The Strongest Gods and Demons Summoning System

Chapter 976: Within the enchantment

The master smiled and said: "It can be said that the answer is correct, or it can be said that the answer is wrong."

"What do you say, is it all right?"

"What is all right? Of course it depends on the enchantment, that is, in addition to the enchantment, there are also us who are wrapped in the enchantment. This is what it is!"

"Then, apart from the outside, there are also things that are wrapped around, then what is there in this?"

Master said: "Remove these things. Among them is a place of nothingness. In addition to darkness, there is only darkness. If the cultivation level is not enough, and the person's spiritual consciousness will be inhaled by the enchantment. In this realm, if there is no external force to save it, it will disappear forever in the darkness with the disappearance of the enchantment. The body left outside will become alive and dead, and it will not be able to escape until the body dies."

Chu Yun was shocked and suddenly opened his eyes.

Surrounded by a violent wind, the golden colored glaze continuously rolled and curled outside the barrier, then stretched again, and swept into the sky with the violent wind.

Chu Yun was surrounded by a bright piece of heaven and earth, and the light emitted by the energy rose extremely quickly, and finally broke through the top of the tower and flew out of the range of this spirit tower.

Chu Yun stopped absorbing energy, and after regaining more detailed attention to the surroundings, he carefully observed the surroundings again. Everything in the tower was still so ordinary, the energy rushed out, and was slowly pulled into the tower again by another force, returning to Chu Yun's body, but the movement had completely stopped now. It was because Chu Yun felt a bit of surprise in such chaos.

There are ordinary sights all around, and there is no sign of variation. Chu Yun was puzzled, what went wrong? Nothing went wrong in all the steps, and since there were no mistakes, then such surprises shouldn't appear. But this feeling is so clear again, as if something has suddenly been added to the court.

Sitting cross-legged, Chu Yun controlled the absorption of power with one thought, and controlled his own mind. He opened his eyes to observe the visions around him. The power that broke through the sky was huge, and it was the limit to distract him from observation. , Chu Yun had no other way to make any other actions.

Since you can't see anything from the outside, you can only slowly check from the inside.

This kind of surprised feeling, since it was a sudden feeling inside, then, even if something really goes wrong, it can be checked slowly from the inside.

Chu Yun had great confidence in his physique and cultivation base, so Chu Yun didn't quite believe that this would be the reason for his cultivation base, which caused him to feel the sudden warning from his body.

However, it was the transition period of the Guiyi Realm at the moment. Although the Guiyi Realm was still a short distance from taking off and crossing the robbery, the energy of the Guiyi Realm was not comparable to an ordinary transition period. In all things, it is better to be careful.

Chu Yun slowly closed his eyes, let his spiritual sense walk in his body, carefully inspecting the internal conditions of his body.

At the moment Chu Yun closed his eyes, a burst of golden light slowly appeared around his body, like a golden firefly, gentle and careful. The fragility of this light also just confirmed how weak Chu Yun was now to check out his own strength. The top of his head has finally stabilized, enough to make him shattered hundreds of times. On the other side, there is a sudden strange feeling. These things are not easy to control.

Chu Yun could only be careful, careful, careful, he finally got here, he couldn't just have an accident like this, let all his efforts be ruined at this moment.

During this period of time when Chu Yun closed his eyes and looked closely, suddenly, the body's consciousness suddenly felt a strange feeling of strangeness. When he checked again, he found that the strange feeling did not come from his own body.

This is really very good news!

As long as there is no problem with his body, he can definitely solve the external problem!

Chu Yun, who had received this good news, suppressed the surprise in his heart, and suddenly opened his eyes again. If he didn't feel the error, those weird moments came from around his body. This feeling seemed to be a signal, and this signal was very close to him, and would definitely not exceed the scope of the barrier.

There is nothing around, not even a stone, then...this strange signal, is it possible that the achievement came from the enchantment? !

Thinking of the inside of the barrier that Master had explained to them, Chu Yun was very surprised. There was a weirdness in the barrier, and this weirdness was not caused by the impact of unsupportable power, but like a...sign for help. .

Perceiving Chu Yun here, that calm face finally floated a little, he frowned and looked at this golden protective cover...

The abnormal movement in the sky seemed to be controlled, no longer violently surging as before, but some tended to be gentle.

When everyone looked at this scene, they were all surprised.

"Is this the last moment to be promoted to the first state? Is Chu Yun going to succeed?! He is about to become the leader of the younger generation!"

A person slapped his head heavily, and said angrily: "What are you panicking here! Isn't this over yet? If you draw a conclusion so quickly, you won't be afraid of being slapped? I think this power is slowly calming down, it must be because of Chu Yun. If you are about to fail, these forces must dissipate! Chu Yun is about to fail!"

As soon as this remark came out, people around him began to talk.

"No? Chu Yun is going to fail? He...he just defeated..."

"What about just defeating others? Reaching the state of reunification is not the same as defeating others! Do you think anyone can just pass the state of reunification and absorb these forces?"

"Yeah, the transition to the realm of Guiyi was started, it is impossible to stop like this, even if it fails, it is impossible to stop slowly and slowly..."

Among the crowd, some people looked around, and then immediately walked out of the crowd and ran to a corner with no one. And in this unmanned corner, there is only one person in school uniform standing here.

He clasped his fists and saluted the man, saying: "Everyone has different opinions, and I don't know who said it is correct, who said it is wrong."

The man raised his hand and motioned to him not to speak any more.

"In it, did you find Leng Jiali?"

"The subordinates are incompetent, there are too many people, the subordinates cannot find Miss Leng..."

"Huh, come with me."


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