Picking Yin and Nourishing Yang!

After hearing the words of Venerable Blood Fiend, the women present were all pale.

These people have no power to fight against Venerable Blood Fiend, but they didn't expect Venerable Blood Fiend to collect yin and nourish the yang. Pei Nanyu looked at the jaws on the spot, with a touch of determination on her face.

"Venerable Blood Fiend, even though you are strong, I would rather burn the jade and stone than let you succeed."

"Jade and stone burned?"

Venerable Blood Fiend smacked his lips and stared at Pei Nanyu frantically, "Woman, do you think you have a chance to commit suicide under the strong immortal? Even if you can commit suicide, you can’t hurt my Venerable Blood Fiend. This place is surrounded by strong demons, and strong humans outside cannot enter here."

"Originally, I didn't want to deal with you personally, but you were too arrogant and killed many of our Demon Race powerhouses."

"In this case, I want you to pay for it."

"Give me Pu Fu, enjoy the most exciting time of your life!"

Venerable Blood Fiend immediately raised his palm, and as the blood bloomed, the power that swallowed the audience fell in an instant. At the same time, the wind was surging, and the violent aura swept all directions.

Countless people only feel that their standing is unstable, and there is a breath of death spreading.

Pei Nanyu gritted her teeth even more, with complicated colors across her face. She didn't expect Venerable Blood Fiend to be so terrifying, but she glanced at Yan Xueer, and she held a long sword without any hesitation.

When the profound energy is injected, Pei Nanyu will burn with these people. With the surrounding power sweeping the audience, the power is infinite, and a sacred and inviolable brilliance is born.

"Everyone here will resist the attacks of the powerful demons."

Yan Xueer issued an order, and the women who followed her acted.

However, facing the attack of Venerable Blood Fiend, many people have no resistance at all, and even this time they feel desperate. Venerable Blood Fiend glanced at the audience with interest.

Then Venerable Blood Fiend looked at Pei Nanyu, he rushed towards Pei Nanyu without hesitation.


At the same time, a terrifying power frightened down, and the power was extremely fierce. The bursting power fell from all directions, and the rapid changes were surging and violent power broke out.


Pei Nanyu just wanted to take a shot, but the sword in her hand was fragmented on the spot and turned into debris flying all over the sky.

This scene is completely surprising.

Even when everyone looked at this scene, there was a complex color. They didn't expect Venerable Blood Fiend to be so terrifying. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they couldn't believe their eyes.

"So powerful?"

"Then in this way, can we not deal with this Venerable Blood Fiend?"

Someone spoke, his expression couldn't help but moved.

The power of Venerable Blood Fiend completely made them fearful. After all, Venerable Blood Fiend at this moment was like a peerless powerhouse, and the revealed power not only made them fearful, but also felt powerless.

"Does... really want to die here?"

Someone spoke and looked at Venerable Blood Fiend unwillingly. They almost never expected Venerable Blood Fiend to be so terrifying. Just a momentum made Pei Nanyu's weapon shattered.

If this continues, they will undoubtedly die.


At this moment, Venerable Blood Fiend still said unruly: "Don't worry, I won't destroy the flowers, but whether you can withstand my power depends on your fate."


The next moment, Venerable Blood Fiend rushed directly to Pei Nanyu, wherever he passed, Via became stronger.

Pei Nanyu was unstable and fell directly to the ground.

For a time, Pei Nanyu's eyes contained desperate fear, and she did not expect that she would have reached this point.

However, when he thought of the power of Venerable Blood Fiend, Pei Nanyu was desperate.

Involuntarily, Pei Nanyu thought of Chu Yun and Long Yue, her mouth couldn't help but a bitter smile.

"Never mind! It is my destiny to die here."

With that, Pei Nanyu waited quietly for death and stopped struggling.

Seeing this, Venerable Blood Fiend rushed over without hesitation. He stretched out his palm to catch Pei Nanyu.

"Fuck me."

But at this moment, an angry voice came, and then the entire space was torn apart.

"Who is it?" Feeling the unusual power, Venerable Blood Fiend opened his eyes wide, his gaze scanned in all directions, his face was already full of complex colors, because he did not expect such terrifying power to exist around him. . He couldn't believe it if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes.

"It's me." In the next moment, the space changed, and a powerful figure filled with it. Venerable Blood Fiend couldn't help but look up. What greeted him was a young man with a posture of disregarding the common people.

"Who are you?" Venerable Blood Fiend couldn't help asking.

However, it was the cold eyes of the youth who answered him, and then the youth looked at Venerable Blood Fiend very coldly.

"Your hand hit Pei Nanyu, then cut off that palm."

"what did you say?"

Hearing what Chu Yun said, Venerable Blood Fiend thought he had heard it wrong.

Chu Yun, this guy, actually spoke to him like this. Could it be that Chu Yun knew nothing about life and death?

But no matter what, Venerable Blood Fiend would not let Chu Yun go.

In his opinion, it is simply unforgivable for Chu Yun to destroy his own affairs.

Therefore, Venerable Blood Fiend stared at Chu Yun, and a strong killing intent appeared in his depth.

"Boy, do you know, who am I?"

"And I didn't expect that you were going to hit me."

Speaking of this, the meaning of killing appeared in the eyes of Venerable Blood Fiend, and there was a strong killing intent in his eyes. Looking at Chu Yun, Venerable Blood Fiend blasted towards Chu Yun. .

Seeing this, Chu Yun couldn't help blinking, but his eyes flooded with smiles, "Don't worry, I won't deal with you."

"Because my people are enough to kill you."

As Chu Yun spoke, he waved his big hand and directly revealed the law of space. The power of the law of space was extremely fierce. Four figures filled with them, namely Gu Qingcheng, Qianbladetian, Fengshen, and Vulcan.

With the appearance of these four people, the whole surroundings seemed to explode. Pei Nanyu and Yan Xueer couldn't help but flash their eyes, "Chu Yun, didn't he leave? But how could he appear here?"

Everyone couldn't figure it out. Chu Yun had just left, but now she suddenly appeared. This surprised them but also had a complicated look, because they didn't expect that Chu Yun would appear at this time.

In addition, several strong men were brought.

Not only these people were surprised.

Venerable Blood Fiend was just about to deal with Chu Yun's palm, but he stopped at this moment. Then Venerable Blood Fiend glanced at Fengshen and Vulcan with jealousy, and said, "It's you, who killed our Demon Erlang?"

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