The Misty Forest, located west of the Xueyue Kingdom, has a wide area and is one of the fiefs of the Xueyue Kingdom.

There are a large number of fairy beasts in the misty forest, which is usually a good place for cultivators, and killing fairy beasts in it can be sold in auctions. If you find the treasures of heaven and earth, it will be a great harvest.

Although the misty forest is a good place for experience, there are a lot of biogas and powerful fairy beasts in the misty forest. Even if the fairy king enters the misty forest, his life will be in danger.

Although the natural treasures are good, they are not a last resort. Few people will set foot in the misty forest.

And at this moment!

Suddenly the brilliance of the heavens and the earth was vertical and horizontal, and thousands of figures fell. These figures were all powerful in aura, accompanied by the brilliance of the radiance. Someone fell on the outskirts of the foggy forest.

For a while, the silent misty forest became lively.

"Is this the foggy forest?"

Someone spoke on the spot, looking at the bottomless methane gas in the foggy forest, their expressions were a little moved.

"I'm here to participate in the hunting convention this time. If it weren't for the crowds, I'm afraid I wouldn't dare to set foot here. After all, the foggy forest is very dangerous. Some people will die here every few hours."


There was a woman beside the man. She looked at the foggy forest with a solemn expression.

"I have been to the Misty Forest before, but because I encountered a fairy beast in the outer area, I almost died of nine deaths. If it weren't for the treasure left by the family, I am afraid I am already a skeleton now."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone knew the terrible foggy forest.

Although the hunting conference is a contest to recruit relatives, there are also women who come here, and their purpose is naturally to get ahead.

Chu Yun was in the crowd, and a cold light flashed in his eyes, "If the misty forest is really dangerous, it would be a good thing for me, maybe I can find a high-level dragon vein."

Chu Yun glanced at the Misty Forest, and he could find that there were advanced dragon veins in it.

Tianyun City got a few dragon veins, and huge changes took place.

Chu Yun tried to find the sweetness, it was naturally unnatural but the dragon veins of this misty forest.

Therefore, Chu Yun at this time had the idea of ​​expecting everything.

It's not just him!

Lone Woxing looked at the misty forest, his eyes sank slightly, and he looked at Chu Yun subconsciously.

"Although this guy beats me, he pays attention to killing enemies in the foggy forest. I once visited the foggy forest and knew that there are dangers in the foggy forest, and there are natural treasures there."

"As long as I make good use of these advantages, I may not win the hunting conference."

Thinking of this alone, he was extremely confident, and he knew very well about the hunting convention.

It is nothing more than to kill the fairy beast and seize the inner alchemy among them.

This is relatively speaking, not only to test the strength, but also to have a general understanding of the foggy forest.

It just so happened that I walked alone to know the specific situation of the foggy forest.

On the other side, Bei Hantian stared at the misty forest, and an evil smile appeared on his face.

"Chu Yun, I'm alone, I guess you didn't expect a few people from the Excalibur Sect this time."

"Huh, I will be so crowded by then, so they can definitely wish me a helping hand and win the first place in the hunting convention."

King Xueyue stood in front of everyone, and a gleam of light appeared in his eyes. Then King Xueyue looked at the entire misty forest and said loudly, "Everyone, the misty forest is very dangerous. Those who are capable can quit the hunting meeting."


After hearing King Xueyue's words, everyone looked at each other and shook their heads a little moved.


They came here, how could they just come home like this.

Moreover, Lin Xueer is the first-class beauty of the Xueyue King. Although they know that their strength may not be as good as that of Solitude and Beihantian, for these people, they die under the peony flower, and they are also romantic.

Seeing that no one had quit, King Xueyue had a satisfied look on his face.

He waved his hand, and immediately a young man in armor came up. The young man glanced at the crowd and said catchy: "Everyone, I will announce the rules of the hunting meeting on behalf of my king."

"Once you enter the hunting convention, you will take care of your own life and death. It has nothing to do with Xueyue Kingdom."

"Of course, you can team up to find the inner alchemy of the fairy beast."

"If you want to win the hunting convention, you must win more and more valuable fairy beast inner alchemy within three days."

After a few words, the audience was extremely silent.

But everyone nodded without any hesitation. After all, they knew very well that the hunting convention was originally so cruel and took care of life and death. This was also the Xueyue King's worries about the death of some of the best of heaven.

Then the forces behind them came up, and even though King Xueyue was not afraid, he didn't want to offend the forces behind these proud sons of heaven.

"All right."

Seeing that everyone had no opinion, King Xueyue stood proudly with his hands on his back, then glanced at everyone and said coldly: "The rules have been clearly stated, and I hope you can return in triumph. There is only one winner in the hunting conference. , And the only way to win my daughter."

As soon as these words came out, everyone glanced at Lin Xueer subconsciously.

However, at this moment, Lin Xue'er raised her head to look at Chu Yun, curious in her beautiful eyes.

"What's the matter?"

When everyone saw this situation, they were all angry at Chu Yun. They didn't expect Lin Xue'er to have a curious look at Chu Yun. Because of this, everyone looked at Chu Yun angrily.

Chu Yun at the moment also felt Lin Xue'er's gaze.

Chu Yun had to say that Lin Xueer was indeed very pure, like an innocent girl, and easily attracted the attention of others.

However, Chu Yun shook his head bitterly.

The look in Lin Xueer's eyes had already made Chu Yun the top of the crowd, and Chu Yun could imagine how much trouble would come next.

But if you come, you will be safe, Chu Yun did not take this matter to heart.


Lone Woxing glanced at Chu Yun, then turned around and walked in the foggy forest first.

Followed by the rest of the gods.

Chu Yun stood still, calm in his heart.

But Qian Rentian next to him glanced at Chu Yun, and then approached and said, "Do you need my help?"


Chu Yun raised his head to look at Qian Ren Tian, ​​and couldn't help shaking his head, although Qian Ren Tian was the pride of the sky.

But here, only the fairy king can be considered to be able to handle it.

Thousand blade days are nothing but that.

Therefore, Chu Yun rejected Qian Rentian's kindness, and then walked into the misty forest.

It's just that when Chu Yun just walked a few steps, a fragrant wind swept over him.

"Wait for me...!"

Lin Xueer's voice came in the next moment.

When Chu Yun heard the words, he immediately raised his head and looked at Lin Xueer, his face was slightly surprised, "What are you waiting for?"

"Naturally, I want to enter the foggy forest and follow you to practice."

When she said this, Lin Xueer's face also had a stubborn look, which made Chu Yun's expression moved.

what happened?

How could this Lin Xueer follow herself?

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