The Strongest Guild Of The World

941: Outbreak (Seeking Automatic Subscription)

Alaga's body was trembling, and after seeing that scene, his eyes had already darkened, and it could be seen that in his sight, he couldn't see anything except hatred.

"This boy is innocent..." Alaga left a soft sentence, and then, regardless of Ye Ze's obstruction, he jumped off the second floor and appeared on the street in this alley !

"Oh!" Ye Ze patted his forehead angrily. Just now, he had some doubts and didn't hold Alaga on the spot. However, Alaga will not give up on anyone. This is what he thought of early in the morning, but he didn't Thinking that after this incident, there will be one more victim!

27 "Here I am! Let go of Yig!!"

Alaga appeared directly in front of the more than forty long guards, and after the squad leader saw Alaga, there was an evil smile on his face, "Hehe, I didn't expect it, Alaga, you finally came out. I've been looking for you for so long, but to be honest, I still admire you for being so able to hide!"

The captain's long sword still didn't leave Yige's neck, but Alaga, who appeared at this time, couldn't attract Yige's attention, and he fell into a blank, a short period of confusion. , as if he doesn't care about anything, a state minister who doesn't care about anything.

"You said just now, if I appear, you will let him go, now, let go of Igger!" Alaga shouted, pointing at Igger!

"Oh? I didn't say that?" The squad leader smiled, and then lightly slashed the long sword in his hand, cutting a hole in Yige's neck...

With a splash, the second person fell to the ground. This time, it was Yige. There was a long bloodstain on his neck, and the blood kept gushing out from the wound... His body was shaking , because of facing death for the first time, because of the coldness and fear that comes when facing death.

And these coldness is not as good as the boss who personally killed him, the coldness brought to him is even more terrifying and deadly

He didn't even know what his mission was until now, when he saw the unbelievable Alaga in a daze, he finally understood what it was, and then slowly closed his eyes. …

"No..." Alaga was dumbfounded when he saw Yige fell down. He originally wanted to rush to save people, but now he couldn't do anything. He was able to watch this innocent Yige fall into a pool of blood, and with him was also innocent, Yige's mother.

"Come here, arrest Alaga and take him back to the main hall to find the king!!"

The captain's face was filled with a smile. He had finally made a contribution. The king would definitely reward him well. After all, he had already completed the task entrusted to him by the king. What he said should be worth a few gold bars, right? .

Ye Ze, who saw this scene, also couldn't help shaking, as if the knife just now was not only on one's neck, but also cut a wound on his own neck.

"You bastards!!" Alaga roared, rushed directly to the long guard who was coming towards him and punched him hard, then turned over in an instant, hugged him, and hugged him vigorously. Throwing it onto several people nearby, smashing them apart, then turning around, and rushing towards the squad leader not far in front of him.

But the squad leader didn't intend to run away at all, but stood there with a smile, as if waiting for Araki to rush over.

"Hehe, do you really think that you are invincible because you are a general? Let me tell you, ever since I learned from the king that I was going to arrest you, I never thought of letting you go back alive, but the king insisted that I hand it over alive. , then there is no other way, I can only follow suit, but now I can finally kill you with justification!"

As he said that, the little 610 captain laughed wildly, raised the long sword in his hand, and slashed at Aragha forcefully.

Dodge, dodge, dodge! Alaga's position is very good. Even though he is at the peak of anger, he still can't have any fluctuations, because once his emotions affect him, it is very likely that his operation will be ineffective. If you make a slight mistake, you may be attacked by the opponent at that time.

But at the same time, when the squad leader fought against Alaga, the more than forty long guards surrounded the two of them. This time, they were all sure that [Alaga could not escape.

However, just above this, a voice appeared, which gradually became louder little by little.

"Hold have to hold can't be messed have to hold must hold must... ....Be sure to hold back!!—”

The sound roared out, shattering all the surrounding glass. .

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