"Is anyone here!!"

Chu Yun thought about the inside of the cave and shouted. Only Chu Yun's voice echoed in the cave. According to the information sent back from the Guiyi Realm just now, this cave goes deep into the belly of the mountain, and there must be no way out of the cave. Maybe it is just futile to shout at the door.

Thinking of this, Chu Yun had no choice but to be rude, advanced to the master's territory, and then pleaded guilty to the master.

Human life is at stake. Although Chu Yun has gained the tremendous power of the realm of reunification, he has no idea how to repair and heal the damage of spiritual consciousness. In order to let Leng Jiali meet the person who rescued her as soon as possible, Let her wake up quickly, it can only do so.

Chu Yun walked into the cave behind his back.

Suddenly, a strange power came from under his feet. This kind of power is a kind of barrier, and this kind of barrier is something that Chu Yun has never seen before. At the beginning, he sneaked into the Zongmen's library of books to check the enchantment. He did a lot of investigations and read a lot of books. Such an enchantment is so strange, but he has never been searching for it. I've seen it.

This enchantment is not recorded in the book. Zongmen’s Cangshu Pavilion records everything in the world. As long as it has appeared in the past thousands of years, there will be no omissions in its records. Since there is no record in the books in the Cangshu Pavilion, it means that this must be the case. People have only recently researched it out, and because people have worked so hard here, outsiders don’t know it, so there is no record.

If you think about it this way, then this reclusive expert must be in this place.

Chu Yun was overjoyed, leading the people to walk into the cave with strides.

However, the closer he got to the inside of the cave, the more strange Chu Yun felt. An inexplicable anxiety gradually came to mind.

After walking in the cave for so long, there was no light at all. If this cave is really inhabited, how can the hidden master not light a torch to illuminate the path of the cave?

Not to mention that there is no such situation, the inside of the cave is abnormally cold, and the more you move into the cave, the more obvious this situation will be. Under such circumstances, is there really anyone living here?

Suddenly, Chu Yun stopped with doubts in his heart.

He once again mobilized the power of the Return to One Realm, and sure enough, he found that there was no one in the cave at all. Since there is no one in this cave, who sorted out the weeds outside?

"That's it! In the count!"

Only then did Chu Yun figure out why this happened. This place is simply not a place where the outsiders live in seclusion, this place has never been inhabited! The scene outside is entirely an illusion created by others, used to confuse others, this cave is inhabited! Use this to seduce others. The person who wanted to seduce was Chu Yun himself!

Someone wanted to keep Chu Yun trapped here.

Thinking of this, Chu Yun immediately turned around and ran to the outside of the cave. However, just after he took three strides, his whole person was set in place, and he couldn't move half a step no matter how much Chu Yun moved.

After struggling for two or three times, Chu Yun realized that he couldn't escape, so he stabilized his body and firmly held Leng Jiali on his back.

"You bothered to set up a barrier inside the cave, and did some façade work outside, making me think that there are indeed people living here. You have spent a lot of thought? Come out, stop hiding, your goal has been achieved. Why not come out directly."

In the cave, there is indeed a force of help. This force is the power of the enchantment that was set up. The power of the enchantment vibrated away from the position of Chu Yun's feet, and then lit up the rock wall of the cave. , The torches that have been installed long ago.

One person walked slowly from the entrance of the cave, and finally stepped into the light from the darkness. The person who appeared in Brightener was the one Fu Zongshan who told him that there was an expert in the hidden world!

The Yu Shanping who had been following Fu Zongshan's tail also appeared in the cave. The two of them had a proud look on their faces and looked straight at Chu Yun in the barrier.

"Sure enough, it's you."

"It is indeed me. There should be no one else besides me, right? You too underestimate the people who give you the news, Chu Yun. If you have some doubts about me, you will not fall into our plan."

Yu Shanping said: "It's not just that, but also the magic tricks I used on Leng Jiali. If not, Chu Yun would not just follow the road we arranged like this, walking down step by step, and finally be We are stuck."

When Fu Zongshan heard him say this, he said angrily: "Why, are you trying to win the credit with me?"

Yu Shanping heard the anger in it, did not dare to talk any more, stepped aside and watched the play seriously.

Chu Yun said coldly: "You have to use the barrier to control me. When you are in the Fu Mansion, you can arrange the barrier so that I can step into the Fu Mansion and never get out again. Why do I do everything possible to let me come here? Also, is Leng Jiali’s spiritual sense really damaged!"

Fu Zongshan sneered: "This kind of thing is of course false. From the beginning, it was false. The dart in the sect was not meant to take your life. Just ask a person who has reached the state of unity. Maybe you will lose your life because of a hidden weapon? Also, when I was in Fu Mansion, all the words I said to you were false. There are hidden masters here. This is a spiritual mountain, even Leng Jiali’s spirit. It’s also my lie that the knowledge is damaged."

After saying this, Fu Zongshan laughed and looked extremely proud: "These are all my lies, and my lies convinced you, and successfully led you into the game I arranged. Chu. Yun, what else do you want to say?"

Chu Yun said, "Just forget it, but I have one more question about this."

Chu Yun has now been set in this enchantment by him, and it is impossible to escape if he wants to escape. Since the plan of inviting the king to enter the urn has been successful, then it is okay to tell him everything. "If you have any questions, if you want to ask, just ask."

"Well, my question is, what on earth are you calculating? Why did you want me to come here before starting the deployed magic circle and let me fall here? Why did you just trap me instead of fighting me directly? Winners and losers?"

"Why? Ha, although I really want to have a victory or defeat with you, but... what I want more is the power in you!"

"Is there power in me?"

"Didn't you have reached the realm of Guiyi? What I want is the power of the realm of Guiyi, instead of fighting you to death and death. In this way, it is already interesting."

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