The Strongest Hokage

Chapter 121 Orochimaru

Looking at a detailed battlefield intelligence analysis in his hand, Ohnogi frowned, because he felt familiar from the traces of that battlefield.

"It's very similar to the last scene. There are signs of fragmentation everywhere. If you guess correctly, it is likely to be done by the same person."

"Damn, who is this guy, and why there is no information about him at all, even the top-secret information of Konoha, there should be no news at all on this battlefield."

Unable to swear, Ohnogi threw the intelligence document on the table.

After a while, Oh Yemu took a deep breath, calmed down slowly, and a fierce cold light finally flashed in his eyes.

"Local wars are constantly at a disadvantage. In this case, there is only a real head-to-head battle."

Once a head-to-head battle breaks out, almost all the ninjas will gather, and no matter what hidden troops are hidden, they will be exposed.

After the Second Ninja World War broke out, Shayin Village, Yanyin Village, and Konoha Village were all restraining and delaying the arrival of the decisive battle. After all, no one was willing to launch a decisive battle easily.

But now, Konoha continues to gain the upper hand in local wars, Oh Yegi got the news, and even Shayin Village suffered a lot.

If the local war continues, it will obviously suffer losses all the way to the end, so in this case, only a head-to-head battle will be left in front of you.


The Land of Rain, Konoha Camp.

After dealing with the matter of the Yanyin surprise attack force, Jiraiya only felt relaxed, and walked into the headquarters a little dashingly.

But because I was too proud, I didn't look at the ground when I entered the door, so I stumbled.

One head fell to the ground. Fortunately, Jiraiya was an elite johnin after all. As soon as the back foot was exerted, the whole person flipped in mid-air, and then landed firmly in front of Hatake Sakumo.

Hatake Sakumo: "..."

cough! !

Zilai also coughed twice, and felt that he was indeed a little complacent. He killed the Yanyin surprise attack force, but it had nothing to do with him.

"Lord Sakumo, this is a summary of the complete destruction of the Yanyin surprise attack force."


Hatake Sakumo nodded, reached out to take it, glanced at it, and smiled, as if he knew it would be like this.

Seeing Hatake Sakumo's expression, Jirai became more and more surprised, and couldn't help but ask, "That Anbu ninja is really powerful and terrifying, who is he?"

"Sorry, this news is still top secret."

Hatake Sakumo also smiled at Jirai. In fact, even if he told Jirai, it was fine, but the rules still had to be followed.

As for Tsunade, you can know that because the matter of Tsunade has been discussed many times by him and Sarutobi Hizan, Tsunade is equivalent to a link between Naito Yu and the village.

"Top secret?!"

Jiraiya suddenly widened his eyes, the identity of ordinary Anbu definitely cannot bear the word top secret, so there is no doubt that Naito Yu's identity is a very high existence even in Anbu.

This made Jiraiya more and more confused about Naito Yu's identity. It stands to reason that he basically knew all the high-level and strong people in the village, but it seemed that none of them matched.

Orochimaru? Tsunade?

Obviously neither.

"Okay, don't think about it anymore, if I'm not mistaken, after the defeat of Yanyin Village this time, it should start a head-to-head battle."

"By then, you should be able to know who he is."

Hatake Sakumo said quietly to Jiraiya.

As soon as he heard that there would be a head-to-head battle next, Jiraiya's expression instantly became solemn.

In a head-to-head battle, obviously all the Konoha ninjas on this battlefield must gather together.

Moreover, it is estimated that it will completely determine the direction of the Second Ninja World War!

The mountain and rain are about to come and the wind is full of buildings.

Not just the Konoha Camp in the Land of Rain,

Even in Konoha Village in the Land of Fire, the three generations of Hokage Sarutobi Hiizhan had a solemn expression at this time.

If he hadn't known that Kazekage and Tukage hadn't personally dispatched to the battlefield of the Land of Rain, he might have been standing in the Land of Rain at this time.

"The decisive battle... is coming."

With a sigh, Hiizhan Sarutobi walked to the window and looked into the distance.

"With Naito Yu's current strength, it is extremely important in this decisive battle."

"But... can he really be trusted?"

I don't know when, I actually returned to Danzo in Konoha Village from the front line, and took small steps to the side of Sarutobi Hizan.

"Naito Yu, after all, is a foreigner."

"Sarutobi, you can use him, but you must not give him power."

Danzo looked at Sarutobi Hiizan seriously and solemnly.

Sarutobi Hizan was silent for a while, looking at the sky outside, wondering what he was thinking.


At this moment.

Naito Yu is not in Konoha's camp, but is heading towards the depths of the Rain Country.

Although Naito Yu didn't care much about the overall situation of the Second Ninja World War, he could easily feel that a decisive battle was imminent, and it should not be far away.

Before this decisive battle, Naito Yu decided to deal with Konan and Yahiko first.

Most importantly, Naito Yu wanted to see if Konan and Yahiko had already encountered Nagato at this time.

All the way.

Soon, Naito Yu returned to the place where Konan and Yahiko were taught to practice ninjutsu, but it was empty and uninhabited.

After shaking his head, Naito Yu went to a nearby town again.

However, after searching the whole town, I found no trace of Konan and Yahiko, and even Naito Yu did not get the slightest information.

It's as if the two of them just evaporated from the world!

"Strange... If Nagato suddenly disappeared from the world, it would be understandable, but Konan and Yahiko, how could this happen."

Naito Yu frowned, a little confused in his heart.

At the moment, Naito Yu made a few laps in several nearby towns, hunting down some other Ninja village scouts, and at the same time, he also inquired about some information.

But still no trace of Yahiko and Konan were found.

But what is certain is that they are definitely not dead, because they are no longer ordinary people, but ninjas.

If he is killed, there will be a lot of noise. It is impossible to hear no news like this.

Most likely, they are now staying in a place far away from here.

"In this case, there is nothing to do, but think about it, the next decisive battle will be on the big battlefield, so it shouldn't affect anything."

After taking a deep breath, Naito Yu shook his head and finally gave up searching.

However, just when Naito Yu was about to return to Konoha Camp, he encountered a person who surprised him.


The two met in a small town, and Orochimaru seemed to be on a mission to return to Konoha Camp.

Of course, Orochimaru used the transformation technique.

Naito Yu didn't recognize this person as Orochimaru at first. I have to say that Orochimaru's transformation technique is extremely perfect, or... Orochimaru may not use ordinary transformation techniques at all, but more advanced techniques.

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