No one can think of the ending of such a catastrophe. After all, this situation is unprecedented. No one has ever seen the Guiyi Realm trigger such a powerful impact. After all, Chu Yun was only a teenager, and he had only cultivated for a few months. Everyone guessed that Chu Yun would definitely not be able to pass this level, and he would be able to reach the realm of returning to one state in this way. Under this immense force, the ashes were wiped out.

"Unexpectedly, the five elders within the sect were shocked. Isn't this Chu Yun just capable of being promoted to a realm? Isn't it about flying through the catastrophe and soaring, does it require such a big battle?"

"That is, there are not a few people in the sect who have reached the realm of return. Why can he have such a big style and let the five elders come and watch! If it is really crossing the catastrophe and flying, it is better to say, how can he return? The experience of a realm provokes the teachers and moves the crowd, attracts everyone here to wait for the result, and also alarms the elders."

"Ha, you are wrong to say that. You have already seen the situation just now. It's not that we are too exaggerated, but Chu Yun's kid is too exaggerated. You see, how powerful the beam of light is, this is obvious to all. Yeah, besides, it's true that the mountain was shaken just now. I think this style is just a bit smaller than the soaring battle."

When another disciple heard this, he was not convinced. He squeezed into the group of people discussing from the crowd, and said: "No, just as the brother just said, there are not a few people who have reached the realm of return within the sect. They are all returnees. It’s only one realm. Why is this crossing of the robbery different from the rest of the brothers, although none of us can reach the threshold of the unified realm... But you are so old, you simply offended those brothers who have reached the unified realm. Right."

The disciple retorted: "Who said I was offending the senior brother? I just discuss things based on the facts. The ground has been shaken just now. It seems that other seniors have not experienced it!"

"We've seen this kind of situation. Do you still remember the ascension of Brother Xiao, the chief disciple? Although...Although it was not successful, this time the transition of the unified realm and the ascension of the transition, it seems that It seems to be the same."

When another disciple heard this, his heart was shocked, and what he said next also surprised the audience: "Could it be that this time Chu Yun has directly crossed the Guiyi realm and the rest of the realms, and soared directly! "

As soon as he finished speaking, a disciple immediately came out to deny: "How is this possible? What do you think Feishengdujie is? Can anyone eat a bite of rice? How easy is it! After Feishengdujie, you become immortal. That's it!"

"That's right, I'm stuck. You didn't listen to your master's explanation carefully. Go ahead and don't confuse you here, make trouble here."

An elder standing close to the front of the disciples listened to their conversation, and then reduced his expression, walked to the front of the elders, and said, "This disciple is really stupid."

One of the elders faintly listened to the conversation of the people below. He sighed and shook his head and said, "They don't know what it is all about, alas."

The other elder heard his sigh and turned back and smiled: "What's wrong? So we started to sigh? Haven't we seen even more stupid things at such an age? It's just the sect. The two words of the disciple make you so distressed?"

The elder replied, "If it's another disciple of the school, I don't want to care about it, but it is our own disciple of the school who said this. I am really worried about the reputation of the future school. "

"Ha, let's just be afraid, it should not be you who should be afraid."

"Go back, let their master teach it again, starting from the beginning."

Several elders have already begun to figure out how to make them learn the introductory knowledge of the sect again.

Just as everyone was discussing in full swing, the earth was shaken again. This time the shock was greater than the last time, but the time was much shorter than the last time.

The five elders drove their internal forces and stood firmly on the spot, and the rest of the disciples once again turned into a stumbling block.

"It's over! It's an earthquake! This time, even if Chu Yun is talented, he can't control the power of the return to the first level. Let's take refuge and leave here quickly!"

"Wait, look at the beam of light in the sky!"

After everyone stood firm, they looked up, and sure enough, they saw the light like the aurora of lightning running around the beam of light, as if gradually tending to stabilize.

"Look! The beam of light doesn't seem to be messy as before!"

"Yes! It's really not as messy as before! Chu Yun really has the know-how!"

"No, it should be Chu Yun who failed, so his strength began to weaken! Hahaha, Chu Yun, who was called a genius for cultivating immortals by others, has now failed at the Guiyi realm! Hahaha!"

"What failure? The beam of light hasn't disappeared yet, and everything hasn't become a fixed number, so don't talk nonsense!"

Regarding the situation of this promotion to the same state, there are divergent opinions.

The sighing elder just heard it, and sighed again: "The energy of this beam of light is obviously gradually becoming stable. Are their eyes blind? Even if they are blind, they should be able to feel the flow of energy. ?"

Another elder said: "I don't blame them. After all, the disciples who say that are not able to see their cultivation base, and they are premature."

"Yes, in fact, there are not a few good disciples in the sect. You see, don't I have many disciples who choose to observe quietly? The cultivation level of those disciples is not average."

The sighing elder looked to the rear, and indeed there are so many disciples who are engrossed in observing the changes in the beam of light.

"This time, it will be their best opportunity to learn from experience!"

"Ha, it seems that I am pessimistic."

Seeing that the beam of light connected to the tower in mid-air tends to stabilize, the hearts of the elders can also be slowly put down.

In the field, no one knew what was going on inside the tower, let alone Chu Yun's current situation. They could only rely on the situation in the sky to guess the internal situation. However, no one can guess the danger that Chu Yun is facing now, or even the changes and crises that follow.

In order to stabilize this situation, Chu Yun spent a lot of effort, and now he is also forcibly supporting it.

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