The Strongest Gods and Demons Summoning System

Chapter 556: Cauliflower mother-in-law

Outside, King Xueyue was patiently waiting for the proud son of heaven to come out.

In the foggy forest, in less than half a day, many deaths have been heard.

Although King Xueyue was worried about this, he also understood that it was those people who took the blame.

Of course, Xueyue King didn't want Beihantian and Alone to die.

Because these two people have extraordinary backgrounds, although life and death depend on heaven, it is inevitable that the Excalibur Sect will be furious about this.

"Look! Isn't that alone?"

Suddenly, someone spoke.

As the sound fell, everyone immediately looked up.

Sure enough, the solitary person who came into view came out step by step, which made everyone curious.

"What's the matter? Why did the act of being alone appear at this time?"

"Could it be that he is so sure of himself that he will appear at this time and has already harvested a large number of fairy beast inner alchemy?"

Faced with the people who secretly slandered, Alone shook his head.

He naturally knew why these people thought they had killed a large number of fairy beasts.

But the loneliness did not kill any fairy beasts, because he had just entered the misty forest and soon broke through the realm.

Originally, the only way to deal with Chu Yun.

However, this Chu Yun's strength was beyond his reach, and he came home unfailingly.

Therefore, there is no fairy beast inner alchemy in My Way alone.

In particular, Solok has withdrawn from the hunting competition.

He had no idea about Lin Xueer.

When Xueyue King saw that he was walking alone, he immediately walked up, "This brother, how many fairy beast inner alchemy have you got?"

Having said this, Xueyue King also looked forward to it.

It's good to be alone, if you can become his son-in-law, it's a good choice.

Alone shook his head and said nothing.

But he glanced at Lin Xueer, then turned and left.

The exposed back is extremely lonely!

Lin Xueer looked startled.

How is this going?

How can I walk alone without saying goodbye?

Lin Xue'er was curious. In her opinion, the self-departure on her own was completely beyond her imagination.

But she didn't expect that this would happen to me.

Is it possible to meet danger alone?

No wonder Lin Xueer thought so.

Leaving alone, she didn't understand what was going on.

It's not just Lin Xueer who thinks so.

Even the Xueyue King, who was ignored by the solitary walker, was also stunned, looking at the back of the solitary walker with great curiosity.

This is what he didn't expect, so I will leave without saying goodbye.

Is it dangerous to walk alone?

As Xueyue King thought, a serious look flashed in his eyes, and he was completely puzzled by his solitary behavior at this moment.

However, no one answered his question.

King Xueyue stood on the spot, an incredible gaze emerged between his expressions.

"Daughter, you said that you are alone, isn't it a shock?"

"Do not rule out this possibility."

Lin Xueer answered.

She had an intuition at this moment that she had encountered setbacks in her own way, so she left at this time.

However, Lin Xueer didn't think much, he looked at the misty forest, still looking forward to it.

"I don't know how he will...!"

The Divine Sword Sect, the magnificent hall, was exceptionally quiet, but at this moment, a very terrifying aura suddenly spread, and a figure suddenly appeared as the air flow swam around.

At first glance, she is an ancestor.

However, her expression was gloomy at this moment, and a cold color appeared between her eyes.

"Damn it, who killed my apprentice?"

"Is it because I'm too quiet, A Mao Agou dare to kill my apprentice of Granny Cauliflower?"

The ancestor's voice was sharp, with a hint of murder.

She is the elder of the Divine Sword Sect. She usually retreats and practices and rarely walks outside, but she has an apprentice.

And that apprentice is Bei Hantian.

But just now, Granny Cauliflower felt the breath of the death of her apprentice, which made her careless to walk out of the retreat directly, and at this time, she still couldn't believe that her apprentice died.

"Hantian strength Zijin breaks through the fairy king and wants to kill him, unless a more powerful fairy king makes a move."

"Whoever it is! Killing my apprentice will surely be doubled back."

A shadow fell in the eyes of the ancestor, then turned around and disappeared.

But outside her body, there was endless chills radiating out, as if it could stun the heavens and the realms, the space suddenly raged, and the power that stunned the surroundings broke out in vain.


The old woman disappeared directly, and when she reappeared, she had already arrived in another hall.

Here, an old man has been waiting for a long time.

"Mother Cauliflower, I don't know why you came to my Information Pavilion?"

The old man spoke, and immediately looked at Granny Cauliflower with a smile.

Maybe others don't know the pros and cons of Granny Cauliflower, but the middle-aged man knows it all.

Just like this, he saw the mother-in-law Cauliflower, and he was completely respected.

"My apprentice Hantian is dead."

Granny Cauliflower said in a cold tone.


As the mother-in-law Cauliflower's voice fell, the man looked startled.

As the elder of the Intelligence Pavilion, he naturally knew what Bei Hantian was, and no matter how he said he was also a strong immortal king.

However, such Beihantian died unexpectedly.

Could it be that the other party has eaten the bear heart and leopard's guts, recklessly?

When I think of this, the owner of the Intelligence Pavilion has a touch of complexity.

"Mother Cauliflower, when you came here, wouldn't it be to inquire about Bei Hantian's whereabouts?"

"Of course."

Mother Cauliflower said without hesitation.

She looked at the head of the intelligence pavilion with a smile on her face.

"Your Intelligence Chamber, but you know everything and can do everything, I think you should be able to help with this matter."

"Of course."

The owner of the Intelligence Pavilion nodded, and answered Granny Cauliflower without hesitation.

But when she looked at Granny Cauliflower, her expression became complicated.


Granny Cauliflower looked at the pavilion owner of the Information Pavilion, her expression flashing, "Could it be difficult for you?"

"That's not true."

The owner of the Information Pavilion shook his head, and then replied: "As far as I know, Bei Hantian recently went to Tianyun City, and then went to Xueyue Kingdom to participate in the hunting meeting. If the guess is good, he will participate in the hunting meeting now. Fight for Lin Xueer with others."

"Is there anything else?"

Granny Cauliflower frowned. If Bei Hantian went elsewhere, she would still be furious looking for news of Bei Hantian's death.

But the hunting meeting is already in danger.

If Bei Han was really dead there, it would be his own responsibility.

"No... Bei Hantian will never kill the Northern Immortal Beast. Someone must deal with him." Mother Cauliflower suddenly opened her eyes, and the deep cold light surged, blooming with a strong meaning of killing.

She never believed that Bei Hantian died for no reason.

Before finding the murderer, Granny Cauliflower must figure out the truth about this matter.

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