The Strongest Guild Of The World

947: The Storm (Seeking Automatic Subscription)

"Hmph! Delusion, this immortal guild is my painstaking effort, do you think I will hand it over to anyone so casually? Especially you? That is basically impossible, unless I die." Ye Ze looked Looking at Pei Fei, he said word for word.

"Oh?" Pei Fei laughed even louder when she heard this, "Ahahaha! President Ye Ze said that, so what can I say? If you can only give me the position of president, then I am very happy to do this, because I have wanted to kill you since a long time ago!"

At this moment, a group of captain guards ran in at the door. They also came to check the situation because they thought the king would be in danger after seeing Ye Ze and Alaga running in.

But after being seen by Pei Fei, he pushed hard towards the door with his right hand, and a cloud of spiritual energy rushed over, pushing away all the soldiers on that side, and pushed hard towards the distance, All rolled down the steps.

"" The team leader couldn't understand Pei Fei's actions just now. They were just worried about Pei Fei's safety, so they came to check the situation Yes, who knew that Pei Fei would do it directly regardless of the situation, what kind of words are he thinking.

"Hmph, you bunch of trash, what qualifications do you have to stay under my hall? To put it bluntly, I don't need you at all, especially you, Pei Pei, who glared fiercely at Mustache...

The mustache's legs suddenly softened, and then he knelt down towards Pei Fei, and quickly kowtowed to Pei Fei, "I'm sorry king, I, I know I was wrong, I shouldn't be so useless, yes, it's my fault !"

Ye Ze and Alaga were also a little surprised when they saw the reaction of the mustache. After all, when he was beaten to the brink of death just now, the mustache didn't have such an excited reaction, but now he saw Pei Fei's Just one look, one small move, almost pissed his pants in fright.

What did this Pei Fei do here to make the people inside have such a sense of fear!

"Now it's finally my turn. I just want to know one thing. Why, you wanted to kill the former king and push the matter to me!!" Alaga asked sharply while waiting for Pei Fei.

However, Pei Fei was not frightened by Alaga's aura, she just shrugged and smiled, "Didn't I explain this matter a long time ago, it's all part of my plan, you and Ye Ze is all, the purpose of my doing this is just because I am playful, I want to be the king of your Venusia, it's as simple as that..."

"By the way, there is one more thing I didn't tell you. After you interrogated the commander-in-chief that day, I went back secretly, killed the commander-in-chief, and put the crime on you, so now, you Not only the murderer who killed the king, but also the murderer who killed the commander-in-chief, hey, you are so terrifying and dangerous, and you killed two important people in Vinosia in a row!"

Pei Fei made a terrified expression, but the smile on his face was not concealed at all. It was so crazy that it made people feel creepy.

"What?!" For what Pei Fei said, Alaga couldn't believe it at all. He didn't even know that behind his back, this Pei Fei actually did such a thing

These people are all people who have made special contributions to the Kingdom of Vinosia, especially the commander-in-chief. Even after he gets old, his mentality is a little unstable, and he seems a little paranoid about the pursuit of power.

But it is undeniable that the reason why Vinosia was able to stabilize earlier was all due to the commander in chief, but now, the commander in chief died tragically in Pei Fei's hands like this.

This made Alaga very angry, and wanted to rush forward to do something, but was stopped by Ye Ze.

"Don't be so impulsive, hold on tight...something is wrong here." After stopping Araki, Ye Ze said in a low voice.

Something's wrong? Alaga followed Ye Ze's gaze and looked up, but he didn't find anything wrong. The ceiling is still the ceiling, and the floor is still the floor. The Pei Fei in front of him hasn't changed at all, everything is as usual. .

But at this moment (Qian De's) a spiritual energy suddenly came to Ye Ze's side, making Ye Ze's hair stand on end, and then, a silver light appeared directly in front of Ye Ze's eyes, making Ye Ze Pushing Alaga away directly, the two of them flashed to the other side together.

However, the kneeling squad leader on the ground couldn't escape the silver light. After the silver light flashed by, the squad leader's head had already been separated from his body, and with a plop, the bulging fell to the ground. On the ground, blood flowed all over the place.

"Damn it! It's him!"

Ye Ze immediately guessed who the person who came out was!

Afterwards, beside Pei Fei, there was another person...

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