The Strongest Guild Of The World

945: Disposal (Seeking Automatic Subscription)

"I have my own way to deal with this person..." Alaga stood up, then kicked the captain aside, letting him continue to suffer on the ground for a while.

After all, the rupture of the eardrum is not a small matter. Generally speaking, this kind of headache-causing sound will last for a long, long time. If there is no therapeutic effect, it will continue until the effect time ends.

What's more, the squad leader now doesn't only have the injury on his ear, the injury on his body is also the most uncomfortable for him.

Only now, Ye Ze and Alaga still have things to do...  

Alaga walked up to "140" beside Yige's body and hugged Yige, while Ye Ze hugged Yige's mother's body.

"The me find out, where do they live?" Ye Ze whispered, his voice was full of sadness and sadness.

When scanning this area before, Ye Ze has recorded every place on this map in the map of all aspects and perspectives of this system. Naturally, he has already remembered where everyone lives Clearly, as long as you spend some time looking, you will know their location.

Soon, the system gave Ye Ze an exact address, which was not far away. It seems that Yige's mother also passed through this window before, and accidentally saw her son being dragged to the That place, just ran out of the house in a panic.

The doors were not even closed. Seeing this scene, Ye Ze's eyes couldn't help getting a little moist, and Alaga gritted his teeth, trying not to let himself cry.

Ye Ze and Alaga placed the bodies of their mother and son in their home. Even if they died, they should be allowed to lie quietly in this warm home. At least here is their final destination.

Afterwards, Ye Ze and Alaga also gave some money to an uncle next to Yige's house, asking him to bury them well, and after the uncle saw the wonderful street fight between Ye Ze and Alaga just now, he also He didn't dare to refuse, after all, he didn't want to be the second person to be tortured to death, so he quickly agreed.

Afterwards, Ye Ze and Alaga returned to the original place, and pulled up the team leader who was lying on the ground, turning over in pain and shaking constantly.

"Go! Come with us to the palace, I want to show Pei Fei what his subordinates look like, and I want you to see clearly what kind of ugly guy the king you look up to is!" Ye Ze ruthlessly He ruthlessly grabbed the captain's arm, put him on his body, and walked directly to the palace with Alaga!

At this moment, they don't need to dodge or hide anymore, they just walk over decisively, even if there are long guards coming over, let them see the appearance of the little captain beside them, and they will know what it will be like to become this lackey of Pei Fei In the end, what will be the fate of this lackey of Vinosia!

Sure enough, every place they passed by Changbingwei, when they saw that the captain became a bargaining chip in the hands of Ye Ze and Alaga, they didn't dare to act rashly. All of the forty or so people under him were defeated, and the remaining ten or so people who escaped all announced to them.

But those people didn't call for support, they just asked them, when they saw Ye Ze and Alaga passing by, don't stop them!

Because they are deeply aware that even if the thousands of long guards in Vinosia all attack Ye Ze and Alaga, there will be no chance of winning!

Because here, Ye Ze is a god! And Alaga is also a god!

Just like that, the two of them escorted the captain all the way to the last gate leading to the palace, as if they had entered the land of no one...

"Stop!" The soldier on the city gate yelled directly, he didn't want to let these two people come in, not to mention that they had the captain in their hands to become the threat.

"I just want to go in and meet Pei Fei, which is your new bullshit king. Don't stop me, otherwise whoever stops me will die for sure!!" Ye Ze's fierce eyes turned directly upward With a stare, those guarding the city gate lost their temper at all and dared not move at all.

After all, they have all seen the murderous aura emanating from Ye Ze's 5.1 red eyes. As soldiers, they naturally know that when a person has murderous aura in his eyes, he can do anything .

Just like the little captain next to them, who is obviously very powerful, but now he looks embarrassed, and he treats him as if he was beaten, his skin is blue and his face is swollen, so he knows what he went through not long ago, so They didn't even dare to resist Ye Ze hastily.

"How about it, can't it be opened?" The soldier turned his head and looked at his companion, a little confused, and didn't know what he should do?

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