The Strongest Guild Of The World

1008: Heavenly Curse (Seeking Automatic Subscription)

Chapter One Thousand and Eight

The other envoys saw that their companions were defeated miserably, and they also became afraid of Ye Ze, and they were worried that Ye Ze would deal with them again.

"Ye Ze, you are lucky today, you won't have such a good chance next time."

They yelled as they backed away, and the guild members were going to run to deal with them, but Ye Ze blocked them, and finally, these messengers disappeared.

"President, what's wrong with you, are we afraid of them? We have already defeated one envoy, so are we still afraid of other envoys?"

Ye Ze sighed. He felt that they didn't understand his painstaking efforts. Ye Ze hadn't found out the strength of the Dark Society yet. If he rashly made enemies with the other party, it would definitely bring disaster to the guild, and the guild needed to develop , can no longer stand the bumps.

The members nodded. They felt that they were too reckless just now and didn't understand Ye Ze's painstaking efforts. Ye Ze told them to go back quickly. He had a premonition that these dark societies would definitely have a large-scale attack. What kind of tricks did the other party want? He still can't figure it out.

As soon as those messengers returned to the Dark Society, they explained what happened. The Dark President was shocked. His heart was very high, and he could not tolerate any failure. This time they were dispatched with 100% certainty. Unexpectedly, they still Lost face.

"You guys are really useless, if it spreads out, how can I mess around in the Jianghu?"

These envoys all begged for mercy, but the dark president's military adviser stopped the president. He felt that their fiasco this time might not be a bad thing, at least they found out the details of each other.

"It seems that the magic spell is really powerful. We all underestimated Ye Ze's skills. If we don't have a better way to deal with the magic spell, even if we all go out, it will be in vain in the end.

The president of Darkness was stunned when he heard that, he didn't expect the military commander's ambition to (chah) destroy his own prestige, he was a little angry, and he really wanted to know what the military division's clever plan was.

"According to what you said, in the future, I will definitely be defeated by them?"

The military master shook his head, he knew that the Heavenly Demon Curse was the one that could compete against the God-Spell, but the Heavenly-Spell was lost more than a hundred years ago, and no one had ever seen its true colors

Hearing this, President Darkness was very mysterious. He thought, since the Heavenly Demon Curse has disappeared for more than a hundred years, how can he get the Heavenly Demon Curse even if he is himself.

"President, we can send someone to investigate. I have received reliable news that the magic door of this day's spell is likely to be in Huang Wu's world."

President Dark thought for a while, even if there was only one tenth of hope, he couldn't give up, this is the only thing that can compete with the curse of God.

"Okay, military division, since you proposed it, I will leave this matter to you. I believe in your strength. If you can really find out the Heavenly Demon Curse, I will give you a lot of rewards."

The military division nodded, and he immediately mobilized his troops. It turned out that Ye Ze was an undercover agent in the dark society. This is also where Ye Ze was clever. He had already arranged a trump card.

When the undercover agent got the news, he immediately reported it to Ye Ze. It was also the first time Ye Ze had heard of the Heavenly Demon Curse.

Ye Ze immediately held a meeting. He wanted to see what the members present understood about the Omen Curse. Everyone was talking about it. They felt that the Omen Curse might be a hidden danger. If the Dark Society got the Omen Curse , he will definitely question himself.

The members nodded. Right now, they must prevent the dark army from finding the Heavenly Demon Curse. Ye Ze wants to go out in person. If he can find out the location of the Heavenly Demon Curse, he will be even more powerful

Alaga wants to go with Ye Ze, Ye Ze is worried about his safety, but Alaga is determined.

"President, for so many years, we have shared weal and woe. Now that you are going to take risks, how can I stay? I must go with you. As the saying goes, there is strength in numbers."

Ye Ze was very moved when he heard this. He and Alaga went on the road. They went around several places and finally found this deserted place.

"President, is this place the place that the Dark Society said [Let's go wrong?"

Ye Ze nodded. He checked a lot of information, and only this place was in compliance with the rules. They rushed over immediately, they searched a large circle, and they didn't see any suspicious people.

"I think they haven't arrived in time, we need to move quickly."

Alaga nodded, and they searched for it immediately. After a while, they saw a cave in front of them, and there was fire everywhere inside.

"Could this cave be the place where the magic spell is hidden?"

Ye Ze nodded, and they rushed over quickly, when suddenly there was loud laughter from the cave.

Ye Ze clenched his fists, knowing that their arrival was not good, and he was ready to lure the people inside out.

"If I'm not wrong, you are the guardian of the Heavenly Demon Curse. I advise you to hand over the Heavenly Demon Curse. It will not do you any harm. You can see now that I have not surrounded this place. You can still Turn over?"

The voice fell, and a golden light rushed from inside. .

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