The echoes around him were not Chu Yun's answer, every single sound was his own echo. I don't know how long I have been walking, how many Chu Yun's names have been called, Leng Jiali is really tired, so tired that she doesn't want to continue walking.

Leng Jiali looked around again, and there was still darkness all around. Suddenly, she felt a sense of regret. She shouldn't just incarnate soul consciousness so rashly, and run here in the state of soul consciousness without knowing the inside of the tower.

It was pitch black here, and it didn't seem like a place where Chu Yun practiced.

"Where is this place? I'm... a little tired."

Leng Jiali didn't care what place it was, whether there was anything terrible in this darkness, no matter what she was sitting on the ground. She can't remember how long she has been there, and she can't think of what she should use to find Chu Yun in this piece of darkness.

Sitting in the same place, she panted, watching the changes around her.

It seemed that it had been a long time since she had experienced such fear and fatigue. Since she followed Chu Yun for so long, this was the first time she was alone in a completely strange place after she left Chu Yun.

After experiencing such darkness, in this endless darkness, there is no direction, no purpose, such torture is not an ordinary fear that can be described.

In this empty place, Leng Jiali didn't know what she should do to leave here, and met Chu Yun in the form of soul consciousness. But now that she can't even leave this darkness, how can she find Chu Yun?

But it happened that it was pitch black now, and it seemed that nothing else could bother her.

If there is such a thing, it is so empty here, there is nothing to cover the breath, presumably that thing should be able to find her in the dark soon, it has already chosen a good angle to jump out, to Leng Jiali was caught off guard.

However, Leng Jiali hadn't encountered anything in this dark place.

This also just proved that there is no such terrible thing as she thought, and even a little danger is impossible.

As a result, she was very relieved to relax all over, sitting in place, looking at the darkness around her leisurely.

"I called Chu Yun so many voices here, but didn't get a response. It seems that it is impossible for Chu Yun to be in this piece of darkness."

Thinking of this, Leng Jiali suddenly felt a little lost. It was obviously to find Chu Yun that he came here, but he didn't see the slightest shadow of him, even...the whole area was full of black shadows.

Chu Yun had just finished his duel with others, and he didn't know whether his physical strength was fully restored. However, he just started his own practice, and he didn't know if he could endure it.

The bursts of energy that rushed out of the tower just seen outside the cave, wave after wave, did not mean to cut off, and even become more and more huge. This is not a good sign. If you know that you can't control it by accident, Chu Yun will suffer.

Chu Yun was never a reckless person. Although he had encountered such dangers before, Leng Jiali, who had seen Chu Yun’s abilities, was still a little worried about him. Otherwise, she would not risk turning into soul consciousness. That group of forces rushed into the tower.

"Oh, now, don't think about it, worry about it, but you still have to solve your own difficulties first, and you should start thinking about how to leave here, although I don't know where it is, but... What I learned in the sect is not for nothing!"

" should see clearly, the situation here is the same or similar to the place that the masters once explained."

Thinking of this, Leng Jiali raised her head and looked at the top of her head, but even the top of her head was completely dark.

"Even if there is a small light! What the **** is this place!"

Leng Jiali suppressed her uneasy heart, and continued to recall what she had explained in the past.

In this darkness, I don't know how many moments have passed. In this state of not having any awareness of time, Leng Jiali will think of one thing.

I still remember that it was not long before Chu Yun started. At that time, because Chu Yun was just getting started, he was in a state of ignorance of many legends, spells, and enchantments, which caused a lot of ridicule from the same school.

What Leng Jiali admired was that Chu Yun did not despise herself for this, or brought hatred to other colleagues' ridicule, on the contrary, he didn't care about it at all.

Chu Yun was taught humbly, even in the face of everyone's ridicule, he didn't reluctantly hide his clumsiness, but shamelessly asked about things he didn't understand. Master also appreciates this kind of attitude towards him, seeing that he will not, nor does he laugh at him like other elders, but patiently speak carefully.

At that time, all the disciples present were extremely shocked, and they couldn't believe that their master would treat Chu Yun this little-known yellow-haired boy so kindly.

Of course, these are irrelevant stories. The point is behind. Chu Yun asked about something that shocked everyone. This matter is how to break through the barrier created by the promotion of cultivation.

As we all know, as long as the promotion ends successfully, the enchantment will naturally disappear. The enchantment created by cultivation base promotion is actually not a dangerous thing, on the contrary, it is something that helps the practitioner to protect himself.

Just as Leng Jiali and a group of disciples saw the bright light of colorful colored glaze rising from the tower and condensing in the sky, the energy at this time is actually the same as when soaring. The calamity of heaven is the same as God’s experience of gaining power.

The barrier at this time has a protective effect on us. This enchantment is said to be an enchantment, but in fact it is nothing more than a protective shield to protect himself. However, Chu Yun did not intend to increase the strength of the enchantment, protect himself, and prevent external forces from harming himself. On the contrary, , He actually wants to break this layer of barriers, this is simply unbelievable!

After hearing this question from Chu Yun, everyone burst into laughter. However, only Master could see through Chu Yun's meaning. He wants to absorb these energy together for his own use!

At this time, Leng Jiali saw the hesitation on Master's face, but soon, he suppressed this expression and looked straight at Chu Yun.

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