The Strongest Gods and Demons Summoning System

Chapter 975: Master's matter

"You have a great idea, but this idea is not practical. Have you asked other questions." This is the answer from the master to Chu Yun.

Chu Yun did not give up, and continued to ask, "Is the master reluctant to say, or does he want to prevent something?"

The master laughed hard and said to Chu Yun: "You kid, if I don't answer today, you will continue to be so reluctant."

Chu Yun also smiled and said: "Teacher, preaching and teaching karma to solve puzzles, isn't it a normal thing to answer disciples' questions? Besides, disciples are not ashamed to ask, wanting to know all the answers, so they have a thirst for knowledge. Master shouldn’t conceal something from his disciples, right? Besides, everyone here, who doesn’t want to listen to Master’s answer?"

The master glanced at Chu Yun who asked this question with a complicated expression, and then looked at the disciples around him. These disciples only have one or two eyes open, and they seem to be very interested in this matter, but there are also many people who hide their interests. After all, this proposal by Chu Yun is indeed a very constructive problem. If they succeed, the power that they can improve themselves will be greatly different from the original cultivation time, and they will be able to gain even greater power than that.

So, who is not tempted. Those who are not tempted, I am afraid that their own cultivation level is not enough, not enough to allow them to break through the barrier and absorb that force on the premise of preserving their strength.

No one has any more words, no one dares to make any more voices. This is Leng Jiali's first contact with such a quiet guy.

After looking around for a week, the Master retracted his gaze, closed his eyes, and was silent for a moment. After careful consideration for a while, finally, Master decided to tell everyone the answer to this matter completely.

"I didn't want to say at the beginning, but also to take into account your cultivation base, your cultivation base is uneven, there are good and there are bad, not everyone has such a great ability, can control this force, I hope, After you know such a thing, you can think twice before deciding whether you need to use such power."

When everyone heard it, they glanced at each other, and then they heard about it for a while.

Finally someone couldn't bear such a discussion, and said to everyone: "Be quiet, everyone, listen to what Master said! We said so, how can Master answer for us!"

Finally, the sound of Xixi Suosuo was also suppressed.

They ignored Chu Yun who raised this question and looked at Master one by one, but when Master saw that they were finally quiet, he continued to say: "This matter is indeed a difficult matter. As you know, enchantment , Exists to protect us, so if the barrier is broken, we have to directly face this kind of power when the cultivation base is promoted. Of course, not all cultivation bases are promoted with such a huge force. Power requires such a barrier to protect ourselves."

"This kind of moment only occurs when you cultivate to the unified state. When you cultivate to the unified state, it is the moment when you initially step into the ascension of cultivation. All the power at this moment is very huge. And it’s dangerous. Although it’s not as huge as the celestial calamity we received during the ascent, but if there is no barrier to protect us, we barely support us, and we who slowly merge this force, directly face such a force, if it is improperly driven, It may be broken on the spot. In a better situation, a whole corpse is left."

"When I've said this, everyone should understand? There are two ways to break the barrier during promotion. The first is to survive intact, and the other is to die! There is absolutely no first. Three possibilities!"

Hearing this, the audience was in an uproar.

"It's either alive or dead, so dangerous... Is there no other way to better integrate such power?"

"That is, it is all energy cultivated with our own strength, so why can't we merge together? This is not fair to us practitioners at all!"

"That's it! This is too unfair!" Someone off the court agreed.

Master still has a calm face, he doesn't mean to waver at these questions and approvals, and he doesn't have the panic that needs to be explained immediately to these questions and approvals.

But for a while, the noise of the crowd subsided again.

Seeing the tumult subsided, Master continued: "Between the heavens and the earth, there will always be such unfair existence, can it be changed by your complaining? It is better to think about how to improve your cultivation. Isn't it better?"

"Regarding the barrier, I can tell you clearly. After you know it, remember not to easily try to open the barrier that has a protective function for us."

"First of all, we should know how this barrier came from. This level of barrier is automatically activated by our mind when we transition to the realm of unity. The mind method we have learned is the same, then The strength of this barrier at the beginning is also the same."

"The difference is, of course, our cultivation base, how much energy can be divided into the guardian enchantment. After this part of the energy is divided into the enchantment, the last remaining power is the energy when we will be promoted. The collision with energy until the final absorption. Of course, with the protection of the barrier, part of the power of promotion will naturally be consumed."

If it is possible to swallow part of the power consumed by the enchantment, then the person who reaches the realm of unity will definitely be stronger than the original power!

"It's just that how to open this level of enchantment... Naturally, there is a mental method to guide the opening, and this mental method is in a certain book in the library."

Speaking of this abrupt end, everyone was still a little bit unfinished. The most important way to unlock the barrier is not complete, and even only reveals such a little information. Everyone is very dissatisfied with it.

"Master, did you deliberately not finish talking! Or do you mean that Master doesn't know anything about this matter?"

Leng Jiali couldn't listen to it. The person she respects most is their Master. How could she be able to doubt Master's abilities and knowledge, and immediately retorted: "Master does not want to say that there is a reason for him! If you want to know the answer, check it out by yourself! "

"But the library is guarded by the elders. Without the master, no one can enter the library!"

Facing everyone's doubts, Master still revealed a little more about enchantment.

"Do you want to know what the inside of this barrier is like?"

Suddenly, someone replied: "The inside of the barrier? The inside of the barrier, isn't it exactly where we are!"

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