The Strongest Guild Of The World

1038: Pampering (Seeking Automatic Subscription)

Chapter 138 Indulgence

Not long after, the new city lord rushed over. Seeing these subordinates making trouble for Ye Ze, he immediately scolded them. These subordinates also knew they were wrong, and they all retreated.

The new city lord looked at Ye Ze, his face was full of guilt, he knew that it was his negligence that caused such consequences, Ye Ze didn't take it to heart, he told the new city lord not to be sad

"Okay, the matter is over, don't blame them, we should go too, and we will come back when we have time."

The new city lord nodded, and he immediately drove them away. Alaga was very angry, and he felt that the new city lord would definitely indulge them.

Ye Ze told Alaga not to worry, they still have a lot of things to do, they have to go back to Gongchen as soon as possible.

Ye Ze looked at the members, their training was full of smiles, he knew that their martial arts had been greatly improved again.

"Practice well, all of you. In the future, I will teach you even greater martial arts."

They all agreed, Ye Ze looked at 697 Alaga, he felt that it was time, Alaga's conditions were completely in line with practicing the Heavenly Mantra, he wanted Alaga to practice well

Alaga wanted to practice even in his dreams. He was worried that his strength was not enough, so he kept putting it off. Now Ye Ze proposed that Alaga was something he could only wish for.

"Okay, Alaga, let's make a deal, but you have to be mentally prepared. My magic spell can't be practiced overnight, and you will have to suffer a lot."

Alaga nodded in agreement. After waiting for a day, Ye Ze saw that the time had come. He told Alaga to practice quickly. He told the other party the method of cultivation. Alaga was very smart and learned it in a short time.

"It seems that I read you right, you are indeed a talent to make."

Alaga nodded, and after waiting for a while, Ye Ze saw Alaga's rapid progress, and he (chdh) understood that the reason why he wanted to teach Alaga the Heavenly Mantra was that he still had a task for him to do.

"What, you want me to go to Hell World to continue recruiting guild members?"

Ye Ze nodded. He believed that Alaga could complete this task. Alaga hesitated a little. In the past, he was led by Ye Ze to complete the solicitation. Now he was alone, and he was worried that he would not be able to handle it. .

Ye Ze saw Alaga's worry, he encouraged him again and again, Alaga was suddenly full of confidence, he believed in his own strength.

"Okay, I'll give you three days. During these three days, you have to go well and don't let me down."

Alaga nodded, he hurried over, and after a while, he came back, Ye Ze was stunned, and he asked immediately.

"Can I bring a few members, so that I also have a helper. I was your helper before. I think it's time for me to upgrade."

Ye Ze nodded, and he immediately arranged for Alaga. These two members are experienced, and their abilities are very strong. One person can play several roles.

Ye Ze let Alaga relax, and he believed that with the help of the two of them, Alaga would succeed immediately.

Alaga nodded. He was very touched. He set off in a hurry. After three days in a row, Alaga came back. This time, he brought many members, and they could bring great benefits to the guild.

Ye Ze looked at them, he was very interested in them, he immediately assessed them, and after a while, they all passed.

Ye Ze looked at Alaga. Although he hadn't been there in person, he could tell that Alaga had been very busy this time.

"Alaga, this time, you have contributed a lot. I can give you what you want."

Alaga was a little angry, because everything he did was voluntary, and he didn't have any selfish thoughts. Ye Ze saw what Alaga was thinking, and he also felt that he was too reckless just now.

"Okay, Alaga, I was wrong just now, please bear with me."

Alaga nodded, Ye Ze suddenly thought of a piece of emerald, which he brought from the house when he was tidying up the room. Alaga showed the emerald to Alaga, and Alaga couldn't put it down.

"Oh, what a beautiful piece of emerald, I admire it so much."

Ye Ze nodded, he told Alaga to put it away quickly, it was a very precious gift, Alaga felt that he had to go to the hell world, he felt that he still had a task


"Alaga, you did well enough this time. With your current achievements, even if you stay for a few months, you will be fine."

Alaga nodded in agreement. He felt that Ye Ze's words were right. It happened that he didn't have time to travel around, so he could make good use of this generous time.

Ye Ze nodded in agreement, and Alaga set off immediately. He visited many places and recorded them all at the same time.

Ye Ze is still busy with some things. Recently, two members rebelled against him. They actually went to another place. Ye Ze checked carefully, and he knew that this place was called Jade City.

Because of the jade produced here, it has this name. Ye Ze really wants to open his eyes.

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