The Strongest Hokage

Chapter 122 Fighting

Meeting Orochimaru in the small town, Naito Yu was just a little skeptical at first, thinking that this person might be a ninja, most likely a scout from the enemy village, so he followed him all the way.

And when he followed Orochimaru for a while and left the town all the way, after Orochimaru suddenly changed back to his original state, Naito Yu, who was ready to take action, suddenly stopped his thoughts and showed a hint of surprise at the same time.

"You've been following me for so long, you can come out now."

The changed Orochimaru turned around, with a hint of evil spirit in his tone, obviously he had already discovered Naito Yu's stalking.

After all, Orochimaru is very sensitive to breath.

However, when Naito Yu came out, Orochimaru couldn't help showing a hint of surprise. Obviously he didn't expect that the person following him was actually Naito Yu.

It's more of a chance encounter than a stalking.

"Tsk tsk tsk...I didn't expect it to be you, Naito Ye-kun."

Orochimaru looked at Naito Yu, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and there was a hint that no one understood in his eyes.

After coming to this battlefield, Naito Yu hardly saw Orochimaru, and he didn't know what he had been doing.

But at this time, Naito Yu did not catch a cold very much. To be precise, Naito Yu is not afraid of Orochimaru at all.

Maybe the future Orochimaru will be strong to the peak of the shadow level, but now he is not that strong.

"It's quite a coincidence."

Naito Yu nodded at Orochimaru, his expression and attitude were neither humble nor arrogant.

Orochimaru's attitude towards Naito Yu is not surprising, because he is still one of the team leaders of Anbu, knowing that Naito Yu belongs to the special Anbu, and his status is no lower than him.

At the same time, he also knows some feats of Naito Yu.

"I don't know what Naito Ye-jun came to this place, what is he trying to do? You should know that a decisive battle is about to begin."

"It's just some personal matters, it doesn't affect the execution of the mission, I'm ready to go back."

Naito Yu is a bit strange, because from Orochimaru's tone, Naito Yu always feels something strange.

Sure enough, the next moment Orochimaru revealed his purpose.

"I heard that Naito Yu-kun got a Kusanagi sword?"

Hearing this sentence, Naito Yu was instantly stunned. Although he didn't know where Orochimaru got the news, there was no doubt that Orochimaru was very interested in his Kusanagi sword.

But if you are interested, you are interested, and it is impossible for Naito Yu to hand over the Kusanagi sword!

At the same time, Naito Yu still had a strange feeling in his heart. Originally, he wanted to grab Orochimaru's Kusanagi sword, but now things are quite the opposite.

"People who have seen my Kusanagi sword... are basically dead."

Naito Yu looked at Orochimaru and spoke lightly, with a hint of warning in his tone.

He is a member of the Kusanagi family, and may be the only one. The Kusanagi sword belongs to him, and no one is allowed to touch it.

Naito Yu's words are not wrong. There is almost only one Tsunade who has seen the Kusanagi sword in his hand.

Everyone else is basically dead.

So far, there should be very few people who know that a Kusanagi sword has fallen into Naito Yu's hands.

"Really? Then I really really want to see you."

Of course, Orochimaru couldn't be afraid of Naito Yu's warning, but instead showed a sinister expression, sticking out his tongue and licking his lips.

Naito Yu stood there quietly, looked at Orochimaru, and said lightly: "Do you want to fight with me? Orochimaru."

"I really want to experience the methods of your peerless genius."

Orochimaru retracted his tongue and raised the corner of his mouth slightly, but there was already a hint of Ling Ran in his eyes.

In an instant, there was a surge of momentum.

Movie class? !

No, it should still be a quasi-movie grade, but the momentum is very strong,

Chakra has not reached the level of Chiyo, after all, Orochimaru is still very young at this time.

After shaking his head slightly, Naito Yu's eyes were calm, but at the same time he also raised an aura, violent, domineering, and contemptuous of everything!

If Orochimaru's aura is like a vicious poisonous snake, giving people a feeling of extreme danger, then Naito Yu's aura is like a towering giant peak, which makes people feel that it cannot be climbed!

Perceiving Naito Yu's aura, Orochimaru's eyes lit up slightly.


"Hidden Shadow Snake Hand!"

Whoosh! !

The next moment, Orochimaru waved his hand at Naito Yu, and saw that his arm directly turned into a very thick python, showing his fangs towards Naito Yu, and gnawing at him fiercely.


Facing this move, Naito Yu looked cold, bent his arms sideways, and punched out.

Click! ! !

The air on Naito Yu's side suddenly burst, and the rain that fell from the sky instantly froze in the air.

And Orochimaru's hidden shadow snake hand, like destroying the grass and pulling the rotten, began to burst from the snake's head, spreading away inch by inch, blood splashing everywhere.

Afterwards, even Orochimaru was shrouded in the force of the shock, and was suddenly scattered by the shock.

"It's really a powerful bloodline limit... I really didn't expect this bloodline limit to reach this level."

Orochimaru's body wriggled strangely, condensing from the side again.

It seems that as long as there is Chakra, he is in a state of almost immortal. Of course, it may be just a simple substitute technique.

"If it can go further, maybe it can be comparable to Mu Dun."

There was a hint of amazement in Orochimaru's eyes. Even if he knew some news about Naito Yu, the news was better than seeing it with his own eyes and feeling it.

Naito Yu stood on the spot, did not move, did not attack Orochimaru again, just looked at him calmly.

It can be felt that Orochimaru is not murderous.

Therefore, Naito Yu also has no murderous intent.

"Try this again..."

Orochimaru suddenly lay on the ground in front of Naito Yu, regardless of the muddy and wet ground, which was the snake's favorite environment.

The next moment, Orochimaru opened his mouth directly.

"Ninja! The Formation of Ten Thousand Serpents!"

Whoa! ! !

In an instant, the group of snakes frantically poured out of Orochimaru's mouth, almost like a galloping river, charging towards Naito Yu.

This is no longer a group of snakes, but directly transformed into a wave of snakes, with a monstrous momentum, crashing down.

Facing this move, Naito Yu did not show any fear, but the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and black lines appeared on his forehead.

This Nima is really disgusting!

Naito Yu was complaining in his heart. I didn't think much about this move before, but seeing a lot of snakes spit out of Orochimaru's mouth with my own eyes, the feeling was really painful.

He didn't want to be touched by these snakes at all.

So, Naito Yu didn't say a word, just punched hard.

boom! !

The air shattered violently, and bursts of air cracks with the thickness of the arm, emitting white rays of light, spread towards the entire front, as if the space was shattered, unstoppable!

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