The Strongest Guild Of The World

1037: Revenge (Seeking Automatic Subscription)

Chapter 137 Revenge

Ye Ze knows that the son of the city lord is completely different from his father. At the beginning, Ye Ze had no choice but to do anything about his father's death. Now the son of the city lord takes over, just to stabilize the situation

Ye Ze was thinking, suddenly, Tianlong City sent a subordinate to deliver a letter, Ye Ze picked up the letter and looked at it, it was full of polite words, it was an invitation to attend his succession ceremony

Ye Ze handed the letter to his subordinates to read, and they all understood, they knew that the son of the castellan was taking this opportunity to ease the relationship between the two families.

Ye Ze put away the letter, and he immediately entertained the envoy, and then made plans for the trip.

Alaga has already prepared a lot of gold and silver jewels for Ye Ze, these jewels are enough to impress the heart of the son of the city lord, Ye Ze is very satisfied after seeing it, he did not expect that Alaga did so thoughtfully

Now, Ye Ze can go on the road, besides Araga, he also brought two attendants, they followed Ye Ze to Tianlong City.

Today is a special day for Tianlong City. There are lights and festoons everywhere, and the surrounding scenes are very joyful. They know that the son of the city lord is a benevolent city lord, and they are all willing to protect him.

In the palace of the city lord, the son of the city lord has been waiting for a long time, but still did not see Ye Ze coming, the subordinate next to him sneered, he was the confidant of the former city lord, the former city lord died tragically, he knew that it was related to Ye Ze, he hated it Ye Ze, always wanted to avenge the city lord.

"Let's get to the front. Ye Ze will come later. You can't seek revenge on him. In fact, my father's death has nothing to do with others. My father did a lot of evil, which is why this disaster happened. As long as I lead As a warning, don’t make such a mistake again, our Tianlong City will definitely prosper.”

The confidants didn't make a sound when they heard it, but just in time, footsteps came from outside, the son of the city lord was very happy, he knew it was Ye Tu who had come.

The son of the city lord greeted him personally, he immediately held Ye Ze's hand and said something, Ye Ze nodded with a smile.

"City Lord, today is your succession ceremony, you must accept these gifts."

The son of the city lord nodded, and he asked his subordinates to accept it. Ye Ze said a lot of instructions, and the son of the city lord understood them all. He assured Ye Ze that he would do well.

Suddenly, a sharp blade appeared in front of him, and he swung it towards Ye Ze, but Ye Ze blocked it back, Ye Ze saw that the opponent was the confidant of the former city lord.

Ye Ze knew that he wanted to avenge the city lord, but he didn't listen to the city lord's words and insisted on embarrassing himself, Ye Ke was furious.

The son of the city lord did not expect such a situation to happen, he immediately stopped him, and at the same time wanted to drive his subordinates back.

This subordinate looked at the son of the city lord, with a look of grievance on his face, insisting on him to uphold justice for himself.

The son of the city lord sighed, today was originally his big day, but he didn't expect to make such a mess, he was very uncomfortable.

Ye Ze knows that if this matter is not resolved today, there will be endless troubles. He has to give the other party a little bit, so that the other party will not underestimate him.

"Brother, I have a way. We can have a fair competition. If you can beat me, you can avenge your city lord. If you want to kill or cut, I will do whatever you want. If I lose, I will But I'm sorry, you can't embarrass me anymore, let's write off all the previous grievances."

After hearing this, the subordinate immediately agreed, so they all went out under the watchful eyes of everyone, and Ye Ze competed with him. Although this subordinate was very good and had learned a lot of kung fu from the previous city lord, he still lost in the end.

The son of the city lord judged the result, and he immediately went over to help him up. He knew this was the result, and he still had great confidence in Ye Ze's martial arts.

The subordinate sighed, he knelt down towards the front, and he was crying while talking.

"City Lord, I'm useless, I can't avenge you, I deserve to die."

The subordinate immediately picked up a sword to kill himself, but was blocked by the son of the city lord. He was very angry and said a lot of truth at the same time.

The subordinate's face turned red suddenly, he knew he was wrong, he admitted his mistake to the son of the city lord, and the matter passed.

When the succession ceremony was completed, Ye Ze should also leave. He walked on the road with Alaga and saw many people standing in front of him. Ye Ze knew what was going to happen.

"President, don't worry, they are all a bunch of petty thieves. They also take (Wang Wang Zhao) seriously. They all want to avenge the former city lord."

Ye Ze just wanted to see Alaga's martial arts, he wanted to see if he could defeat them with his own ability, Alaga also knew what Ye Ze meant, he rushed over immediately, and he quickly repelled them.

They thought they could trap Alaga, but they didn't expect this kind of result in the end. They were all scared and wanted to escape.

Alaga didn't want to let them go, he thought that if they let them go this time, it would be tantamount to breeding tigers, Ye Ze didn't want to hurt more people, anyway, they are also from Tianlong City, he wants to get along with the son of the city lord relation.

Aragamind Bai Yeze's meaning, he retreated. .

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