The Strongest Gods and Demons Summoning System

Chapter 612: Venerable Blood Fiend

As Xuehong was beheaded by Fengshen and the other four, the world fell silent. Chu Yun stood there and glanced at the ghost domain. Then Chu Yun looked up at Meng Tian and asked, "Senior, what are your plans next?"

"Of course it takes you to leave this ghost domain and return to Qinglong Prefecture."

Meng Tian answered Chu Yun.

Come to the ghost domain and see Chu Yun's various powers, as well as the different laws of Fengshen and Vulcan.

Meng Tian understood that Ghost Domain was not suitable for Chu Yun to practice.

Especially if Chu Yun didn't take action, he could deal with a strong enemy. Chu Yun's purpose here was only to kill the strong in the ghost domain, but Meng Tian didn't want to watch Chu Yun die.

Therefore, Meng Tian decided to take Chu Yun out of the ghost domain.

Chu Yun agreed: "Senior, since you have said so, then I can only leave the ghost domain, but do you have a way to leave?"

"This one……!"

Meng Tian was speechless, it was easy to come to the ghost domain, but difficult to leave, because the entrance was closed.

It seems that if you want to leave, you definitely need to find another way.

However, Meng Tian's eyes flooded with energy, looking at Chu Yun earnestly: "Among so many of us, there should be someone in control of the law of space. With this power of law, he can directly break through the space and leave this ghost realm, just not knowing us , Who controls the laws of space."

As soon as this remark came out, the audience suddenly fell silent.

The law of space is different from the power of other laws, which is difficult to control, especially when space is king and time is respected, so few people control the law of space.

"I control the laws of space, but you and I are not the same." Just as everyone was in a fog, a powerful figure filled the sky and looked up.

Chu Yun saw a man with two wings on his back and two horns on his head. This man was wearing a red-blooded robe. His face was dark, but the power he revealed made Chu Yun a little surprised. .

Because outside of him, there is obviously the law of space permeating, and the law of wind sweeping the audience.

Seeing such a man, Chu Yun was naturally surprised.

But that's it.

Chu Yun looked at each other and said, "Since you control the laws of space, then I want to know why you are here? And tell me, do you want to take us out of here?"

"Do you think there will be no love for no reason?"

The man asked back, and then seriously said: "If you are of no value to me, then I will definitely not help you, but I think you are powerful, and the wind **** by your side controls the law of wind, which is better than mine. The strength is even stronger. I just lack a Taoist companion. If you agree to transfer her to me, you can leave this ghost domain at any time."

As soon as he said this, Chu Yun said nothing.

He didn't expect this guy to come here with a purpose, and also to be the Queen of Fengshen.

Although the Queen Fengshen was a person summoned by Chu Yun, Chu Yun would never give it to a man.

So Chu Yun shook his head and said negatively: "Impossible, I won't promise you this matter."

"In that case, don't blame me for not helping me."

As soon as the man's voice fell, he flicked his sleeves and turned and left. He believed that Chu Yun would ask for help one day.

This is because only he knows the exit of the ghost domain.

And this exit has been blocked by a man, how could Chu Yun find it?

"Who is this guy, how can he be so arrogant?"

Meng Tian flashed his eyes and was extremely curious about the appearance of the man. He also didn't expect the other party to come to the goal. Although the Queen of Fengshen looked good, Meng Tian also felt that the other party was deceiving too much.

"Chu Yun, in my opinion, the other party looks down on us, and why should we waste time here."

"Why don't we directly control the law of space?"

Meng Tian's whimsical way.

Hearing this, whether it was Chu Yun, Fengshen, or Vulcan, their faces had complicated colors.

"Control the law of space?"

Chu Yun's eyes flashed brightly, and he didn't expect things to develop to this point.

But Chu Yun understood that they did need to control the laws of space before they could leave here.

However, if he wanted to control the law of space, Chu Yun was at a loss. There was no way to control the power of this law. Chu Yun understood that if the power of the law was really so easy.

Then there will not be few people who gain the power of the law.

So Chu Yun looked at Meng Tian, ​​with a questioning expression on his face, "Senior, I wonder if you have the idea of ​​controlling the law of space?"

"Chu Yun, space is everywhere, you can try to feel the existence of space."

As soon as he said this, Chu Yun nodded.

Afterwards, Chu Yun sat on the ground, feeling the existence of space.

Time flies by, and a few days have passed in a blink of an eye, and in these few days, many things have happened outside.

The Pride of Heaven who lived in the Demon Race area was chased and killed by the demon powerhouses on all sides.

Without the existence of Chu Yun, a large number of the proud of heaven continued to die.

Moreover, these heavenly prides have no resistance at all, this is because the demon clan's heavenly prides have all died in the hands of Chu Yun, but the demon clan powerhouses have sent other strong men to deal with those heavenly pride.

A large number of people continue to die, and corpses are everywhere.

"Pei Nanyu, I really regret that I didn't listen to you, follow Chu Yun and leave here."

In an empty location, there were hundreds of corpses lying, but among them, only dozens of women survived.

One of the women has a slim body and a refined temperament, but she has desperate eyes on her beautiful face, because in front of her, there are many powerful demons.

Seeing this scene, a look of fear appeared on the woman's face.

Pei Nanyu was dressed in white, like a Nine Heavens Profound Girl descending to the earth, but at this moment Pei Nanyu was also desperate.

Because she didn't expect that there would be a strong Demon Race here.

" people have killed the demon gods, I will deal with you. That is what you deserve."

"But you look good, I have to let you know how good I am."

After all, a black-clothed man rushed towards Pei Nanyu, with a crazy look on his face.

Wherever he went, endless blood fell, like Gaia's audience, swept the infinite killing power, within a moment, the powerful force had already suppressed Pei Nanyu.


Pei Nanyu has only the late stage of the fairy king, but she has no resistance at all when facing the demon race.

"This is a strong immortal!"

Pei Nanyu's eyes were dignified, and she could see that the guy in front of her possessed the strength of a strong immortal, but she did not expect that there would be a strong demon from the immortal to deal with herself.

"Jie...!" Venerable Blood Fiend laughed frantically, and said rebelliously: "If you have vision, girl, you look good, just because I need to collect yin and yang."

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