The Strongest Guild Of The World

1007: Triumphant Return (Seeking Automatic Subscription)

Chapter One Thousand and Seven

Taking advantage of their chaos, Ye Ze rushed over immediately, seeing the pool glowing with dazzling golden light, Ye Ze quickly took out the magic spell, and he quickly washed away the magic spell.

After a while, the magic spell returned to its former glory. Ye Ze nodded in relief. The shadows behind thought for a long time, and they finally rushed over.

Ye Ze fought them, and in a very short time, Ye Ze defeated them. They knew that they had no chance of winning. Besides, Ye Ze had already completed the task, and it was pointless for them to continue blocking them.

These black shadows left in a panic, Ye Ze finally heaved a sigh of relief, he immediately turned around a corner, and rushed to the front of the guild.

The members waited and looked around, and they were worried about what might happen to Ye Ze. Although Ye Ze is very powerful, he is kind by nature. If he falls into the trap of the other party, it will be difficult

Just when they were worried, they saw Ye Ze coming to the front with high spirits. The members were relieved, and they immediately ran to the front to inquire about the situation.

"Don't worry, who am I? These things are too simple for me. They are not my opponents at all."

They nodded, Ye Ze has other things to do, he can't stay for too long, he wants to find a place where there is no one, he wants to activate the magic spell again, he wants to see what effect the magic spell can have.

After a while, Ye Ze saw clearly that his previous worries were unnecessary. Suddenly, Ye Ze found a figure staring at him firmly.

Ye Ze subconsciously turned around to look, and he found that the figure had left, and when Ye Ze ran over, he found out.

Just a few members came over, and they asked Ye Ze what he found, Ye Ze was not sure, of course he couldn't talk casually.

"Don't worry about me, you all go back/]]."

They nodded, they retreated immediately, and then, Ye Ze returned to the house, he thought over and over about the true identities of those shadows.

Suddenly, Ye Ze had an idea. The figure he saw just now seemed to be exactly the same as the black shadow. Could it be that they all followed and wanted to deal with him.

Ye Ze knew that this matter could not be delayed any longer, otherwise it would have bad effects, so Ye Ze called Alaga over. Alaga was well-informed and could see through everything in his eyes.

Ye Ze told Alaga what happened during these days, Alaga's expression was very serious, he seemed to know the origin of these shadows.

"They are all members of the Dark Society."

Ye Ze was stunned when he heard it. It was the first time he had heard of this term. He really wanted to know what power this dark society had.

Alaga immediately introduced it, and Ye Ze understood that he didn't expect the strength of the Dark Society to be so powerful. Ye Ze knew that the Dark Society would not let it go, and they would definitely attack him.

Ye Ze had to strengthen his deployment. He immediately called several subordinates over. He wanted to hear their opinions. They decided to fight the Dark Society to the death.

"Well, since you've all made up your mind and I have nothing to say, let's do it this way."

They nodded, just in time, the Dark Society sent envoys over, Ye Ze clenched his fists, knowing that they were not good people.

Those subordinates all had fierce eyes. They held ice blades in their hands and wanted to fight them.

"What's wrong with you all? Why are you so restless? Since they are coming, let's learn from them. I don't believe it. They have three heads and six arms. What can they do to us?"

The subordinates nodded, they followed Ye Ze immediately, they looked forward, they saw that these envoys were all wearing armor, they must be demonstrating to themselves.

"Hmph, you're finally here, I knew it was the result."

One of the messengers came over. He first reported his identity, and then he was going to fight Ye Ze alone.

Ye Ze suddenly understood. It turned out that the other party wanted to see the power of the magic spell. In fact, he wanted to show it a long time ago. If the magic spell can disintegrate them, he can achieve the effect of killing everyone. In this way, others will not dare invaded them.

"Okay, since you guys want to come, let's give it a try."

The envoy nodded, and started fighting with Ye Ze. Everyone watched nervously. They knew that the two of them were not of the same generation.

Because Ye Ze knew too little about the Dark Society, he thought that the opponent had a lot of tricks, so Ye Ze was cautious in the fight, but now, he felt that his ideas were all wrong, and the opponent was no big deal.

Ye Ze fought fiercely with the envoy for several rounds, but the envoy couldn't hold on any longer. In the end, Ye Ze hit the opponent's weak point. The envoy was caught off guard and was finally thrown out.

Ye Ze looked at the envoy, he saw that the other party could not stand up, this was exactly the effect Ye Ze wanted to see, he looked at the other people, he wanted to know who else would dare to deal with him, and in the end they became silent, they All retreated. .

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