The Strongest Guild Of The World

1036: Congratulations (Seeking Automatic Subscription)

Chapter 136 Congratulations

Young Master Tianmo's old department did not expect Ye Ze to be so powerful, they are all convinced now, there are old and young among them, if they make a mistake, the consequences will be disastrous.

These old minions all begged for mercy, Ye Ze wanted to kill them, but when he thought about using them to lure the Demon Lord out, he let go, he knew they had many uses.

"You can live if you want, it depends on how you do it, the path is your choice, I want to see your performance.

They nodded, they asked Ye Ze to quickly make a request, and Ye Ze asked them to provide the whereabouts of the Demon Lord, they looked at each other, seeming very hesitant.

Ye Ze clenched his fists at that time, and he asked again, and they all showed embarrassed expressions.

"Hmph, do you think I can't kill you, then let's wait and see, I want to see how many heads you have.

Ye Ze wanted to kill them immediately, these old minions surrendered, they had to keep their heads first, they sold the Demon Lord.

Ye Ze nodded in satisfaction, and Alaga next to him reminded Ye Ze that if what they said was a lie, it would be difficult.

Ye Ze actually thought of this too, he asked them to lead the way, if there was any mistake in the middle, they would definitely end up with no good.

They all agreed, and when they led the way for a while, Ye Ze finally saw the traces of the Demon Lord, and Ye Ze couldn't help but sigh, the Demon Lord really had two tricks, and even hid himself perfectly, if they hadn't led the way, he would have Even after searching for ten or twenty years, he could not find their whereabouts in the end.

The Lord Tianmo didn't expect that Ye Ze would find him, so he asked his subordinates to resist quickly, but Ye Ze is too powerful, they are no match.

"Young Master Tianmo, I don't want to kill you either. As long as you promise that you will never be our enemy again, I will let you live."

The young master Tianmo snorted coldly, even in a desperate environment, he would not give in to anyone, Ye Ze was very angry, he knew that if he didn't defeat the young master Tianmo, any request would be useless.

Ye Ze immediately fought over. He fought against the Demon Lord for a few rounds. The Demon Lord was obviously not his opponent. He asked his subordinates to continue attacking Ye Ze, but they were all captured by Alaga

Ye Ze looked at the young master Tianmo, he had no room to stand up now, he repeated what he said just now, the young master Tianmo compromised this time, he promised that he would never make things difficult for Ye Ze again, and at the same time he would contribute a little Approval of wealth.

Ye Ze's eyes lit up when he heard the word treasure. Now is the time to spend money. The guild's expenses are too high. If you don't use money to replenish it quickly, the consequences will be disastrous.

Alaga immediately counted the treasure and found that it was enough for them to use. He and Ye Ze carried the treasure back.

Ye Ze got a lot of treasures all at once, and he was very satisfied. At the same time, many demon subordinates saw Ye Ze's strength, and they all joined the guild enthusiastically, and the guild became lively again for a while.

Ye Ze wants to see the martial arts of these members. He is going to hold a martial arts competition, and the treasure he just got is their reward. Members are eager to sign up. This martial arts competition is more exciting than ever.

Although the White Light Society is destroyed, the Blu-ray Society is still there, and the strength of the Blu-ray Society is greater [they all discuss ways to deal with Ye Ze.

The president of Blu-ray looked at his subordinates, he knew that many of them had suffered the defeat of Ye Ze, and they all gritted their teeth in hatred.

The subordinates were eager to take revenge, and they all agreed. President Lan Guang immediately led them to set off, and when they came to the front, they found that there was no one in front of them.

President Lan Guang was a little puzzled. He felt that he had been tricked, so he asked everyone to retreat quickly. Unexpectedly, people from the guild appeared from all directions, with bows and arrows in their hands, and they shot arrows forward.

A lot of sharp arrows shot forward, and then shot down the subordinates of the Blu-ray club. The president of Blu-ray 913 broke out under the protection of others. There were scars all over the body of the president of Blu-ray, which showed that he was under the protection of others. suffered a great deal of damage.

The president of Blu-ray looked at his subordinates. He thanked them very much, but at the same time regretted that he had underestimated the opponent's strength.

Ye Ze returned triumphantly this time, and he knew that it was because of the cooperation of the members. Alaga did not expect that Ye Ze said that holding the martial arts tournament was a trick, and the purpose was to destroy them.

Alaga has to admire Ye Ze, in terms of strategy, he is indeed not Ye Ze's opponent, there are many things he has to learn from Ye Ze.

Ye Ze knew that the president of Blu-ray would not be able to turn over for the time being after this severe injury, and for the time being, they would be able to sit back and relax.

Today is the day when Tianlong City elects a new city lord. It is said that the son of Tianlong City lord will succeed him. Ye Ze wanted to congratulate him, but was blocked by the members.

"What's the matter, are you worried about my safety?"

They nodded. .

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