In order to rescue this hapless ghost, Chu Yun was really embarrassed.

Outside, there was a huge energy that needed to be steadily suppressed when he was promoted to a realm, and then there was this unlucky ghost who suddenly broke into his enchantment from nowhere. This promotion can be said to have completely caused Chu Yun to lose his head. This kind of difficulty is greater than ever before, and Chu Yun is really hard to say now.

After a while, the surroundings are still pitch black, without any change. Walking in it, Chu Yun suddenly felt an inexplicable upside-down feeling. This feeling was weird, and Chu Yun suddenly didn't know how to describe it.

Chu Yun took two more steps forward, which was exactly two steps away. Suddenly, his body issued a warning.

Chu Yun immediately sat down cross-legged and held his breath. But everything is too late. Between the dark world, a huge golden light burst out from Chu Yun's body. This huge golden light still failed to illuminate the surrounding darkness, but if anyone witnessed this huge light, they would definitely be so dazzling. The light was so shining that I couldn't open my eyes.

With his eyes closed, Chu Yun was suppressing this force, and gradually he began to feel the lack of physical strength, between his handsome eyebrows, gradually revealed a trace of pain, as time went by, this pain His expression covered it, and even his forehead was sweating a lot.

Chu Yun opened his eyes, his brows furrowed deeply, and he, who was clenching his teeth, was already unable to restrain him.

It hurts, the power flowing in his body is constantly colliding in his body, and he has gradually lost control. It hurts, it hurts very much! If Chu Yun's spiritual sense continues to stay here, I am afraid that he will no longer be able to suppress these flowing forces. If he is not careful, the outside world may cause unpredictable destruction.

After thinking twice, Chu Yun finally decided to leave the barrier temporarily, once again stabilize the external power that could still be absorbed in the future, enough to destroy the world, and then enter the barrier to look for the person who was lost in the barrier.

Closing his eyes and concentrating on controlling this force in his body, the golden light slowly weakened, but it was still dazzling. But for a moment, Chu Yun slowly turned into a strand of debris along with the golden light, and Tamron rose up, and disappeared in an instant.

When Chu Yun opened his eyes again, what Chu Yun could see was no longer the endless darkness, but the colorful streamer that was constantly circulating, messy and crazy like a hurricane.

Chu Yun sitting still in the barrier raised his hands and directly touched the golden light above the barrier.


The sky was suppressed into black clouds suddenly broken through a huge mouth, and the force under this huge mouth broke through and went straight through the huge gap. The lightning in the clouds surging more frequently, and such lightning is not as powerful as the single lightning. It's as if this single line of lightning is divided into more and smaller lightning. Although the power is weakened, the sum is still as powerful as this single line of lightning.

When the cloud was broken through a big mouth, the sky and the earth couldn't help shaking as a position, rocks fell from the cliffs, and huge ancient trees were shaken to each other. The sect disciples standing on the sidelines couldn't stand anymore, fell violently, and couldn't get up on the ground.

After the tremor stopped, a group of sect disciples stood up from the ground. They patted the dust on their clothes. Some people couldn't help but curse their mothers. They patted and cursed at the same time.

"Mo, Senior Brother Mo is really powerful! This inexplicable earthquake is so powerful, Senior Brother Mo has nothing to do! It is too powerful!"

"Yeah, you see that we are all stumbling, or Senior Brother Mo has a profound cultivation base, and I have to be admired and admired!"

Mo Weiming didn't care about these flattering words. These flattering words are the most meaningless things in this world. Flattery is all hypocritical people's rhetoric, honest people, but they can't say such things. Hearing these flattery, Mo Weiming only felt nauseous for a while and it was annoying.

"Senior Brother Mo, this power has already broken through the clouds, but the surrounding streamer shows no signs of weakening... It seems that Chu Yun is in control of some spell!"

Mo Weiming glanced at Ling Tuiyuan next to him. Although Ling Tuiyuan was looking up at this strange power, he had no longing in his eyes. Instead, he became a little complicated and unbelievable.

Chu Yun has been gaining momentum recently. Mo Weiming is very clear about these news, but... just because of this promotion to the first realm, such a huge public opinion has been stirred up in the sect, and the sect has established a faction. This is the first time since then!

Many of the people in this sect caused Chu Yun to be broken for the first time, and Mo Weiming was a little emotional, feeling that this man in the world is really proud of the world.

Originally, the promotion of the sect disciples to the first level is nothing, but this time the battle is really too big. It is a huge thunder from the sky, and the mountains are shaking. This time, it really shocked the elders in the sect. Come here.

Several white figures flashed past like lightning, and then landed on top of the highest tower closest to the disciples. Looking at the huge beam of light in the sky, their faces were all complex.

"Unexpectedly, Chu Yun can be so powerful, but he can summon such a huge beam of light only in the realm of Guiyi! Others have overstepped from the realm of Guiyi, and have never tried to disturb the world. Chu Yun, what the **** is this kid!" said an elder.

"What's the background? As far as I know, it's just a little yellow-haired kid." Another elder said.

"Although the name is not known before, I am afraid that it will not be so in the future. Although the Guiyi realm is also a difficult gap to cross, no one has ever been as small as the soaring. Our sect, even It is the history of the entire world of cultivation, and it seems to be rewritten by this kid!" The elder who said so stood with his hands behind and took a step forward.

Another elder saw him and hurriedly stepped forward and said, "Don’t go forward anymore. Although our cultivation base is higher than that of a person who has returned to one state, this power is not something we can control or control. We better be careful!"

"Ha, it’s okay. I don’t have the thought of trying to compete with this power. Besides, it’s you and me. Let’s take a good look at the situation here, if this kid can’t support it. , Let the power collapse, we will take action." said the elder who stood with his hand.

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