The Strongest Guild Of The World

944: Invalidation (Seeking Automatic Subscription)

"Hmph, that's all for your attack? Now it's up to me!"

Ye Ze looked at the captain coldly, then grabbed the captain's head with one hand, grabbed the hair on the back of him, and then ruthlessly threw it to the side, smashing it against the wall With a plop, the place where the squad leader smashed over was dented with a hole.

However, Ye Ze didn't intend to let the captain go, but walked up to him, squatted down, grabbed his neck with one hand, and slapped him hard with the other. He slapped him hard.

This palm was also very powerful, knocking out several teeth of the team leader, vomited a mouthful of blood, and those teeth fell to the ground.

The team leader squeezed out tears of pain, at this moment he finally knew what kind of monster he was facing, and began to beg for mercy, "Yes, I'm sorry, I, I was wrong, I was wrong, I shouldn't do this For that kind of thing, please spare me and get around me!"

"It's late!" Ye Ze glanced at Yige's body, and then his eyes became more certain about what he was going to do and what he couldn't do. This kind of thought kept wandering in his mind. He slapped the squad leader's face again, this one was even more powerful, it directly slapped his right cheek red and swollen, and spit out a mouthful of blood on the ground again.

"Forgive me, my lord!"

"Forgive you? Then what about him, an eighteen-year-old Yige who just joined the Changbing Guard?! Who will spare his life, who will resurrect him!!" Ye Ze pointed at the lying on the side Yige roared vigorously, and then pointed at the woman lying in the pool of blood on the other side, "What about her, how can she explain that she is just a woman, an unarmed woman, you can even do it like this, really Beast!! Beast!"

Afterwards, Ye Ze kicked the ground fiercely. The position was right next to the captain's head. The power of this kick could no longer be described as strong or not. It directly shook the ground into a huge hole. The footprints kicked the surrounding ground into a deep pit, and the cracks continued to spread around here.

And the loud sound that exploded was directly close to the captain's ear, and the sound that exploded at this moment hurt his right ear. At this moment, his ear was constantly filled with that kind of "buzzing" sound. The sound was extremely noisy, excruciatingly painful, and kept rolling on the ground with his head in his arms!


His miserable wails continued to come out. At this moment, his right eardrum had been shattered, causing massive bleeding. The blood continued to flow out of the ear, dripping drop by drop on the ground.

At this time, Alaga also ran over from the other side, his hands were also covered with blood, it was obvious that he had severely beaten the person who was going to tip off the news

At least, if that person is speechless, he will naturally be unable to report the news.

"Ye Ze..." Alaga glanced at the people lying on the ground. Originally, he thought that these people had been killed, but when he saw that they were all wriggling once or twice, he knew Ye Ze had shown mercy and did not hurt their lives, so he couldn't help but look at Ye Ze with grateful eyes.

As for the squad leader who was whimpering and rolling beside him, after Alaga saw him, his eyes became fierce, and then he walked to the side of the squad leader and said in the deepest voice, "You know I don't know, what did you do just now?"

……ask for flowers…

But the current squad leader, how could he know these things? Now his eardrums have been shattered, and he can't hear anything at all. Even if Araga yells loudly close to her ear, he can only hear the "buzzing buzzing" "That's all the disorganized voice, and the painful rolling and wailing sound of myself lying on the ground.


"He can't hear it anymore." Ye Ze glanced at Alaga, then nodded.

Alaga picked up the long sword on the ground, then forcefully broke off the captain's hand, and then pressed the sword against the captain's neck, with eyes full of anger .

But when he saw the team leader's face was blood red, and even the eyeballs were covered with red bloodshot eyes, and his face was full of pain, he felt a little soft-hearted all of a sudden.

Originally, he wanted to use the same method to kill the squad leader, but at this moment, he couldn't do that.

"Hmm..." Alaga gritted his teeth fiercely, but he still couldn't pull the sharp part of the long sword away from the captain's neck.

He knew that if he pulled it away, the team leader would definitely die, and there would be no suspense at all, but he just couldn't make up his mind.

"May I help you?" Ye Ze whispered, but Alaga refused.

"No need..." Alaga dropped the long sword in his hand, and then looked at the mountain of men in pain on the ground. .

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