"Guardian of Intelligence Pavilion, this matter is left to you."

Granny Cauliflower flashed her gloomy eyes and said earnestly: "In half a day, I must know the cause of Bei Hantian's death. If you can do it, I will treat you as a favor."

When she said this, Granny Cauliflower turned and left without hesitation.

At this moment, she needs to investigate this matter from other methods.

"A favor?"

The master of the Intelligence Pavilion who stayed in the same place was obviously a little moved. He could see that the strength of the mother-in-law Cauliflower was different from the previous one. She was definitely a high-priced immortal king. If such a character owes himself a favor.

You don't have to stand on your toes to know that there is only good and no harm.

Next, the Intelligence Pavilion began to act.

As an auxiliary force of the Divine Sword Sect, their intelligence is spread all over the world.

In less than a few hours, information came back from Xueyue Kingdom one after another.

"Chu Yun, this is actually Chu Yun?"

At this moment, the head of the Intelligence Pavilion was holding a piece of information about Chu Yun.

This is because Chu Yun defeated the solo.

Moreover, Chu Yun offended Bei Hantian.

If anyone has the motive, it is undoubtedly Chu Yun.

What's more, Chu Yun was strong enough, and it was reasonable for him to kill Chu Yun.

"What a courage to kill Bei Hantian, you have eaten Xiongxin Leopard's gall."

At this moment, the pavilion master of the intelligence pavilion blinked, and there was a glimmer of light in his depth.

Because he didn't expect that there are people who are so afraid of death, offend the Divine Sword Sect, and still kill Bei Hantian.

You know, the strong immortal king is also a scarce talent in the Shenjian Sect.

As a result, Chu Yun killed more than Bei Hantian.

There were several immortal kings who accompanied him, all of them were killed by Chu Yun.

At the thought of this, the head of the Pavilion of Intelligence flashed his eyes.

Then, he hurriedly found Granny Cauliflower with information.

At this moment, the mother-in-law Cauliflower seemed to know about this, and she waited for the arrival of the master of the Information Pavilion.

"How? Is there any news?"

Granny Cauliflower asked.

Then she looked at the head of the intelligence pavilion, she didn't know whether it was joy or gloomy, completely weird.

"Mother Cauliflower, the information is there."

The owner of the Information Pavilion immediately passed the information in his hand to Granny Cauliflower.

After doing all this, the head of the Intelligence Pavilion said seriously: "It is estimated that Chu Yun killed this matter?"

"Chu Yun?"

Listening to the words of the owner of the Information Pavilion, Granny Cauliflower flashed her eyes.

In her heart, there are already signs of rampage.

He didn't expect that someone was so bold and murdered his apprentice. Doesn't he know his own interests?

No matter what, Chu Yun must die.

"Very well, I need to take a trip to the Xueyue Kingdom, the Information Pavilion Master, thank you very much."

As soon as the voice fell, the mother-in-law Cauliflower disappeared.

The Master of the Intelligence Pavilion stood in place and smiled bitterly. "Deserving to be Cauliflower's mother-in-law, her personality is still the same as before, and she will kill at every turn, which is really scary."

"That kid, who killed the apprentice of Granny Cauliflower, is even more seeking his own death."

When the intelligence pavilion said this, he couldn't help but glance at the figure of Granny Cauliflower.

However, Mother Cauliflower has long since disappeared.

This shows how angry the mother-in-law Cauliflower is at this moment.

In Xueyue Kingdom, mother-in-law Cauliflower flew all the way.

In less than half a day, she had already arrived in the Xueyue Kingdom.

It was late at night, and the sparse moonlight was shining on the ground, but Granny Cauliflower walked towards the misty forest.

At this moment, the foggy forest seems to be darker because of the sky.

But in the foggy forest, there are still fights.

Chu Yun happened to be in the depths of the foggy forest and found a dragon vein.

At the moment, Chu Yun was sitting under the tree hole cultivating. In his hands is a dragon vein.

This dragon vein was just excavated by Chu Yun and belongs to the middle-grade dragon vein.

"One day, a good harvest, with the dragon veins, even greater changes will take place in Tianyun City."

Chu Yun flashed his eyes, and there was joy in his eyes.

To him, the value of dragon veins is more than everything.

So in the rest of the time, Chu Yun did not kill the fairy beast.

But even so, Chu Yun was confident enough to win the first place in the hunting conference.

Walk alone to leave the foggy forest.

Beihantian died.

Although there are still strong immortal kings in this misty forest, few people can deal with Chu Yun at this moment.

It is precisely in this way that Chu Yun has enough confidence to face the next problem.


Suddenly, the mysterious light of heaven and earth erupted, and a tyrannical aura suddenly appeared.

Chu Yun sat on the ground and began to refine the dragon veins.

But for some reason, Chu Yun felt uneasy in his heart.

And this anxiety continues to grow with my heart.

"what happened?"

Chu Yun flashed his eyes, he couldn't believe it, how could he feel uneasy in his heart.

"I hope nothing big will happen."

Chu Yun continued to refine the dragon veins, his aura rose.


Outside the foggy forest, there was a huge abnormal noise, and immediately spread out a wave of extremely tyrannical killings, as if the wind was surging at this time, and the world fell with the power to shock the heavens.

In less than a moment, the Xueyue King's expression was shocked.

"what happened?"

Around the Xueyue King, the wind was surging, exuding a gloomy atmosphere, which surprised the Xueyue King but also had incredible gazes, and left during the day when he walked alone.

Xueyue King has only one instinct that something happened to this misty forest.

"Xueyue King, long time no see."

At this moment, there was a gloomy voice.

The next moment, King Xueyue saw an old ancestor coming from a distance. This old woman was powerful in her every move, as if she was invincible, making Xueyue King horrified. "

"Mother Cauliflower, is that you?"

King Xueyue looked startled.

He couldn't believe that he actually met Granny Cauliflower here.

You must know that the strength of the mother-in-law Cauliflower is strong, but she is a strong one who can't appear in the world.

Such characters should rarely appear.

But at this moment, the cauliflower mother-in-law seemed to come uninvited, and there was only a cold color on his face.

He looked at King Xueyue, and a shadow fell in his eyes.

Everyone was equally surprised when they saw such a cauliflower mother-in-law.

"Huh, I'm here to settle the accounts."

Granny Cauliflower said straightforwardly.

Then he looked at King Xueyue, his eyes fell into a shadow. "My apprentice died here, don't you give me an explanation?"

As soon as this statement came out, Xueyue King's expression was a little ugly.

Because the mother-in-law Cauliflower was arrogant to him, she didn't pay attention to him at all.

When King Xueyue was angry, he couldn't help but think of Mother Cauliflower's words.

Her apprentice is dead?

Could it be that Beihantian has been killed by someone?

King Xueyue was slanderous and felt bad about the arrival of Granny Cauliflower. He didn't believe that this guy was simply investigating the murderer. Her purpose must be to have revenge and complain.

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