The Strongest Guild Of The World

946: Open The Door (Seeking Automatic Subscription)

"Go... let's go.

The soldier also made this decision, and he also made another decision. After opening the door, they are equivalent to the traitors of Venusia, the country, and the king, and they cannot stay any longer. up.

But they didn't plan to stay any longer, after all, the new king was simply a tyrant, and he had killed anyone who resisted him from the very beginning, and they happened to be there at the time, just out of fear and fear I dare not leave.

Now finally a man with dawn appeared, and they also wished that he could go in and kill any tyrant. Afterwards, they all opened the door one after another, making way for Ye Ze and Alaga 27 to walk in.

"Do you think they can beat the newly appointed king if they go in?" The soldier glanced at the backs of Ye Ze and Alaga who went in, swallowed, and asked.

"Hey, what a new king, you can call that bastard villain now! ... However, I don't think you can beat it, after all, we have all seen that villain, too strong, too capable Moreover, it seems that he can use spells, even if General Alaga goes there, he is no match for him." The other soldier said with a sigh.

"Then let's go back and pack up our things later, just in case, if something happens, or if the villain doesn't die in the end, we'll hurry out of the city overnight, maybe we can rush to another city and start a new life." ,"

Even if they know that it is not easy to leave their hometown, it is still better than staying here, fearing every day, never knowing what kind of crime they will be killed by the king in the next second.

Soon, they could only pray that if Ye Ze and General Alaga go in, which villain can be brought to justice.

This palace is right in front of my eyes. This is the first time for Ye Ze to walk in, and Alaga has been here for countless times, but this time, his identity is different. From the mighty general before, to Now that everyone regards themselves as criminals who are traitors and murderers, this is only a short period of two days. There are so many developments, which is really ridiculous.

But now, they all know what the purpose of their trip this time is to bring Pei Fei to justice!

The little captain was placed in the center by them, and then the two walked into the hall together!

It can be said that when the Vinosia City was building the main hall, it was really merciful once everything was destroyed, and all kinds of places to be processed and built were aggravated, and it was very extravagant, and it was not stingy at all.

The gate is golden yellow, the walls and ceiling are also golden yellow, and there is a big hole on the top of the head, Ye Ze doesn't know why... There is a huge hole on the ground in front of him. The long red carpet stretches all the way to the end of the other end. Ye Ze knows that when walking on this red carpet, it is equivalent to walking on a road of death, but he does not intend to stop, nor does he intend to give up. It was his own request to get to this point...

It is also his destiny.

And Pei Fei was on the other side of the red carpet, on the throne that belonged to the king, quietly waiting for the presence of Ye Ze, Alaga and others.

"Ahahaha——I don't even know what to say." When Pei Fei saw Ye Ze and Alaga approaching, the expression on his face was not even the slightest bit surprised. After all, he had already realized that , If there is no movement between Ye Ze and Alaga, then they will definitely come to find him.

After all, Pei Fei has been following Ye Ze for a long time from the very beginning. He knows that Ye Ze is not the kind of person who would run away in battle, and also knows that Ye Ze never knew how to write the word "escape", so he must come back to settle accounts with himself. So even if he sealed this city, Ye Ze would still find a way.

It's just that he was a little surprised that they didn't kill the little leader, but 470 brought the little leader here instead.

"Hehe, you guys really impress me, Ye Ze, I thought you had escaped, how about you, you came back to the guild and changed your clothes?" Pei Fei also saw the one on Ye Ze's body Clothes, couldn't help laughing, "I've always thought that your guild's clothing is wrong, it's ugly, hehe, sure enough, it's still so ugly when you wear it, it's bloated."

"I am no longer your guild leader, nor are you my member. You have been expelled from the Immortal Guild now!" Ye Ze looked at Pei Fei and said coldly.

Finally this day has come, this place is also the final battle between him and Pei Fei!

"Well, sometimes I really don't know what to say to you. Really, you are too stubborn as president. In fact, you can give me the position of president now. I promise, you will do better than you !”.

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