solo line? Is it so weak that the solo line is weak, or is he already terrifying to the point."

Bei Hantian was extremely puzzled. He couldn't imagine how Chu Yun could be so strong. At this moment, Chu Yun had exceeded his imagination and reached an unfathomable level, but he didn't expect that Chu Yun could defeat the solitary.

Because of this, Bei Hantian was the same as Walking Alone, and didn't expect Chu Yun to be so strong at this moment. They looked at Chu Yun unanimously, and they didn't calm down for a long time.

However, Chu Yun glanced at I was alone, and said with disdain: "I have said that I am not the proud child of heaven, but I did not expect you people who pride themselves to do whatever they want and don’t treat me. In the eyes, so you are nothing more than that in my eyes."

After Chu Yun said this, he turned and left.

This time, no one stopped Chu Yun again.

After all, they fully understand how terrifying Chu Yun is at this moment.

And they looked at Chu Yun one by one, all in awe.

"I didn't expect this guy to be so terrible, is he terrible?"

Everyone looked at Chu Yun with almost unbelievable thoughts, because Chu Yun's strength had exceeded their imagination and reached an unfathomable level. It was precisely this way that they thought of Chu Yun's words.

Between their faces, it became extremely ugly.

What's more, there is also a touch of hatred towards Chu Yun.

"Good fellow, it's really unexpected that he can beat the solo!"

Chu Yun left Tianyue Tower and returned to the inn.

Things that go alone are just a small episode in Chu Yun's mind.

But here in Tianyue Tower, there was a woman looking at Chu Yun's back, and then at her alone.

For some reason, a smile appeared on the woman's face.

"I originally thought that he was just an ordinary person, but I didn't expect him to have such a strength. It is really unexpected. If he deals with Wang Yutian, I don't know how strong it is."

It was Lin Xueer who was talking.

She also came to the Tianyue Tower, and saw Chu Yun defeated the solo.

This incident surprised Lin Xueer, and she also had incredible thoughts about Chu Yun.

She came here for the purpose of looking for some powerful talents,

And Chu Yun absolutely exceeded her imagination.

Afterwards, Lin Xueer left Tianyue Tower.

She came to Chu Yun's inn, but at the moment Chu Yun seemed to be involved in cultivation, and did not appear.

It was late at night, but the entire Xueyue Kingdom was prosperous.

In the inn, Chu Yun sat in a lacquered manner, his expression calm.

"There are still two days to start the hunting conference, and I can practice hard during this time."

"Although I can't help but feel weak, but I can't guarantee that there are other gods."

When Chu Yun was thinking, he fell into practice.

Two days passed in a flash.

And on this day, Xueyue Kingdom became lively.

In the square of the Xueyue Kingdom, there is a sea of ​​people, and there are many people of heaven.

King Xueyue wore a python robe and was full of spirits. It was Lin Xueer next to him?

At this moment, Lin Xueer also smiled joyfully at King Xueyue.

After two days of inquiries, she finally knew that Chu Yun had no influence and that Chu Yun had defeated the solo.

For Lin Xueer, this is undoubtedly another village in the dark.

In her opinion, Chu Yun can defeat Sole and Bei Hantian, but it may not be impossible to defeat Wang Yutian.

"Daughter, you look good, what happened to you today?"

In the hall, King Xueyue looked at Lin Xueer with a joyful expression on his face.

When Lin Xueer reached this age, it was the best time to marry.

So for Lin Xueer, Xueyue King is extremely optimistic.

"Father, have you heard of Chu Yun?"

"Chu Yun?"

After hearing Lin Xueer's words, Xueyue King's expression was startled.

Recently, Chu Yun did not know that the Xueyue Kingdom was so fascinating.

However, in his opinion, even though Chu Yun is powerful, it is not enough compared to Divine Sword Sect.

"He can beat the solo, and he is naturally good."

Although King Xueyue was extremely demeaning to Chu Yun at the moment, he still praised him.

Because in his opinion, Chu Yun was able to defeat the solitary way, which was originally a good thing.

But in the Xueyue Kingdom, there are too many proud children.

Next, Xueyue King came to the square.

King Xueyue looked at the bustling crowd with a hint of joy on his face.

"Everyone, welcome you to the Xueyue Kingdom to participate in the martial arts competition, and I will lead you to the misty forest, where is the location of the hunting convention, I hope you can do your best."

When the Xueyue King said this, he was sitting in his thousand-year-old flood dragon, accompanied by the roar of dragons and tigers, and within a few moments, the world was surging, and there was thunder roaring.

Misty Forest!

When everyone heard the place name, their expressions were moved.

"The misty forest is very dangerous. The hunting convention is arranged there. It is worthy of an unprecedented contest to recruit relatives."

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