The Strongest Gods and Demons Summoning System

Chapter 997: Looking in the mountains

The light on the horizon was getting dim and dimmed, and finally submerged in the boundless mountains, there was no sign of it anymore. Chu Yun brought the unconscious Leng Jiali into a forest, became angry, and simply set up a barrier as protection.

In this way, Leng Jiali had been in a coma for a day. Although this was the beginning, Chu Yun wanted this situation to end immediately. Even if there is no guilty conscience, he doesn't want Leng Jiali to fall asleep like this. Procrastination is the greatest disrespect of life. It's just that the current situation can only make them wait here for one night.

As soon as it broke, he would immediately lead Leng Jiali to find the person Fu Zongshan said. As long as the light between heaven and earth is restored again, then the road in this mountain will be easy to walk, and there is no fear that it will be impossible to find a way.

The light of the firewood flickered in the center of the barrier, and the tongue of fire rolled the dew in the air, causing the surrounding temperature to become like it was in the daytime. When the sun goes down, the thickening at night brings warmth to people, and only the flames. Of course, the lighting work at night is also done by flames.

After setting up Leng Jiali, Chu Yun sat on the edge of the barrier, quietly feeling the abnormal movement in the woods.

Just now when she was carrying Leng Jiali on her back, Chu Yun felt a strange feeling. This strange feeling happened to come from Leng Jiali's body.

There seemed to be some power in her body, this kind of power shouldn't belong to Leng Jiali. At exactly this moment, Chu Yun saw something shining on Leng Jiali's body. Such a thing is now pinned to Leng Jiali's waist.

Such a thing is a piece of white jade. This piece of white jade is of good condition, and it should be a valuable thing. I don't know where Leng Jiali got such a thing.

The white jade flickered with the light of the flame, and the smoothness of the jade surface confirmed the fine polishing. Such a piece is indeed very good-looking, no wonder those family princes like to wear one. The process of polishing jade into accessories is not simple. Skilled craftsmen spend their time polishing, carving, and finally becoming such a jade pendant. The time it takes is not simple.

Otherwise, how can craftsmen judge the person's ability based on the skill of the craftsmanship, and whether he is worthy of the four words "skilled craftsman".

In fact, all professions in the world are just like cultivation practice. They all need accumulation and sharpening. The same is that this requires certain methods to be mastered. Different methods will naturally lead to different results. People are different, of course, the results will be different. The method that suits you can get twice the result with half the effort, and the method that is not suitable but can transform your strength can also give you more cultivation.

Everything is different from person to person, but it can be the same from person to person.

The world is always fair. What is unfair is the arrangement of fate. The person who sees the way of heaven is different from others after all.

Thinking of this, Chu Yun closed his eyes and waited for the dawn to come.

After spending the first night steadily, Chu Yun extinguished the unending flames, took Leng Jiali with him, and set off truly towards this mountain.

The white light entered the forest, and the daylight had been restored in the forest. The road under my feet could be seen, and the surrounding scenery could also be seen completely. The darkness of the night is a test for people, but the light of the day is what helps people move forward.

Chu Yun walked around the foot of the mountain, however, there was no trace of anyone living at the foot of the mountain. After this round of inspection, it has been determined that the person Fu Zongshan said is not living at the foot of the mountain.

The surrounding mountains are layered on top of each other, and you can't see anything other than the mountains, except for the blue sky and white clouds, which are alpine trees. Although the highest mountain here is the mountain at my feet, the scenery you see at the foot of the mountain and the scenery you see in the distance are completely two scenery.

From a distance, the only height here is the mountain at my feet, towering into the clouds, and independent of the world. However, after reaching the foot of the mountain, I learned that the height of the surrounding mountains should not be underestimated.

Chu Yun closed his gaze back and looked at the quiet surroundings again. Since there is no clue here, let's check elsewhere. This mountain is so big, if the pace at the foot is not fast, this world will be delayed and consumed in this huge mountain forest.

Be fast! Must be fast!

After squeezing Leng Jiali on her back, he decided to go up the mountain immediately after stabilizing him.

Between the mountains and forests, birds and insects sang endlessly. If people walk in it, they will definitely feel very comfortable, but now it is no matter how comfortable it is, Chu Yun doesn't think there is anything here.

Leng Jiali was still in the comatose room, and she didn't know the extent of her spiritual damage. The worry and task were added, which made Chu Yun feel heavy. After half a mountain, Chu Yun still did not find the person living in seclusion here.

Chu Yun was a little skeptical, but the person living in seclusion didn't know if he had left here.

Feeling the situation is not good, Chu Yun stepped on her foot, and a ray of electric current dissipated to the surroundings. When the situation was urgent, Chu Yun could only use the power of the Return to One Realm to find a place where that person might hide.

That's right, what Chu Yun radiated just now was the power of the unified realm. Gaining a higher level of power is really different, and investigating things is much simpler.

The Guiyi Realm flew out from the ground to the four directions. In the end, in the strength of this Guiyi Realm, Chu Yun felt the hidden place in this half of the mountain.

This place was halfway down the mountainside, and the feeling that came back from the Guiyi realm, let Chu Yun know the general distribution of this place, such a place should be a cave. This cave is not small, and as a residence, it is also four places.

Chu Yun decided to set off to that place to see what happened.

Knowing the location of the cave, Chu Yun didn't hesitate, and immediately set off to that place. He already knew the location of the survey according to the Guiyi Realm, and it didn't take much time.

With Leng Jiali, Chu Yun came to this place. He first observed the conditions around the cave. The ground around the cave is flat and open, which is indeed a sign that someone has lived. If there are no people living here, there will be no traces of people staying here. The surrounding scenes are probably like those seen at the foot of the mountain, overgrown with weeds and messy.

The land around here appears to be very level, as if someone is coming to tidy up regularly.

Chu Yun, carrying Leng Jiali, came to the cave and shouted inside.

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