Chu Yun was very curious about why Lin Xueer followed her.

He didn't think Lin Xueer had a good impression of herself.

But it shouldn't!

As the daughter of King Xueyue, Lin Xueer has a distinguished status. Logically speaking, she shouldn't follow Chu Yun.

After all, even though Chu Yun was powerful, Chu Yun was just a casual cultivator.

If it wasn't for Chu Yun to trouble him alone, I'm afraid Chu Yun would still be unknown.

So Chu Yun looked at Lin Xueer curiously, and a look of surprise appeared in the depths.

"Cher, don't mess around."

King Xueyue even more angrily said: "You are the daughter of a daughter, so you should stay there, and how decent you are now, you actually follow him. If this is spread out, it will make the father's face look good."

Lin Xueer curled her lips and said coquettishly: "Father, I am going to follow him and enter the misty forest to experience? I'm just one step away from the immortal king's diligence. I have an intuition that I can break through the realm in the misty forest."

"Then you can't follow him either."

At this moment, King Xueyue was very dissatisfied. He stared at Chu Yun subconsciously, wondering how Chu Yun would let his woman follow willingly. You know, Lin Xueer's fiance will be selected from the hunting convention.

If Lin Xueer followed Chu Yun, once the incident spread, it would also be a great blow to Lin Xueer.

After all, no one wants to marry a woman whose elbow is turned away.

Especially in this sensitive period.

Lin Xueer saw King Xueyue's indisputable eyes, she flashed her eyes for a moment, and she didn't have much thought, then she turned around, left the place directly, and returned to King Xueyue.

However, Lin Xue'er still had a look of resentment on her face.

But Chu Yun shook his head, without thinking, went straight into the misty forest.

As soon as he entered the misty forest, Chu Yun felt the gloomy aura radiating out, but there were a large number of the proud of heaven around Chu Yun, they were all looking for the whereabouts of the monster.

It was just overcrowded, even if there were monsters, it was not enough for everyone to kill.

Seeing this, Chu Yun walked in the direction of a few people.

"Is this guy looking for death?"

Seeing Chu Yun's actions, his expression alone was a little surprised, because Chu Yun was walking in the depths of the misty forest, where there were powerful fairy beasts, and Chu Yun's practice was already the rhythm of seeking death. .

I walked alone to the depths of the foggy forest and almost died there, so I walked alone knows how dangerous it is in the foggy forest, but when he saw Chu Yun's actions, he felt that Chu Yun would definitely die.

Not only did he think so, Bei Hantian also thought so.

"Brother, this guy has entered the depths of the foggy forest, do you want to follow him?"

Bei Chen said.

He looked at Chu Yun's back and gritted his teeth directly.

Because he didn't expect Chu Yun this guy to enter the depths of the misty forest alone.

thus. In Beichen's view, Chu Yun gave them a chance to kill.

"What are you doing?"

However, Bei Hantian directly slapped Bei Chen on the head, and then said righteously: "To Chu Yun, do you want to die faster?"

"He is even more powerful than me. Dealing with him is simply not worth it."

As soon as this remark came out, Bei Chen immediately nodded his head.

But he did not expect that Bei Hantian, as a strong immortal king, would be afraid of Chu Yun's power. This was too terrifying for Chu Yun.

When I think of this, the Beihantian at this moment is complex.

He looked at Chu Yun's back, his eyes were completely complex.

But Chu Yun had already walked into the depths of the misty forest.

Along the way, Chu Yun did not encounter danger, but he felt that there were powerful fairy beasts around him.

Chu Yun's heart was a little complicated.

Because around here, Chu Yun felt uneasy.

"Hope not to encounter a powerful fairy beast?"

After Chu Yun thought, he continued to walk forward.


But at this moment, a strange noise suddenly came, and a dark shadow came out immediately. Chu Yun couldn't help but look up, and what caught his eye was a lion full of flames.

When the lion saw Chu Yun, he immediately culled him.


At the same time, the fairy beast kept burning the flames all over his body, and the flame power it emitted was extremely terrifying.

Chu Yun felt this situation, and his expression was startled.

He did not expect that the fairy beast would have such a terrifying flame power.

"This is a fairy beast that controls the law of flames. In my opinion, he should be equivalent to the strength of Daluo's peak."

Chu Yun could see the approximate strength of the monster beast with just a glance, but Chu Yun didn't slap it out, and with the brilliance of his palms rising, he immediately burned thunderous power.


As Chu Yun's palm fell, the Flame Lion seemed to feel the power of horror. He opened his blood basin and bit at Chu Yun. Chu Yun felt the situation and couldn't help frowning.

But at this time, Chu Yun had completely the intention of killing and killing himself alone. With the aura of the world like a rainbow, the power of terror continued to burn, exuding the power of killing and killing the heavens.

"Die to me."

Chu Yun roared, his voice was unusually violent, and his aura rose, as if he had the supreme power to kill the heavens at this moment, and within a moment, a wave of violent power was dropped.


The fairy beast felt Chu Yun's strength, but he didn't mean to step back, and he still killed Chu Yun.

"This guy actually dealt with the fairy beast of Da Luo."

Not far away, someone looked at Chu Yun, and his eyes fell into a shadow, because the flame beast at this moment was extremely terrifying, and the power it radiated had already ruined the world, bursting out with a thousand radiance.

"Die to me.~

Chu Yun directly raised his palm and directly killed the Flame Lion.

After doing all this, Chu Yun shook his head.

"The power of the flame lion is still too weak. I need to find the fairy beast of the fairy king to improve my combat experience."

Immediately, Chu Yun opened his mouth to the flame beast.

A golden fairy beast inner pill fell in Chu Yun's palm.

"Big brother, he has already got a fairy beast inner alchemy, can we still match him?"

When Bei Chen saw that Chu Yun had obtained the fairy beast inner pill, he couldn't help but look up at Bei Hantian with envy.

At this moment, Bei Hantian also saw that Chu Yun had a monster inner alchemy.

He sank a little, and then said coldly: "What are you afraid of? I brought a few disciples of the Divine Sword Sect with me this time. Even though that guy is good, it's nothing more than that in my eyes."

"I don't believe it, so many people can't compare to Chu Yun,"

When Bei Hantian said this, he also had unwilling thoughts in his heart.

For Lin Xue'er, although he knew that this was the daughter of King Xueyue, his status was quite different.

But Bei Hantian's purpose was to gain the power of King Xueyue.

After all, a kingdom is enough to pile up resources, allowing Bei Hantian's strength to advance by leaps and bounds.

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