The Strongest Guild Of The World

942: Street Fighting (For Automatic Subscription)

The guards below couldn't believe that there was another person above, and when they looked up, a figure jumped from the roof to the wall on the other side. high place.

But this figure is very weird, just like a gecko, lying directly on the wall, it will not fall off, at the same time, the figure above it starts to jump around, his body seems to be Some red flames came out, startling the people below. They didn't know what happened. Who was this sudden person?

On the wall after jumping away, only a pair of footprints and a pair of palm prints were left, but the place seemed to be burned, leaving a black outline, which looked very strange...

bang bang bang!

This Ye Ze in the middle of the sky frantically flicked left and right, the speed became faster and faster, and the sound became louder and louder, and then directly shook a sound wave, shaking everything around him away

The long guard on the ground was suppressed by this pressure and couldn't move. Alaga and the team leader who were fighting each other at the other end also turned their eyes in unison after seeing and hearing what happened on this side. They all moved over and saw this scene.

Afterwards, that sound wave also came to this side, shook the team leader away, threw him backwards, and fell to the ground. Fortunately, Alaga caught the street lamp on this side and was not blown away. , but this powerful blow almost blows him to the sky where he is.


Ye Ze, who seemed to have vented everything, jumped down all of a sudden, and a huge mark was smashed on the floor, and a piece was sunken. At this time, Ye Ze had already started to roll his eyes, The skin on this face became a little red, but compared to just now, it can be said to be very good.

It's really dangerous. Just now Ye Ze was already on the way to get angry. Fortunately, he used this method to slowly reduce his anger value. If he doesn't care and keeps getting angry, he will really If you release all the spiritual power, you don't need to ask Pei Fei to dismantle this place, and you can dismantle it immediately.

"Ye Ze"~?" Alaga was also very happy to see Ye Ze come down, after all, seeing his companion, for him, there is nothing more exciting than now.

And the small captain on this side, and the forty or so long guards, when they saw Ye Ze entering the arena in such a way, they couldn't help but take a step back. After all, they already had a shadow in their hearts. The existence of that is Pei Pei.

When I first saw Pei Fei, he was basically like this, giving people the illusion that he was no different from ordinary people, and then standing under the gate of this city and talking nonsense, of course none of them would believe it at that time , and wanted to kill Pei Fei, but they didn't expect that when they fired the bows and arrows in their hands, they would become a sharp weapon to kill themselves.

From that time on, the captain and the people who saw that scene with their own eyes regarded Pei Fei as a god, because he knew how to use magical skills, but now, the man in front of him, it is obvious that what he used just now seems to be the same The moves that Pei Fei used before, even though they are different, are very similar in form.

"You, what are you..." The captain couldn't help swallowing, but he suddenly remembered that the king asked them to arrest two people, wouldn't it be better now, these two people were in his own In front of you, Alaga and Ye Ze, these two people appointed by the king are here, it can really be said that it took no effort at all.

"You, hurry up and tell the king that we have captured someone, and quickly send more people over to help, and, you three, hurry up, what are you doing in a daze!!"

The three guards didn't want to go up at first, but they saw that the captain was driving away people with a long sword in his hand, so they didn't dare to neglect, so they rushed towards Ye Sheng and Ala with their knives past.

"Go and catch the soldier who went to report, and give it to me (of Zhao Li)." Ye Ze said to Alaga, and then gave him a positive look.

"Okay, but you also have to promise me one thing, this little captain, hold your breath until I come back, and I will end him with my own hands!" Alaga nodded, and then began to rush towards the soldiers at the far end In the past, he would never let the soldier report this sentence to Pei Fei!

For Vinosia, and for the tens of thousands of people here, their existence is the meaning of his existence, so he can't let them have trouble no matter what!

And at this end, Ye Ze has already started gearing up, waiting for the person in front of him to attack...

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